Post a random fact about yourself

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MS4: hehe yeah :P but it's in swedish so you can't read it. It's fun because it creates attention in school and thats interesting seeing how different people react to it. And yeah silly of you to get in the lin two times :P
@nv: i know this is embarassing and all, but i think i want to know your porn screenname. i expect it to have me in fits of laughter. :)
fact 1- you should make a thread with excerpts from your story, so we can decide if it's good or not. as a sort of "market research"

fact 2- my roommate made pancakes for us today :)

fact 3- whoa. i can't believe i just heard a guy say that porn is gross. that is the first time i come across a male that says so.
Child of Time said:
I just happen to think that porn is gross. :yuk:
One might want to distinguish some kind of difference between a "sex novell" and "porn". Of course sometimes they can be quite the same, but I'm not sure if that kind of generalizations are necessary.
hyena said:
@nv: i know this is embarassing and all, but i think i want to know your porn screenname. i expect it to have me in fits of laughter. :)
I was thinking of "Jack Johnson" :grin:
But then again, the day before, I was talking with a friend about music, and he told me about a certain "Porno guy"... Turns out his name was "Jack Johnson" and he's doing nouvelle vague stuff or something.. but my friend said that he had the perfect pornstar name :lol:
Fact: tomorrow there's a huge strike
Fact: i have no idea if my professors are included, but i have to go because one of the teachers (english, the most useless lessons i've ever seen) doesn't allow us to do the exam if we don't go there almost every useless time.
Fact: the site of the trains is the worst thing, it didnt say anything about the stirke and now it just stopped working. i want to painfully kill someone.
lol always funny to see how people react when you say you're writing this kind of stuff :P

yeah it's a short story not a novell (as CoT said there was a miss in the translation)

Dunno about any "market research" :P I write them in swedish and I'm to lazy to translate them into english for thoose of you who wants to read them.

btw: what is a porn screenanme? I always go under the nickname sedrik or polkafis666 when i''m online (sounds like we are back in the late 80's :P)
fact: My PC is producing a weird high noise, and I don´t like it at all. I am probably going to send this fucker to get fixed, which means that I won´t be here or in MSN for godknowshowlong time.
fact2: I use my computer at least 3h/d.
fact3: I am going to crack. :cry:
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