post your odd/bad/good dreams

i've only been halfway lucid, i guess. i have a lot of dreams where i know i'm dreaming, but i haven't yet been able to control them, or at least if i have, i haven't realized it.
ct_thrash said:
i've only been halfway lucid, i guess. i have a lot of dreams where i know i'm dreaming, but i haven't yet been able to control them, or at least if i have, i haven't realized it.

haha, whenever i laugh in a dream, i know i'm laughing out loud, and try to stop, and then i usually wake up.....something that was odd was the night my grandpa died, my grandma heard me laughing in my sleep. this was before anyone knew he was dead, but at about the time he died.
Well CT..if you are aware of the fact you are dreaming,
you are on your way.
There are things to check it, though..
Little tests you can do but when you notice you are lucid?
It can be a shock, really!!

* try to search for a light-switch. If you try to switch on/off the light?
nothing happens! (unless you're a sleepwalker, hehe ;) )
* Try to see if there's a clock. Clocks usually stand still.
* go search for a window..and try to put your hand against the glass.
You'll notice you can put your hand through the open space.

Ok, everyone has his own way of checking if one is lucid.
Some people even see visions while opening their eyes, during a lucid dream. But those people are in control of it, i am lucid, but not always.

I've been getting better though with my path to lucid dream, I just started writing them down (or telling them to others) , makes a difference
Hell, the dream I recall most was where I destroyed most of the west coast of North America with a shovel (Yes, a SHOVEL) because I was pissed at the fact that a music store didn't get a CD in like promised. I think it was a Bathory CD.
well it's not like we need the west coast anyway
hmmm.....i had a dream the other night that you could buy contact lenses out of the little 25 cent goodie machines at grocery stores, and they would perfectly correct your vision....ha, if only.....
that's one i've yet to see.....i used to dream of zombies chasing me, almost every night, heheh, that's stopped finally. neverending zombie chases went on for years!!! they were scary but at the same time fun, woo hee
many times i knew that i was dreaming
for example once i was dreaming a nightmare and i tried to wake up ...
or an other time i was flying ( of course!) and i could see the clouds and fields ..and i heard this voice "WAKE UP WAKE UP" and there was a friend of mine screaming .. oh well ..
i have seen many really weird dreams ...i have seen 2 times a Psychotic Waltz concert, 3 times a Queensryche concert , and many stuff.
anyone had an astral projection ?
i told someone some weird things in my sleep that were not dreams , but i was not awake either , she said i had "astral projections"..
amazing experience , but i know that someone may die from it .