Post pictures of your Gear and Guitars!!

i just started playing guitar...
B.C. RICH WARLOCK bronze edition

15 watt marshall amp

Recently I'm using just a TS-9 and a NS-2 with my amp
My Pickups : Duncan Distortion (bridge) Jazz Model (Neck)
This is my gear, an LTD EX351 with a dimebucker (fucking awful guitar) and an ESP SV with two EMG 81s and the hardware from an ESP Alexi Laiho Sawtooth. I've got a Strat with lace sensors and a Dimarzio pickup too, but thats at college. And it goes through a peavey JSX and some joke of a randall cab.
i just spent 400 on new emgs for that kramer and a new trem all new electronics basicly. fucking gold plated... if only i was made of money. i actualy bought the 81/85 setup... it isnt set up for active but i had it set for it... sounds so nice.
i'm guessing that the SV is a custom shop guitar, mainly because i've never seenthe half cut body style like that outside of the alexi sig. models
damnit...that makes me mad, especially since i've been trying to find a ESP like that without dishing out over 1000$ for an alexi model
checked up on the SV, theres plenty that ship to the US. problem is, i could go to a US shop and pay less for an ESP alexi model (not the LTD version) and pay less for it than i would for the SV...without shipping or a case
i know, i don;t really like em much, although the SE that they just put out doesn't look too bad. but the point is, their still less, which is kinda bullshit
It would've been easier to get the US Alexi, guitar shops in the UK seem to ignore the fact that they can actually get the 'real' model. But I don't see the point in getting a signature series that he doesn't even play, and the SV has the neck pickup too, though I never use it. I'll probably get a Jackson RR24 next if I don't succumb to a 7 string, though every time I listen to Nevermore it seems more likely...
^The RR24 looks fucking amazing, but after playing one i've decided it really isn't anything special. I'd fucking kill for a 7 string, i'm leaning towards Caprison for answers :D
i have a shecter Damien 7. it's a good guitar, after i got a factor defect with the frets fixed, the actions good, and the the fact that it's string through body adds sustain. but i really don't like that it's a bolt neck, and the EMG's on it put out a real sludgly tone, which isn't the sound i really like.