post your odd/bad/good dreams

haha, i bet so. it's funny, i don't recall any devil stick dreams...but if i think about it i will...just like when i realized i hadn't had any dreams that involved any of you guys...then of course i did.....go ahead and get your mind out of the gutter, heh
TheSinMakesYouReal said:
Are you sure it was a squid and not a tadpol? Might have been after a sexual experience (weeks or more) that you were afraid you might have got pregnet???
hmmm no i was only about 13 at the time, sheesh....and yes, it was definitely a SQUID!!!!!!
TheSinMakesYouReal said:
Maybe you too have a fetish with toliet bowls.
i must admit, that is true.....i even made a christmas tree ornament this past christmas where santa is playing a drum and sitting on a little toilet...i've thought about making a whole line of christmas tree toilet ornaments
I had a dream..and i remebered it, while i was walking through the mall, where i work...
i was doing some shoppings and my eyes fell on a card and BANG!!! i remembered i had a dream...
I was in a house with some of my friends..
i never been in the house, but it was cool there..
Big, plenty of rooms and we were with many people in there.
I got mail, in my dream. (Which i could hardly understand because that house was in the middle of nowhere!!)
I got a card and when i opened it and unfold it?
It appeared to be a map.
Full of clues and music..(handwritten) still don't know what, how or why because i couldn't actually read it, dunno why i didn't, the feeling was good already. I only know it was a good dream.
I woke up by the alarm, listened to the radio (i don't have that annoying beep all the time, i just wake up with music!)
And another day was waiting for me, i'm glad it turned out to be a great one! Cleaned up, sold records, went to the gym, watched a dvd together with Simone..i'll go to bed within a few.
a new day is calling!!


Guerrilla said:
Randall Flagg crucifying resistance people represents your school system screwing you over. Your friend Max is probably someone you look up to, maybe he has a super-hot girlfriend...?, so in your dream he's your leader. The guards could very well represent your teachers, or people that piss you off at school. So, you and whoever deserves to be your friend, wear trenchcoats, Matrix-Style, or Columbine Trenchcoat Mafia style, and you go off to kill everybody.

But your ego, the part of your personality that tells you what's right and what's wrong, knows what you're about to do is wrong, so you don't get to see yourself doing it.

Either way, I think the people at your school are fucked. Sooner or later you'll go nuts and gun down everybody.

Hmmm...Max's girlfriend is all right, but I think it's more likely because he's good friends (platonically) with Mara, who's incredibly fucking hot.

I don't think I'll gun down anyone at this old high school, maybe, but not this one. But ya never know.

Thanks for the analyzation.
I've had many lucid dreams. You don't have to 'be lucid' to have them. You just get them sometimes. I would be able to hover, and jump as far and as high as I wanted to. I never knew you could control lucid dreams until some people told me, and the next time I had one, I was in full control. Climbing 50 foot fences just because I could. I haven't had one since I moved in with my girlfriend and we sleep together. Go Figure.

Some of the more oddball dreams I have include being chased by a giant chocolate chip cookie. That was definitely a weird one. ANother I recall was when I was in high school, I had one wear I was walking outdoors down a street and I heard a loud obnoxious noise (similar to an alarm clock) off in the distance. I went to go find it, and eventually came across an alarm clock. I turned the alarm off but it still made the noise. I pulled the plug out of the infinitely long extension cord, and still the noise kept blaring. I smashed up the clock, and still heard the noise. Finally I awoke... to my obnoxiously loud alarm clock going off. Heh

One time I fell asleep with the TV on which I rarely do, and in the middle of the night, I was dreaming that I was arguing with my friend, but his voice was that of that Jamaican fortune teller, Miss Cleo. When I woke up, there was a Miss Cleo infomercial on the tv. Funny how dreams and reality blend together like that.

When I was 18 or so, I witnessed a gyrocopter crash at my friends house. The guy died and I saw his yellow melted heap of a corpse in the burning rubbish. I now CONSTANTLY (like 3 times a month) have dreams in which an airplane crashes. Sometimes I'm on it, sometimes I'm just outside and see it going down in the distance. Sometimes I die, sometimes I survive and sometimes I wake up right before it hits and sometimes I hear the loud explosion. I still fly though, but only when I absolutely have to.

As far as weird numbers or letters and shit like that, never really had it in a dream. But one time I was tripping on DXM, which is a super psychadelic drug. I was so far out into 'mystery wonder land' as I call it, that may as well have been dreaming. I didn't even know who I was. I was just chilling on the bed listening to trance music like I always do, but for no reason, a phrase popped into my head and I felt the strongest sensation I've ever felt in my life. I HAD to write it down. It was like the most important mission I'd ever have in my whole life to accomplish. So I got up and tried to walk around and find a pen. I eventually did and got a notepad. I then wrote down in the worst handwriting I've ever seen myself write (almost illegible)......

"The graphics of my dreams are gone"

What it means, I don't know. But when I read it the next day, it made me wonder if I'd ever have dreams again. Ironically, this happened at just about the point where my lucid dreams ended.....
dead_fetus said:
Some of the more oddball dreams I have include being chased by a giant chocolate chip cookie .....

I SWEAR!!! It wasn't me!! :grin:
Whaha!! ;)

I had that too, when i moved into Simone's app. i had trouble with sleeping and i didn't dream anymore!! (well, i did dream, everybody does but i couldn't recall them anymore).
To be honest? I was so pissed and sad about that!
Usually, i can recall my dreams pretty well and most of the time,
i was lucid. Like i said before, i don't always control my lucid dreams but to become aware, is already a ride on itself!!
These past 3,5 months were hard and the result was that i didn't dreamt anymore.
The last 3 weeks, i got a few dreams again.
They brought me back to writing again. (i've got a diary, in which i write down my dreams).
And those things to write down, if you understand it?
It may hit you hard...usually it's the truth and the subconcious is
pretty consequent! ;)

Ok, off to work!!
I wish every one a happy and cool day...
or sweet dreams, for those who are on the other side of the world!!
There are two main dreams that spring to mind for me with all this dream talk. One I had about two months or so ago, where me and a bunch of friends went camping at this lake. It was really strange because everything was blue kinda, like the moon was so bright and the sky and water were so dark blue that everything was bathed in blue. Anyways, all of my friends had gone to sleep in this big tent thing we had there and I was just sitting at the lake by myself, when this big-arse plane appeared out of nowhere in the sky, turned and crashed into the tent. It was fucken scary, just the enormousness of the whole thing. I remember running into the tent and picking up my gf at the time and running out again, everybody seemed to be ok though. The next second I was in like a dojo playing some weird game of chess with a person i had never seen before. Go figure.

Probably THE scariest dream I've ever had took place Monday night. I was on this large ship with some people I had never met before. It seemed that they were also uni students and we were from some sort of conservationist group. We were researching whales, but the people who were operating the boat harpooned the whales in the face to get them for our research which really pissed us off. I tried beating up the dude that did it but it seems that you just can't fight in dreams. Anyway we went back to shore and then decided to get even with teh dickheads by fucking with their ship. We like tied this rope shit to one of the masts because it would break or something the next time they stopped. So we all sat on top of the shit as it took off because we wanted to watch the mast thing break but it started going really fast. Like really really fast. I had to hold on to one of the side bars to stop from flying off. Then the girls started screaming and said that we were fucked because they were going so fast and the thing we had done to the mast would make the ship crash. Next thing I know the front of the ship reared right up (like Titanic style), everybody started screaming. I just held on and told myself 'the only way you are going to survive is to not panic and hold your breath' and the ship flipped. I was in the water for ages, everything was dark and I couldnt' seem to move much. Which is when I thought to myself, nup, you're fucked, had like one of those 'life flashes beofre your eyes things' and blacked out. I woke up in Townsville (a place aobut 7 hours north of where I live) in this sort of dome thing, and nobody couldn understand me. I didn't know whether I was dead or alive.

Now that was some freaky shit, cause I woke up like straight away, and it took me about 2 minutes to prove to myself that I hadn't actually died. Very freaky.
for like 2 or 3 days in a row ive been dreaming about having some sex, then i just stop and get up and go to the bathroom and start peeing in the toilet, then i wake up and i really have to pee. its crazy. that happens to me fairly often though. in my dream i go to the barthroom and start takin a leak and then i wake up and really have to piss haha. it usually happens when i go to bed drunk and i wake up about 5 or 6 hours later with my bladder about to burst haha. and the a ringing phone always fucks with me. the first ring interups my dream and i get like confused about the noise while im still dreaming, the second ring usually wakes me up, and then on the third one i finnaly realize someone is trying to call me. i hate phones.