There's nothing to iron. He is pretty squared and refuses to ship to any other address than the confirmed by Pay Pal. We already have once an argument in another forum, he only cares for the USA customers (like you) and does not move a finger to make things easier for people outside. Hes a grown person, he can manage his business as he fits him.
Rush - "Snakes & Arrows"
Hellhound - "Tokyo Flying V Massacre"
Aska - "Nine Tongues"
Hammerhawk - "Breaks Loose" (thanks Hawk for getting me into this one)
Kurgan's Bane - "Camouflaged in Static"
Onward - "The Neverending Sun"
Some notes:
Even if Onward album came out these year is just a demo from 2003 that was compiled and addded with three bonus tracks. Unless the two albums they did for CM this one lacks of production (very much demo sound). Nevertheless is an excellent album from a now defunct band and I recommend it not only to fans of onward but to fans of good metal with power attitude as well.
I also recommend people to get into Cypher Seer another project with Michael Grant on vocals (I already ordered it and its on my way

) and of course Crescent Shield if you hadn't yet.
NP: Onward - 'The Neverending Sun'