ProgPower USA VII: Two Bands Confirmed

AngraRULES said:
I have said that since 2002 and I will keep on doing it until you really fuck up...

:lol: :lol: :lol: I doubt that will ever happen!

I concure - ever since 2002, I'll be there come hell, high-water, or quitting my job just to get the time off :loco:

"Souls In Pain" and "Empty Heaven" are incredible! "Souls In Pain" is my favorite track from Legend Of The Bone Carver .... well, at least for right now it is - they're all so good! :loco:
FUCKING A SKIPPY!! PYRAMAZE!! This will be a truly stellar performance. I have not listened to Wastefall, yet but from the comments it sounds pretty solid.
sh0kr0k said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: I doubt that will ever happen!

I concure - ever since 2002, I'll be there come hell, high-water, or quitting my job just to get the time off :loco:

"Souls In Pain" and "Empty Heaven" are incredible! "Souls In Pain" is my favorite track from Legend Of The Bone Carver .... well, at least for right now it is - they're all so good! :loco:
WOOOHOOOOOO TammyZ great news huh, so we got to make plans now. And just wait till you hear WASTEFALL you will have a new second favorite band.

Glad to see my thread about Wastefall last year caught some attention. ;)

Too early to say whether I'll be there, but I'd hate to skip another one. C'mon Andromeda and Freak Kitchen! *keeps fingers crossed*
wayland smithers said:
gotta add Crystal Ball I think they would go over very well and they have some great stuff, remind me of White Lion mixed with Power Metal.

Hmmm...I might have to check that out. While I disliked White Lion's ballads, I felt that they had a good grasp of melody and pop-smarts.
Wow, now thats one good way to kick off the new year!!! Early announcements!!! Pyramaze have a really tight, in your face METAL attack in their sound. Have heard a lot about them and they seem like a great opening choice.

As for Wastefall, I've heard the two tracks posted in the A/V section and I think I like what I'm hearing... Off to a great start!!! Just might have to get my ass down to Hotlanta this Sept. again...

Keep em' coming Glenn. Best of luck with this one!!
Pyramaze51 said:
WOOOHOOOOOO TammyZ great news huh, so we got to make plans now. And just wait till you hear WASTEFALL you will have a new second favorite band.

I really like the Wastefall songs that Glenn has on the site! Very cool!

Wow, John we're going to have our work cut out for us, aren't we??! Can't wait til showtime! Thanks for the message today - you should have seen me jumping around the house! I think I knocked over a plant.. Who knows what I'll break if Morgana Lefay, Iron Saviour, and/or GammaRay make it to the list!! :loco:
I'm glad to finally get to see Pyramaze live. Can't wait!

When I listened to that first Wastefall tune, I thought, "This sounds pretty good, but it's very *commercial metal* sounding." I like the second track a lot. I definetely hear the PoS similarities, but the singer reminds me of the singer from Cea Serin (which is good). I'll be giving it more listens for sure.
This is a very good start! Pyramaze is a cool band and although Wastefall is new to me, they sound downright incredible on the two sample songs. I can't wait to see more bands!!
TheGraveDigger said:
Running Wild (two 5 spots)
Pagans Mind and Iron Savior (two 4 spots)
Masterplan and Savage Circus (two 3 spots)
Some thoughts...

I'd be surprised if Glenn went with Running Wild, after how poorly Rage was received.

Pagans Mind, if they are one of the two returning bands, would be a 2 slot band (see Glenn's cryptic hints post).

I believe Glenn once said, on the forum, that Masterplan had received and turned down #3 slot money. That was prior to their second disc.

Savage Circus would end up having to play cover songs to fill their one hour slot if they were a #3 slot band.
