Here's my setup right now. Not pictured here is the custom chip-amp I've got hooked up to the microKORG to drive the Marshall cab.

not my actual photographs
Ibanez S7420
Crazy! Is it weird to play with the frets tapered like that? Or easier? I remember hearing about these basses years ago, I always wondered what they'd be like to play...
if you ever get a chance to play one, do it, then buy it
I'd love to have a go on one, but I'm fine with my basses thanks. I don't think I'll ever need to update. The only other bass I'd love to buy would be a vintage Fender Jazz.
theres always a need to upgrade. i thought i would be happy with my nj warlock that i got sr year in high school. ive bought 4 other basses since then.
order more! get an 8 string or somthin hehehe.
i dont think ive posted the picture of my newest baby. well, its not new anymore, its about a year old. soon i'll be ordering a carvin 6 string fretless, ill post the pictures when i can.
kramer made a rhoads?