Post your non-music hauls here

Fridge, oven, dishwasher, Washing machine and dryer, 3 place couch and 1 place couch, 6 piece bedroom set, kitchen table and chairs, wall unit and 2 small table for the living room. Total: Expensive.
Dimmu Borgir shirt with a burning pentagram. very fiery.


cabelas adam and eve deluxe. rated to +15. i also bought the appropriate sheets so i can wash your moms juices off
um, no. only whiskey.

and i'm not bringing both bags. just the one. hopefully it packs down small enough. i'm only bringing my overnight/carry on pack
i hope so. my other bag is a gigantic -40 bag, and i really dont want to bring that with me. i cant even fit the bag in my small pack by itself!

checking luggage ftl