Hey guys, thought I'd bring something up:
One thing I find myself constantly running into time & again is improperly tracked/exported dry tracks. I'm talking about clipping. For a
dry guitar track it's completely unacceptable. You're trying to capture the playing, not the sound of your DAW's mix engine. Rounded/squared off dry tracks sound like crapola when run back out to an amp. Here's a two screenshot exaple of the right & wrong way to send out dry tracks:
This sounds pretty freakin' ugly when it gets to the amp due to the massive clipping.
This one sounded beautiful.
Now, as long as you didn't throw a limiter on your DAW's input while tracking your guitar, or went into the reds, everything should be fine. Your best bet for exporting dry tracks:
BYPASS YOUR DAW'S MIXER COMPLETELY so you'll just be getting the direct .wav of what you played. Now I know that Sonar & SawStudio can do it, but I can't say for certain if Cubase can. It should be a switch or a checkbox in mixdown options. If not, it just adds to the overall crappiness of that prog
If you can't disable the mix engine, make sure to check your master fader & make sure there's no clipping going on. Shouldn't be too tough.
Anyway, hope this helps...