PP USA VII: Headliners confirmed

Bryan316 said:
...the hell...
...is this little n00b?

he is a buddy of mine. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, so relax people. Not everyone is going to be as overjoyed at the headliners as some of us. My friend and I differ on the headliners greatly. I am looking forward to seeing Evergrey for only the 2nd time and I have never seen Nevermore. Nevermore is going to CRUSH at PP. :hotjump:
metamorphosis said:
Wow, surprise. The sycophants jump down my throat for having an opinion other than one of devotion to the promoter. And he manages to insult me right away too!! Very professional and respectful of the fans! I guess it's like being the cable company...you're the only game in town so you can shit on the customers all you want.

*steps up to the podium*
Hello. My name is Tammy, and I kiss Glenn's ass.

Is that wrong? I've seen comments about this come up pver the past few days and I don't understand why anyone thinks Glenn doesn't deserve the praise and loyalty. The guy works his ass of to put on an event that, for many, is a yearly ritual filled with close friends, awesome music, and memories that last a lifetime. ProgPower is one of the highlights of the year, and has meant a lot to me. Any man that can consistantly put on the best party of the year is automatically on my "dude, you rule" list.

Bryan316 said:


I love the s/t one... that is what made me a Nevermore fan.

Dark One said:
For me personally, the only Nevermore album that doesn't come with a high recommendation would be the s/t debut release. Other than that, the new one is amazing and probably my favorite (This Godless Endeavor), but perhaps for someone just starting out, I'd recommend "Dead Heart, In a Dead World" - I think it's their most initially accessible release and also contains KILLER songwriting. After "Dead Heart..." you'll probably want to get the new one and work your way back.

Just make sure you get the remasterd version of "Enemies of Reality" as the production is 10 times better than the non-remastered version. "Dreaming Neon Black", "The Politics of Ecstacy" and the "In Memory EP" are all excellent releases as well. Tough to go wrong really with any of their releases, but I think "Dead Heart..." is the best starting point for anyone just getting into the band.

dargormudshark said:
Ok, I hope someone affiliated with the band reads this so they can consider this. I'm thinkin 3 hour show and in that 3 hours...SOME FUCKIN SANCTUARY!!!

Dude, I wuld be so down with some Battle Angels or Communion or hell, anything really... but somehow, I don't see this happening.
VenomGA said:
he is a buddy of mine. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, so relax people. Not everyone is going to be as overjoyed at the headliners as some of us. My friend and I differ on the headliners greatly. I am looking forward to seeing Evergrey for only the 2nd time and I have never seen Nevermore. Nevermore is going to CRUSH at PP. :hotjump:

No one has a problem with your friend expressing his opinion. Sometimes the manner in which an opinion is expressed may evoke replies from individuals defending their own comments. We're (for the most part) all adults here and can obviously appreciate when someone has an opinion to express in a meaningful and productive manner. I'm certain we don't need reminding that "people should be able to say what they think"..:Smug:
sh0kr0k said:
No one has a problem with your friend expressing his opinion. Sometimes the manner in which an opinion is expressed may evoke replies from individuals defending their own comments. We're (for the most part) all adults here and can obviously appreciate when someone has an opinion to express in a meaningful and productive manner. I'm certain we don't need reminding that "people should be able to say what they think"..:Smug:
YOU RULE TAMMY, this is going to be great. Can't wait.
OT: Forum Tutorial

Someone asked about the nevermore discs to listen to. I still havent been able to figure out how to post what others have wrote before and reply..but oh well....

Look at the bottom right hand corner of anyone's post. See that little quote graphic with the word "quote"? Hit it and you'll quote the whole post. If you want just a piece, do what I did with your's above. Highlight the part of the post you wish to quote, hit control C to copy, open a reply window, hit the quote icon (third from right up top), paste (control V) in between the tags. Got it?

Back to the topic.
I am just so exited to finally see one of my top 5 bands of all time play live....Please, the haters out there, give them a full chance.....I am sure you will get your assess blown off.
Five of my tops are playing too! I'm just dying to know what the Evergrey set will contain. I bet that will be a close guarded secret.
AMBR said:
Back to the topic. Five of my tops are playing too! I'm just dying to know what the Evergrey set will contain. I bet that will be a close guarded secret.

UM did you see the DVD?

I am really excited to get to meet the great Anders Engberg (Ex Lions Share, Ex Sorcerer), no one has even mentioned that!!! He is in Evergrey's Choir, I hope he is anyways.

Beholder said:
" To be the best, you Have to beat the best...." NATURE BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""

Great job once again brother. I gues I better get on the ball now..lol


Hint Blood Blound, Heed, Mattias Ekllund solo!!!! Whoa!!!I better stop thinking

I am sure whatever you whip up Shane will be awesome!!!

Bear said:
UM did you see the DVD?

I am really excited to get to meet the great Anders Engberg (Ex Lions Share, Ex Sorcerer), no one has even mentioned that!!! He is in Evergrey's Choir, I hope he is anyways.

Sure, I have the DVD, but Glenn said the set list will not necessarily mimic exactly the DVD.
Went up to Northern CA to visit friend during the Thanksgiving week. Met up with Smyth and told him loads of people were asking for Nevermore at ProgPower!!! THANK YOU GLENN!!!!
AMBR said:
Sure, I have the DVD, but Glenn said the set list will not necessarily mimic exactly the DVD.

I am sure that it will be different as well, but all the great older songs will be there I am sure. Plus they will have a new album out as well!!! Woot!!!

I've gone to four of six ProgPowers. Glenn has never once failed to come up with at least two bands that kick my ass - including this year's lineup - and that's always made it worth my while. Thunderstone alone woulda made it a done deal, and Evergrey goes without saying (*takes off her fangirl hat*), but I loved Mercenary the last time, and Nevermore kicked ass at BWBK.

Only reason I'm not going this year is because there's a different group of friends that I'd like to spend a week with this time around - otherwise I'd be there. If that's swinging from Glenn's nutsack, then everyone needs to shove over so I can get my tenterhooks in too.
Jamie, you will be missed.

Excellent line up. Evergrey kills live. Who else was there for their first US show, the night they and Mayadome blew the roof off the Powermad dump? I've never seen a bad Evergrey set, and seeing them with a choir/string quartet will make it even better.

I'm a Nevermore fan and have never seen them live, so I look forward to that. There are going to be some fucking sore necks Saturday, after Mercenary and Nevermore. Mercenary was my big surprise a few years ago, so I'm really looking forward to that again.

And then there's Freak Kitchen...:Spin:

The one thing I noticed about the line up (and this is an observation, not a complaint), is that there's not straight-ahead prog metal band on the bill this year (like a Dreamscape or Circus Maximus or so on). Maybe next year...

Meteornotes said:
The one thing I noticed about the line up (and this is an observation, not a complaint), is that there's not straight-ahead prog metal band on the bill this year (like a Dreamscape or Circus Maximus or so on). Maybe next year...


Correct. That was intentional on my part to counter what I perceive will happen next year.

Glenn H.
Harvester said:
Correct. That was intentional on my part to counter what I perceive will happen next year.

Glenn H.

so next year should be more of a PROG festival.:confused: