post your odd/bad/good dreams

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
here was an odd one that was sort of bad at the end: i went to see 495's band play....i was puzzled because 495 was playing in a black suit instead of a red one:err:, and anyway, they were "normal" on stage, but then when i met them back stage they were midgets, and they tried to feed me hairy tortillas
thats so disturbing.

hairy tortillas?? hahahahaha..

and just to let everyone know how insane I really am.. I'll go with my dream, where I was hunting for random items.. and FAILED!!! what a disgrace. oh me oh my ..
i used to dream a lot that i could breathe under water, that is pretty cool isn't it:p...poor chromie and that horrible, horrible dream
I haven't had a full rememberable dream in at least 2 weeks .... something is off these days .. hmm

In the majority of my dreams I can fly, though sometimes is just more of a hovering type thing.
when i was 5 i had a dream that this bloody skeleton crawled out of a rusty old bucket which i now assume to have been filled with blood...

when i was about...16 or so, i had this dream that i was about to go down on this chick, but then her flesh started melting and then this boney arm with dripping flesh kinda reached out to me and pulled me in....that wasn't all that comforting.

other than those.....not many dreams stand out in my head, but i'm sure i've had some other freaky ones....

and hairy tortillas are just gross.
OMG!!! me too! i was just about to post about hovering in my dreams!!! hahaaaa! when i wake up i'm so disappointed my hovering power is gone:cry:
aaargh the recurring arm coming out of the birth canal dream :lol:

my recurring dream is I find money or gold or some sort of wealth and then I wake up. for a brief conscious second, I still think I have it and then the bummer of reality sinks in.

and of course now and again a sexual dream....

and the dreams where I'm falling, falling, falling.......
ever fall in a dream and then smack the floor, and then become unable to move? i've had 2 or 3 of those. They say those are signs of baaad shit, y'know...if you believe that shit.
I keep track of so many dreams, I can go on forever if I think hard enough heh..

a bizarre one was about 2 years ago...

I was at my house, then Regis Filben informed me that the end was near. and I heard these explosions, so I look outside, and there's these big mushroom clouds everywhere , only they looked a little more like they were made up of fireworks, then these demons start crawling out of the ground everywhere.. we all hopped in a helicopter and Regis flew us away...
when i was about 2 or so, i used to have a recurring dream that my mom was being chopped up by surgeons...and there was one where we were out in this desert-like place, with greek-like buildings with columns and such, and she would turn to sand and blow away.....i would always wake up crying
for 5 years in my youth krang (from the teenage mutant ninja turtles cartoon, that freaky brain) he was chasing me around some old abandoned house, i used to hide under the floor boards, until i think i finally grew some balls and took an hammer to his face.

the last "apocalypse" dream i had, a whole bunch of friends and i threw a bbq, got drunk, and just gathered on the highest point we could find so we could watch it in all it's splendour.
for the longest time, the moment i would wake up, i would hear a symphony's last note....odd...and when i was younger, right when i woke up i would hear ,"ccccaaaarrrrraaaaa," all in my head of course
oh shit, that reminds me, whenever i try to make a phone call in a dream, i can never dial the number right!!! not even 911!!! i try and try and try and think i dialed all the correct numbers, but NOOOO! it's so frustrating
Has anyone ever became lucid, while dreaming?
I am lucid, although not in every dream and it took me a while
before i realised i was, btw!
It's a process but if you become lucid, you (can) control your dreams!
Or let your subconscious play the game...
and take over whenever you want to!!
And funny thing is, when you decide to let go of the control?
You wake up! :eek: Just for a short moment, between sleep and awareness... there is where i get lost sometimes!!

I had a nightmare that kept repeating itself.
The same image over and over again..
I'm in a staircase and i'm being chased.
All i could do was up, up, up...running like a blind fool.
Untill i became lucid.
It took a while before the nightmare came back but the day it came..
i turned around in my dream. I stopped running and simply faced what
was chasing me.
I never saw the image, never saw a face, it was already gone by the time i stopped running, because when i turned around, it was all quiet and empty, i was alone.
Since then? I never had the dream again.
Ok, i've had only a few nightmares, but the ones i have or had were repeating it's self.
Everytime, i got to a conclusing..another part of the dream awoke..
and kept repeating untill i took another's a neverending story ;)
Ah's been months since i had a nightmare, so i guess it's ok!
Any of you write down their dreams?
Ever dreamt of numbers or words, messages that came up in a dream and when you write it down, it's complete gibberish?

Ok, that were a lot of questions i tossed up, but i'm curious about it.
Dreams are magical, your subconscious is always busy, everybody dreams only not everyone can remind them when they wake up.
To actually notice you can "play" with your subconscious, is cool..scary at first but endless when you become lucid.
