post your gay pics here

I find it unlikely she's going to abuse that anyway. Seems most open couples DON'T go wild with their sex drives, if they do it at ALL. The infamous swingers are a minority.
it's good to now have a clause in there where "in case something were to happen, it's fine. just don't tell me" :tickled: I don't expect her to, but eh. whatever. it's one thing to hear "oh, i rawked his cawk" and another to see a picture of some dude i never saw before. pictures from between our "dating" stints are fine, since whatever she did then wasn't any of my business. but yeah, back to gay pictures.
*pets will*

no one else is as cute or him or makes me laugh, so he has nothing to worry about.

i met the guy when i took my car to get an oil change. i asked him if he was single, he was, we went out a few times, and then he just stopped calling me or responding to my calls. no sex was had, thus making it a waste of my time.

i went on dates with three guys in the time that will and i broke up, and i found that "dates" are pretty much useless. pretty much all of them were just me thinking "holy shit... why do people do this? this is the most useless thing i could possibly be doing." but having someone pay for my dinner was awesome.

moral of the story - will wins. way to be the only guy i will have sexy-time AND a conversation with!
"in case something were to happen, it's fine. just don't tell me"


I'm going to regret perpetuating this stupid thread hijack, I can already see it.

The correct clause is "in case something were to happen, it's fine. Just DO tell me, so I can make informed decisions about my health before I sleep with you again."

Not that I'm calling Laura a whore.

Try not to suck any dick on the way to the parking lot, Laura :heh:
No, Will, you say this:

and that dude biting Laura's neck kinda looks like Max. And Will kinda looks like Joe in his original post here.