post your odd/bad/good dreams

dream interpretation is a good skill to have, I always go about interpreting my dreams, suprising what you can learn...

eh, either way, I liked what he had to say... lol...
Guerrilla said:
And here's how Freud would explain your dreams... remember, always aggression and sexYou've met many guys that you think you can have a good relationship with, but in the end all they care about is how to get in your pants. Alternatively, you know someone you wanna get together with (Chromatose), but you're afraid he's so weird, he's way out of your league.Ah yes, the classic dream of running in place and not going anywhere, wanting to fly but instead you just hover etc. I don't know how Freud would explain this in terms of aggression or sex. Maybe he'd say that you too are thinking about a certain someone and you want to fly to her (him?), but you're afraid you'll get rejected and you hold back.That's just some good shit, aggression and sex together. As infants, we get pleasure from our mouths. We like sucking stuff, chewing stuff, biting stuff etc. Now, Freud said that if during that stage of your life, as an infant, you got too much or not enough pleasure from doing any of the above, you become fixated on that stage, in this case the oral stage. That's what probably happened with you, so you've got an oral personality. You like doing stuff with your mouth. But when it comes to giving a woman oral pleasure, you're just afraid, it's too nasty or something. Maybe you unconsciounsly think you'd much rather suck some guy's dick which is cleaner and all than have to deal with a vagina.Freud would say... you don't need help, you just need to fuck more, to relieve yourself of all the sexual tension.Classic... Freud said that as kids, we are attracted to our opposite-sex parents. So you were attracted to your dad. However, you saw your mom getting all of dad's sexual attention and you were unconsciously jealous of her. So jealous, that in your dreams, you wished she was dead, and saw her getting chopped up and everything. However, when you woke up and your conscious self took over, you felt guilty about thinking that and started crying. Hypocrite.Get a punching bag.

What about me????
Sorry About Seeming "snooty" Yesterday
Yesterday Was "april Fool's Day" And A Lot Of The "pranks" Were Really Malicious And I Almost Got Arrested Here But I Couldn't Tell U About It Cuz The Police Had To Escort Me Off The Property Even Though They Couldn't Actually Arrest Me (several People That Know Me Really Did Get Arrested Though)
Sorry About Seeming "snooty" Yesterday
Yesterday Was "april Fool's Day" And A Lot Of The "pranks" Were Really Malicious And I Almost Got Arrested Here But I Couldn't Tell U About It Cuz The Police Had To Escort Me Off The Property Even Though They Couldn't Actually Arrest Me (several People That Know Me Really Did Get Arrested Though)

It's cool, we all go a little snooty sometimes. What did u do to almost get arrested?
It was said jokingly , I promise. :D

I just don't hear snooty very often, so therefore its use kinda makes it fall under its own definition.
Chromatose said:
It was said jokingly , I promise. :D

I just don't hear snooty very often, so therefore its use kinda makes it fall under its own definition.

Yeah, it does, I don't mean it in a "snooty" way though, lol.

How come L_R_D can type all in capitalized letters?
I dream lifting Guerrilla's tutu up over his hairy buttocks, and saying, "okay hon, bend over, I'll drive."