Post pictures of your Gear and Guitars!!

Hail Rig Raza !
Nice mate!!! What's happening on the floor??? I can't make out what pedals they are.
On the folor is an Engl Z5 to operate the pball, a korg pitchblack, an MXR Carbon Copy and a BBE Sonic Stomp.
there is space on that home made pedal board for 2 more pedals but aint decided what I would like to bless the board with yet.
Ampeg SVT 450 head, BBE 362 sonic maximizer and unfortunately a Crate 2x15 cabinet. It actually sounds pretty decent for a Crate cab but that won't save it from being replaced with an Ampeg 8x10 this summer.

My main bass, BC Rich NJ Neck-Thru series Mockingbird,

This used to be my main bass, now it's pretty much my backup if I pop a string on stage. BC Rich NJ Neck-Thru series Warlock.
How are the RG sevens? I played one of the cheaper ones and didn't like it, but then again it was cheap.

It depends what model you play.
The RG 7321s are very average guitars, made in Korea or Indonesian (depending on the year).
The RG 7420/7421/7620/7621s were all Japanese made, have a far better and easier to play neck, significantly better construction quality.
The RG 1077X/2077X I've never had a chance to play, but they are legendary for their quality and playability.
The RG 7421 I have in particular is way more resonant and solid than any of the RG 7321s I've played.
It's still no ultra high end guitar, granted, but they make great workhorses with massive room for modification.
The S series is much better

Depends on what you want, neither is inherently 'better' just different.
I chose the RG because I need 24 frets, which in effect also moves the lower cutaway back a bit to allow better access to the 22nd fret than what you get on a 22 fret guitar.
I also prefer how a neck pickup sounds on a 24 fret guitar (brighter, less thick) too.
The body shape on the S series is amazing though.
Another reason for going with my RG 7421 is that I prefer fixed bridge guitars (I'm for the most part, not a trem user), and the only S series to come with a Wizard one neck that I like in 7 string format is the S7420.
I GAS for S7420FMT models all the time, but the trem puts me off, the LoTRS7 trem is not to my liking I'm afraid, that said I could always buy the guitar and block the trem or just set it to down trem with no up trem.

Caparisons are better than both.

Haha, that is true, but it's also true a brand new 7 string Caparison is going to be a lot more expensive than a mid range 7 string like mine anyway and a high end guitar versus a mid range guitar isn't a totally fair comparison, they are too totally different price points aimed at different sections of the market. As amazing as they look and must play and sound like, unfortunately Caparison is stupidly expensive in Australia, so it's not really feasible for me to buy one.

IC400, set neck, Duncan Phat Cat in the neck (it's a real P-90, just fitted for humbucker routing), Dimebucker in bridge, bridge volume "Condition Black", neck volume "Condition Blue".


self explanatory, Digital Reference wireless on top. note: this amp is a recent buy...not the setup used on the Skyliner demo...

Pedals are your standard Bigfoot footswitch for the Mesa and then a Zoom 505II multi effects pedal which is put through the effects loop and set on the clean channel (a major advantage this model of triple rectifier has for me), so I can switch to clean and immediately have whichever clean effect on it alone, phaser, reverb, anything.. that I've cycled through beforehand. I have a lot of need for going instantly back and forth from my crunch to an altered clean so the setup is perfect.
I don't have any current pics of everything together, unfortunately, but here goes:

Agile PS-900. Seymour Duncan Distortion and DiMarzio Air Norton. Customized wiring.

B.C. Rich USA Gunslinger. Joe Barden HB and S-Standard. Stock bridge replaced with Ibanez Lo-Pro Edge.

B.C. Rich USA Warlock bolt-on. Joe Barden HB pickups. Currently for sale (with stock pickups, though).

Charvel CX390. EMG 81 and 85, 18V. Custom pickguard, customized bridge.

HevAri Dragonrider. Seymour Duncan Custom-7 and '59-7. Custom-designed by me and built by me with help from a few other luthiers. This is my #1. POS Coffin Case because it's the only one I have that fits it, and I haven't been able to afford a custom flight case yet.

LTD M-207. DiMarzio New 7 pickups (stock from Ibanez RG7620). Picture taken during restoration process (given to me by a friend, in dire need of a cleanup and proper setup).

Engl Savage 120 --> Ampeg V-412TL loaded with 2 Celestion CL80s and 2 WGS British Leads in an X pattern
VHT Deliverance 60 --> Veretone custom-built 4x12 loaded with VHT/Eminence P50Es
Engl Z-7 MIDI interface and Digital Music Corp. Ground Control for channel switching on the Engl. I also use a modified Ibanez TS7 overdrive pedal set as a clean boost through the VHT.