Pre-Party line-up Announcement

Holy cow, that's certainly a heckuva strong line-up for a pre-party... but you all knew that already. :D And I've actually heard of all 4 bands! And have CDs (well, okay, CDs and cassettes, lol) of 3 of them... that's unusual.

Funny, the one I haven't heard is the one that's closest to me... :)

Looking forward to it for sure... damn, is it still 7+ months away?
Harvester said:
If the audience cooperates with a quick sell-out for the pre-party, I will see what I can do for moving it down stairs to the main stage. No promises of course.

Glenn H.

It's been several years for me, and the pre-party was not anywhere near as "big" as it has evidently become. Refresh my memory on how access to the pre-party works? All I remember is that GB holders can get in early...
MadeInNewJersey said:
It's been several years for me, and the pre-party was not anywhere near as "big" as it has evidently become. Refresh my memory on how access to the pre-party works? All I remember is that GB holders can get in early...
You need to buy a ticket. They go on sale April 1st. Even GB holders can't get in without one. Last year, there was a room set up for the Gold Badge holders, from which you could watch the show from monitors (if you so chose). Though, I don't think the monitors were actually working.

General Zod said:
You need to buy a ticket. They go on sale April 1st. Even GB holders can't get in without one. Last year, there was a room set up for the Gold Badge holders, from which you could watch the show from monitors (if you so chose). Though, I don't think the monitors were actually working.


They weren't, but will be this year.

Glenn H.
Pyramaze51 said:
I just hope that our favorite FINN can make it this year, How bout it Aki. From what i have heard it is not a pre-party without Aki.
Heheh thanks John, but especially with those bands (would love to see Circus Maximus and C2C again!) playing it would totally be a killer pre-party without me too :) I wish I could answer your question though.. like I've said, totally hoping to make it but I guess I won't know about it in a while, need to try figure out the financial issues you know. Hopefully the Thunderstone guys will be hanging out there with you guys if no other Finns make it! From what I've heard they should be really nice bunch of people.

Excellent job Shane!
This is incredible. Originally I wasn't gonna plan on flying out until Friday morning because Celtic Frost is playing BB Kings in NYC on that Thursday and Friday so obviously the Friday show for Celtic Frost was a no can do and I was going to attend the Thursday now I think I will be missing Celtic Frost this time around completely because I can't possibly miss the pre party with these four amazing bands.
pollution said:
Heheh thanks John, but especially with those bands (would love to see Circus Maximus and C2C again!) playing it would totally be a killer pre-party without me too :) I wish I could answer your question though.. like I've said, totally hoping to make it but I guess I won't know about it in a while, need to try figure out the financial issues you know. Hopefully the Thunderstone guys will be hanging out there with you guys if no other Finns make it! From what I've heard they should be really nice bunch of people.

Excellent job Shane!
But AKI it's not a party without you, so try hard and get here, maybe the thunderstone guys can bring you with them. Keep us informed on the situation.
Shane, you friggin rule. I'm totally with Colleen on wanting to see Leatherwolf since the mid-80's. Their debut is still one of my favorite cd's ever. I never thought I'd get to see them, thank you very very much. And CM again, one of my favorite cd's of last year... and Theocracy... one of favorites from 2 or 3 years ago (however long ago that came out)... I'm not a big C2C fan, but i'm sure I'll enjoy listening to Caffrey play.

MadeInNewJersey said:
how much is the pre-party ticket?

I knew you guys from Jersay were dumb...but I didn't think that you couldn't read...

HAHA! Atleest Texans learnt howta reed!

Rock on!