Post pictures of your Gear and Guitars!!

i got me a marshall half stack with a gibson explorer, replaced the pickups with emg81/85x's and a white pearl pickguard.
oh btw im new to the forum so HI! nice to meet you.



I'll try to figure out how to load more photos, been trying to go through photobucket and its kind of a pain. Havent you ever heard three heads are better than one!?? I mostly mess around with home recording now and want to be able to get alot of tones. I play both kinds of music, heavy and metal:):rock:
Not pictured,gibson Les paul Standard w/ emg's, Gibson Gothic Explorer w/ Emg's, Fender Katana w/ emg 60 and Khaler trem( retarded out for wank shredding!)
I don't have any photos but my electrics are:

Ibanez RG350EX
Dean Baby ML (my first guitar)
Vintage V100 (Les Paul copy)
PRS SE Soapbar (soon to be sold to make way for a Faded Flying V)

And my rig:

Peavey Delta Blues (because it has a 15" speaker so I get killer low end, and it has a gorgeous clean tone)
Marshall Jackhammer (for classic rock OD/distortion)
Hardwire TL-2 (for the br00talz)
Digitech Whammy IV