Post your non-music hauls here

It's a netbook, so it's supposed to be cheap and lightweight. Supposedly it can be upgraded to 2GB though.
Hiking, camping, long drives, times when I just want to be outdoors with a laptop and not have to worry about a fucking outlet, etc. I do a lot of writing when I'm out and about, and I also want to start training some voice recognition software when I'm in the car so I can dictate while driving and have multitasking craziness. My current lappy is bulky as hell and has like one hour of battery charge. This netbook is relatively cheap, easy to take places, and will fill a specific niche in my life. Eventually I'll save up and buy an uber-powered desktop PC for gaming, programming and all that stuff.
- Apache: The Definitive Guide (3rd Edition)
- Practical C++ Programming, Second Edition
- CSS: The Definitive Guide
- Ajax: The Definitive Guide
- Linux Phrasebook

No, I'm not currently enrolled in any programming classes (or school at all for that matter). These books are actually for pleasure reading.
Shit, I could use most of those myself. Only I don't really get why you'd need a whole textbook on CSS.

I definitely want to set up my own web server, though, which will be my excuse to learn both Linux and Apache. I'm probably going to rely on Internet + friends for that though.
Shit, I could use most of those myself. Only I don't really get why you'd need a whole textbook on CSS.

I definitely want to set up my own web server, though, which will be my excuse to learn both Linux and Apache. I'm probably going to rely on Internet + friends for that though.

I picked up the CSS and AJAX books mainly to use for occasional referencing. All of these books sell for basically nothing as used on Amazon, thanks to college students. I very much prefer these books to scouring the Internet looking for answers.

Do it! I recently picked up a virtual private Linux server and it's been so much fun to mess with. I also dual boot Ubuntu and Vista on my laptop. Hopefully at some point I'll become educated (read: patient) enough to run a "real man's" variety of Linux at home.

By the way, if any of you UM bloggers want some real web hosting for cool purposes feel free to shoot me a PM. I've got plenty of space and bandwidth to share.
Just won the Morbid Tales hoodie that kil put on eBay.

I have it packaged now and ready to send out tomorrow. It's going out as Priority Mail so expect it soon.

Fuck, I was going to buy that along with the Master hoodie. Completely forgot about it.

The Master hoodie never sold so if you want it PM me. I'll let you have it for my minimum asking price which was $15 + $6 shipping.
WDTV + Seagate FreeAgent Go 1TB portable hdd


Best toy ever.
- Marvel Ultimate Alliance II (XBOX 360)

- Watchmen DVD (Special Edition)

- Frommer's Prague & the best of the Czech Republic - 7th edition guide (want to spend part of my 2010 vacations there) :kickass:
Bought a new xbox360 recently to use as a media centre. A friend lent me call of duty 4 and I've become hopelessly addicted to the multiplayer free-for-all. God I suck at it though.