Post a random fact about yourself

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Ah.. I was wondering because of your sig and all.. Im studying to become an Economic Engineer, still Diploma though.. we also got quite teh math classes.. tehee
fact: i have skipped my workout tonight because i was detained at the office. i really hope that i can go tomorrow.
MagSec4 said:
Well.. Mrs. Pac Man is the character that _I_ control

Have you ever seen that game? It's an antique.
But thank you. Won't you grace the forum with your singing voice? I'm sure we'd agree and for longer.
Hey man, don't forget you're younger.
I've grown up with Mr. Pac Man, we're good buddies ever since.

And no, i won't (dis)grace the forum with my singing voice, i'd have to be quite drunk to do that. ;)
Northern Viking said:
I tried helping her as well but apparently I scared her away.. she went offline and hasnt been seen since :err:
:( sorry, my internet connection sucks, last night it crashed and didn't come back anymore. anyway you helped, i realized it was a very easy thing like i suspected, i just didn't know how to behave with it cause i lack all the basis of maths (due to high school).
Fact1: Im glad to hear I helped after all :p
Fact2: I flatout hate tuesdays :zzz: I always fall asleep during one class and I always end up with a headache..
Fact3: I fell asleep during the halftime of Real Madrid - Bayer Leverkusen and woke up like 20 minutes ago :loco:
Fact4: I have to get up again in 4 hours!
Ive been sitting here for two hours and all I have to do is fill in the correct digits in this protocol my friend gave me but I just cant figure it out.. also, our documentation is a mess so I get kinda lost looking for the digit I need..
I hate this :zzz:
fact 1: after two super-busy days today is super-relaxed... I risk to fall asleep and break my head in two on the desk...
fact 2: finally I'm going to live with two friends of mine in a big apartment near work... and now parties all nights!
fact 3: as a consequence, all my money will go in the maintainance of the house, and I'll never be able to buy a disc again...
fact: i feel cold very easily, and i love warmth (hah). i can slowly get more resistant to cold when i'm exposed to it for some time, and then i'll be more lightly dressed than most people in this town, but right now i'm in my house with my jacket while the central heating is on. :erk:
Fact: i might have done something very stupid last night with the help of my phone, luckily not so stupid to involve my ex.
Fact: last night there was a earthquake, it wasn't dangerous here though.
Fact: i'm still being stupid at the phone now.
Hiljainen said:
Fact: last night there was a earthquake, it wasn't dangerous here though.
i felt it. it was around midnight and i was on the phone with lina. the bed rocked two times, but i missed my chance to tell her "baby, you're so rocking my world!" and instead settled for "hold on, there's something wrong".
nobody else in my house felt anything, though.

i felt it too, i was watching tv with friends, we were sitting on the bed and at the beginning i thought one of them was moving causing us all to move, but then i saw other stuff in the room moving and i realized what it was.
-Your earthquake was on the news here
-I might wear a normal, longsleave shirt with collar and everything tomorrow, with a decent pullover.. which means that for the first time in 2 years, Id be dressing normal, and unmetal!
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