This years lineup is so badass in my opinion. Two bands I was REALLY hoping to be there are (Vision Divine and Mercenary), and at first I was hoping Evergrey wouldn't be there since they just put out the live dvd, but then when I saw that they'll have a new cd out in April, and then having the choir and orchestra with them...that's just going to be incredible, and definitely something that is going to sound GREAT at of the best performances ever I'm betting on.
Then for Nevermore. I've been hoping to see them at PP for years, and this was the one year that I had given up and didn't even think of them. lol. What a surprise, and a great one. I've gotten to see them 3 times, but unfortunately they were all as the opening band for like 30 minutes. The first Nevermore show I saw they were with Savatage, and their live sound was SO tight and crisp, I was in shock. I never thought a band that heavy would be able to sound that PERFECT and clean.
The rest of the bands sound great from their soundclips (though I need to hear more from Freak Kitchen to see if I really like them). I was hoping to see Masterplan this year, but from the clips from Thunderstone, it looks like they'll be the next best thing.
Thanks for all the hard work Glenn, this year looks be one of the best all around I think (for me anyways).