Pre-Party line-up Announcement

On a side note, if the event does move then an additional fee may be needed at the door (with your ticket) to help cover venue expenses. If I can get a deal in place soon, then the additional fee would be tacked on to the ticket before they went on sale.

Once again, no promises on anything.

Glenn H.

Looks like I'll probably be changing my hotel reservations to start on friday...

With all the "HOLY SHIT.." and "WOW" posts, I figured this thread could use a little negativity.
Rakosh said:
Holy Shit! :OMG:

I'm just sitting here stunned...yes, this is a great 3 day festival...oh, yes it is...

I know, but I mean, instead of 2 nights and a pre-party, just 3 nights of official Festival. Perhaps this will lead to 3 nights, 15 bands, and Shane and Glenn doing the rosters together? THat would be interesting.
urinalcakemix said:
I know, but I mean, instead of 2 nights and a pre-party, just 3 nights of official Festival. Perhaps this will lead to 3 nights, 15 bands, and Shane and Glenn doing the rosters together? THat would be interesting.

I'm proud of Shane, but the event will stay seperate.

Glenn H.

Based on the cost & logistical headache (i.e...a hell of a lot more work with no hired staff), the pre-party will probably stay upstairs. I'll talk to Shane and keep exploring options.

Glenn H.
Wow, I am knocked on my ass. Theocracy, Circus Maximus AND Circle II Circle in the same night?!? We're booking a damn early flight so we don't miss a second of this. That's three nights in a row of awesome music. This will kick much ass...

again the best US Festival got better with this announcement. Can not believe the quality of bands we are getting for the pre-party!!! and only for $20
Harvester said:

Based on the cost & logistical headache (i.e...a hell of a lot more work with no hired staff), the pre-party will probably stay upstairs. I'll talk to Shane and keep exploring options.

Glenn H.

Just let us know in advance when they are going on sale :) I want to make sure I am near a computer and telephone :) I was flying in in time for the pre-pre party anyway - so there is not way I can miss this lineup - Great job to all involved - this just keeps getting better and better.

I didnt notice the Glen Harveston All-Star Jimmy Buffet Tribute - were there contractual problems (too much money?) or are they a secret surprise? Maybe they are set to appear at the pre-pre party?

WTF? Incredible!!!!!! I just about fell off my chair
when I saw this, I just hope there are enough tickets
for everyone as I have a feeling this is going to sell
out quick! Great choices Shane, I actually considered
sponsoring Leatherwolf for PP, just awesome! :kickass:


manowarfan1 said:
Just let us know in advance when they are going on sale :) I want to make sure I am near a computer and telephone :)

Dude, read the event details portion of the site, and I also believe the on sale date was mentioned in the original post by Shane.
Awesome job Shane. I missed Circus Maximus last year (not on purpose though), so it will be great to see them return. And Theocracy was on my PP wish/guess list. :Smug: So I was close. Circle II Circle will be cool to see because I also missed PPIV (on purpose - a decision I've regretted since).

And then Leatherwolf?! :heh: whoa! Way to go Shane! I remember jamming to their debut and 'Street Ready' oh so many years ago. I still have them on vinyl too!

*waxes poetic a while*

ahem - what a hell of a festival for 2006! :kickass: wooooooo!!! best thing going today.
Wow. Incredible. I'm blown the hell away.

Seriously, I'm a dope for ever doubting you Glen.




The pre-party lineup is AWESOME. All of the bands. Frankly, I'm looking forward to it more than the main show! Nice!!
I just hope that our favorite FINN can make it this year, How bout it Aki. From what i have heard it is not a pre-party without Aki.