Post your non-music hauls here

Line 6 Spider 3 HD150(150 watt Head)
H.P. Lovecraft's From Beyond(DVD)
Chargers knit hat:

The Dunwich Horror expansion to the board game Arkham Horror.A remarkable title. If you have someone to play it with, it's extremely fun. In fact, it might be the finest board game I've ever played. I heartily recommend it to all horror/adventure fans.
Bought myself a little 2GB Panasonic MP3 player yesterday for pretty cheap. I just wanted a little something to bring along on my trip to Florida here in a couple of days.

This morning I realized I accidentally cut the ear buds it came with in half and I can't seem to find the comfy Skull Candy ear buds I used with the old player so it looks as though I'll have to brave the insanity of Wal Mart today and get another pair.

I also bought vodka last night. That was fun. :)
Good point.

We should just get down to the drinking and fucking.

It's not a problem that it will take me at least 30mins to cum?