Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

Another Earth - 6/10 the film was too ambitious and the sci fi plot behind the main story besides having great ideas, it fails to deliver something with substance.
Fargo - 5/10 Man I cant understand why the high rate of this movie. The characters are annoying, the acting seems almost amateur sometimes and the develop of characters is almost inexistent.
I don't remember if I've already posted some of these but here we go:

Killing them softly - 4/10. Not my movie at all. boring as hell.
Movie 43 - 8/10. Funny as hell. Really random though. Like a middle finger for the critics.
Here comes the boom - 7/10 (almost 8). This was really a surprise. I expected this to be a 5 or maybe even a 6, but this was actually really enjoyable. Not really my genre, but still worth the watch.
The Grey - 8/10. Surprisingly good. Expected nothing but this had some really tense scenes and a good story.
The Purge - 6/10. Good idea, but it wasn't used to the full potential. Really predictable. But watchable.
Despicable me 2 - 8/10. Better than the first one in my books. Love animations.
Monsters university - 9/10. Really, really enjoyable film. A must see.
Full Metal Jacket 9/10

If only for the first 45 minutes, holy dogshit Gunnery Sgt Hartman is my new favourite movie character of all time.

Spring Breakers - 2/10.

Holy jesus, that movie sucked. Vanessa Hudgens is one of my favorite actresses (well... more so because I think she's super pretty...), but not even her being in it could save it for me. I was hoping it's be worth it just on the fact that her and all of the other characters are in bikinis for 90% of the movie, but not only is she completely vile in half of her lines (cusses like a trucker and most of her script just sounds filthy half the time - and not in a good way), but she's also a total whore in the movie. The script is completely laughable and there's just a bunch of random cut scenes of naked girls flashing the camera for no apparent reason.

I mean, I like boobs as much as the next guy, but WTF? I'm pretty sure there was zero point to this whole movie.

Worst of all, Redbox said it was a comedy. The only thing funny about this movie was James Franco with grilles and cornrows. I was expecting some dumb/raunchy teenage/college flick, but I don't even know what to call that movie. This is the first movie I've ever wanted to just turn off after the first 10 minutes... but I stuck it out hoping for something better, and it never came. The whole thing just made me feel awkward and dirty, like I needed to take a shower afterwards :P

If you just want to see a bunch of boobs, it might be worth it... just watch the movie on mute. Save yourself from the horrible story line and script.
more than one little twist to really keep it interesting to the end

Saw it a couple of days ago as well and I thought the same at first, but in the end it felt more like a re-hashing of the Terminator movies, Minority Report, and The Matrix (to name a few).
Rango Unchained

Both were alright, didn't feel like I wasted my time but neither felt like something I would want to really watch again.

(Rango was pretty good, ILM kicks Pixar's ass every which way)