PP USA VII: Headliners confirmed

I posted this in meta's other bitch thread, but I will do it here as well. You have the right to complain and show your displeasure all you want by not purchasing a ticket. I'll let you know how well Evergrey went over after the fest.

1. It will have been 3 years since they performed at PP when September rolls around.

2. They will have had *two* new albums out before returning.

3. Choir/Strings. "Nuff said.

4. They packed the place at PP II & IV and then took half the audience with them when they announced an impromptu signing session during Rage's set.

5. Their sales/popularity have increased dramatically since their last appearance.

6. Most important of all...they are my favorite band.

Glenn H.

I can't believe we will witness an American version of A Night to Remember by Evergrey, a freakin' choir? Unbelieveable.

You guys have already heard my honesty on Nevermore and I'm more than willing to watch a live show by them again. I own the cds and they rule, and hopefully Progpower will give me a different live view of them than what I've seen.

I will tell you this though, with all the rumblings of such great guitar heros this year, there had better be someone with a video cam to capture these guys when they are doing their virtuoso warmups.

I'm naming this PP the "Year of the Shredders".
metamorphosis said:
Seriously, some of us look forward to this all year long and we end up with this same band for the third time? While everyone is swinging from the promoters nutsack doesn't anyone this shows a complete lack of imagination? It's not like there's a shortage of power and prog metal bands out there to choose from. Evergrey? AGAIN?? And Nevermore is far too heavy for this festival. I can already see it now, 2/3rds of the place will empty out of the venue for them just like they did for Rage...and I LOVE Nevermore.

Horrible choices for headliners. Horrible.

Don't go then- no one is putting a gun to your head. I'm sure you have a lot of money- maybe you can start your own festival instead and have bands that just YOU like???
Ive only had the opportunity to see Evergrey once up here in the Northeast, and the promoters of the local metalfest screwed them over. I am ECSTATIC about seeing these guys down south. All these detractors need to stfu, seriously. It seems you would bitch and moan if it was raining money, because it would interfere with you getting a suntan.
Wow, surprise. The sycophants jump down my throat for having an opinion other than one of devotion to the promoter. And he manages to insult me right away too!! Very professional and respectful of the fans! I guess it's like being the cable company...you're the only game in town so you can shit on the customers all you want.
metamorphosis said:
Seriously, some of us look forward to this all year long and we end up with this same band for the third time? While everyone is swinging from the promoters nutsack doesn't anyone this shows a complete lack of imagination? It's not like there's a shortage of power and prog metal bands out there to choose from. Evergrey? AGAIN?? And Nevermore is far too heavy for this festival. I can already see it now, 2/3rds of the place will empty out of the venue for them just like they did for Rage...and I LOVE Nevermore.

Horrible choices for headliners. Horrible.

I agree, this is a no brainer miss for me. Already saw Evergrey live. Am sure going to see Nevermore tour US in the future. Epica will likely come tour to US soon. The rest are not too big of a deal to me--wouldn't mind seeing them, but are not worth going to Atlanta for. Also seems like some bands get too much respect--Mercenary in #2 spot and Evergrey/Nevermore in #1.
Harvester said:
I posted this in meta's other bitch thread, but I will do it here as well. You have the right to complain and show your displeasure all you want by not purchasing a ticket. I'll let you know how well Evergrey went over after the fest.

1. It will have been 3 years since they performed at PP when September rolls around.

2. They will have had *two* new albums out before returning.

3. Choir/Strings. "Nuff said.

4. They packed the place at PP II & IV and then took half the audience with them when they announced an impromptu signing session during Rage's set.

5. Their sales/popularity have increased dramatically since their last appearance.

6. Most important of all...they are my favorite band.

Glenn H.

You forgot to mention that Tom is your little bitch. :tickled:
metamorphosis said:
Very professional and respectful of the fans!

The only thing I said in my reply that could be remotely misconstrued was when I referred to your other post as a "bitch thread." Am I wrong? If I would have said "complaint" instead of "bitch" would you have felt the same?

I am thankful that your opinion is in the minority. If the show does not sell well, then I will know that you were right.

metamorphosis said:
Wow, surprise. The sycophants jump down my throat for having an opinion other than one of devotion to the promoter. And he manages to insult me right away too!! Very professional and respectful of the fans! I guess it's like being the cable company...you're the only game in town so you can shit on the customers all you want.

I fail to see where you were insulted by Glenn.

Unlike in the other thread...where you were insulted by me...other than that...well...
metamorphosis said:
Wow, surprise. The sycophants jump down my throat for having an opinion other than one of devotion to the promoter.
So let me make sure I understand... you may have an opinion and express it, but no one else should express thiers? Or do you just think you deserve the last word on any given subject? To me, it goes without saying, that if you express an opinion that is in the minority, on any board on the net, you can expect some sort rebuttal. The most extreme rebuttal I've seen so far is "so don't go". That hardly qualifies as jumping down your throat.

metamorphosis said:
And Nevermore is far too heavy for this festival. I can already see it now, 2/3rds of the place will empty out of the venue for them just like they did for Rage...and I LOVE Nevermore.
Perhaps your own discontent with the line-up has allowed you to look past the obvious. When Rage was announced, the majority of the reaction was, "Who?". After roughly 190 responses to this thread, about 175 have been (and allow me to paraphrase), "Nevermore... fuck yeah." That hardly indicates a band that is too heavy or a band that will play in front of an empty theater.

metamorphosis said:
Wow, surprise. The sycophants jump down my throat for having an opinion other than one of devotion to the promoter. And he manages to insult me right away too!! Very professional and respectful of the fans! I guess it's like being the cable company...you're the only game in town so you can shit on the customers all you want.


...the hell...

...is this little n00b?

Anyways, for Glenn:




metamorphosis said:
Wow, surprise. The sycophants jump down my throat for having an opinion other than one of devotion to the promoter. And he manages to insult me right away too!! Very professional and respectful of the fans! I guess it's like being the cable company...you're the only game in town so you can shit on the customers all you want.
Yes, you are entitled to your own opinion, and are also entitled to either come to the show or stay away, that is your decision, granted staying away is going to be your loss in the long run. But i have to openly disagree that we as the fanbase are jumping on you because you disagree with Glenn's decisions on who is playing. Just as you have the right to your opinion, we too have the right to our opinions, and yes they may be contrary to yours, but, my friend they are ours and we are, and have every right to express them. There are times when our opinions differ from Glenn's, and here is where the difference is between what you preceive and the truth, Most people express their opinions as opinions not the way it has to be, they say their peace and move on.
Now as to the line-up WOW, i am so excited, as this will be my first PP i am so looking forward to being there and being a part of this awesome event. I enjoy every band on the roster, but i must say NEVERMORE was a shock, be a pleasant shock. I am not really that familiar with their music, but i will be very shortly.

So I say to Glenn, thank you for making this, for me at least a festival i know i will enjoy, and remember, and thanks for the sponsorship, i will do my best to be worthy and to be selected in the future.:hotjump:

Please don't feed the troll.......

1) Swinging from Glenn's nutsack? - Maybe the people who are being complimentary are GENUINELY thrilled with the line up and don't mind telling him so.

I've been waiting a lifetime to see Freak Kitchen live. Glenn's the only guy
with big enough cajones to actually BOOK them here in the states (so far).

2) Nevermore too heavy for this festival??? Please......give me a fucking break.

Do us a favor, stay home this year, I'm more than positive the fest will sell out without you, and maybe next year will be more to your liking.....

metamorphosis said:
Wow, surprise. The sycophants jump down my throat for having an opinion other than one of devotion to the promoter. And he manages to insult me right away too!! Very professional and respectful of the fans! I guess it's like being the cable company...you're the only game in town so you can shit on the customers all you want.

Hey you didn't even give it a chance, I am sure way more of the sychophants as you put it will continue to jump down your throat, just give it time.

Maybe its the WAY YOU go about it?

OH yeah your wrong by the way, its Evergrey's 4th time at Prog Power!! Woooot!!!

Someone asked about the nevermore discs to listen to. I still havent been able to figure out how to post what others have wrote before and reply..but oh well....

I have been a fan of nevermore since the sanctuary days. Unfortunatley where I live, never been able to see them. They were slated to open for DEATH in charlotte, nc and pulled out last minute.....man was i bummed that night..had to listen to cyclone temple instead...blah...

Anyway....both sanctuary discs are really good, first one has white rabbit....second one into the mirror black...just freaking rocks all the way around....

As far as nevermore goes...seems to me they have had 2 lives....

I still say the frist one is my personal favorite and the best...but then again they were alot different back then. Garden of Grey is still my favorite song by them...other notible favs on that disc....The hurting words, what tomorrow knows, and the pure evil Timothy Leary...

2nd disc was politics of estacy...This one is much more powerful and stands as my 3rd favorite disc from them...Highlights are the title track, seven toungues of god, next in line, and this sacrament.

Then they released dreaming neon black, which is my 2nd favorite disc...This one is a mix of their first two...some really pounding stuff here with a mix of some of the most beautiful vocal arrangements like the first disc. Highlights here are beyond within...which just starts the disc off with a punch right in your face...I am the dog, the title track which is my favorite on the disc, deconstruction and another balls out attack in poison godmachine

After their first 3 realeases I think in my opinion that they made a dramatic change which is what i refer to as their 2nd life.
dead heart in a dead world, the godless endeavor, and enemies of reality are just plain brutal....I think they are much more aggressive now, much more angry, and the more atmospheric beautiful arrangement arent as in the forefront of their first 3. They are all steallar releases and love them all...but if you have never heard of them, I think you should start with 1 and work your way up..giving each disc a full listen and a full chance. I would fear anyone starting with goddless endeavor and work backwords may not appreciate their earlier stuff or appreciate their progression.

Of the final 3 discs...godless endeavor is the best, dead heart 2nd....enemies of reality is my least favorite altho I havent heard the remaster.

I am just so exited to finally see one of my top 5 bands of all time play live....Please, the haters out there, give them a full chance.....I am sure you will get your assess blown off...:hotjump:
OH ya, in my excitement over nevermore..I have to say....3 of my favorite bands of all time are here in this one progpower.....evergrey, thundersone, nevermore.....2 years ago I saw my absolute favorite musician ever in The king himself MR Olilva.....
So 4 of my 5 favorites of all time I have seen for the first time in atlanta...

I just cant thank glenn enough for doing this where we all can hopefully see our favorites where we may never have seen them..