Post a random fact about yourself

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rahvin said:
but i missed my chance to tell her "baby, you're so rocking my world!" and instead settled for "hold on, there's something wrong".

And I didn't even believe him when he said, "I think there was just an earthquake." :(
leprosy said:
Fact: I'm polish
Your signature makes me feel weird...because I think it would look a lot better if the finger was "pointing" at the guy in the computer chair, not his friend who's looking over his shoulder.

I'm going to need glasses. :hypno:
fact 1- i was confused today thinking i had gotten the time and place of my class wrong... but it turns out it ended last week. i didn't notice.

fact 2- the people in suprnova should label their movies better, this is the second time i end up downloading something in the wrong language :bah:

fact 3- i was feeling more masochistic than usual today and went to the bookshop, and spent my money that was meant for food.
I won a little battle over my sociophobia today.. I presented two of the tasks that were our homework.. it feels nice to know that Im able to stand in front of people and explain something without freaking out or anything.. I think I did pretty good and say what you want, I call it a battle I won :)
Beer's on me, free drinks all around!
fact: i actually once caught a friend of mine jerking off. we were sharing a room (separate beds) on holiday. i woke in the middle of the night because of a hayfever attack. i couldn't breathe and i thought i was hallucinating when i heard frantic movement from the bed besides mine - then i heard the following sounds in this sequence:

- an elastic slapping something
- a packet of something being opened
- nondescript other noise
- again, an elastic slapping something
- my friend turning in the bed
- his breathing turning to slow and steady

(his hand came out of his boxer shorts, went straight to the nightstand to get and open the tissue packet; he cleaned himself up with a tissue, then his hand came out of his shorts again, and he slept, finally satisfied)

the following day i gave him hell for that. i still occasionally give him hell for that, come to think of it. :lol: :lol:
fap bedtime stories. our favourites.

fact: at the time of the above events i was in the next room with my then-girlfriend, and there was no slapping of anything taking place. as far as i remember, and unsurprisingly, i was however awake.
@somejoy: i don't know - i went back to sleep as soon as my hayfever bout was over...

fact: my plan for the rest of the night entails watching some music videos, reading a teeny bit of fanfiction and then sleeping. i'm really knackered.
Cheers Mag! :grin:
Fact: hyena has weird friends :err: He kept on masturbating while you had your hayfever attack? WTF?
Fact: I could have lived without knowing any details really ;)
Fact: I'll empty my wheat beer, watch "Grave of the Fireflies" and call it a day. A good one :)
@nv: he didn't know i was awake. i didn't sneeze, i woke up because i couldn't breathe. but i didn't say anything.
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