Programmed Drums for People Who Hate Programmed Drums

It's kind of funny you would start a thread asking for free advice on how to charge people for advice.

That is all. :heh:
Maybe i would buy it! think about Ebook (PDF) is so much easier and cheaper for you and for us. Beside the fact is more accessible to buy.

If you write a book about getting your incredible guitar tone, vocals, Equing, etc.. i deff would buy it. :)

its not really backwards

i believe in ask and get answers
but some answers cost money, others dont

if i just wanted to help people, i would just make a blog or something

Wow, ok....So let me see if I got this straight.......

When you need help and answers, it should be free.

But for you to help others, we should pay you?
I would do the cymbal stuff for cash and the how do....drums for free.
If you just write about how to put cymbals back and forward people buying that would be idiots.

Everybody with some time can use different velocities....

just my 2 cents
If the guy wants to write a fucking book and make some money off of his name, let him. Nobody complains when Bob Katz does it. If Joey has some relevant audio information that he could write in a book for a spare few dollar here and there, why the fuck not?

I'm sure most of us here would too. This would be like all of the advice he's put here before plus more all in one concise place without having to search through mountains of topics on the forum.

If I had enough advice here that people actually gave a fuck about I'd probably write a book too. *Shrug*
This thread is funny. Write the book, people will pay money if it is good. It's one thing posting a few tips here and there, but if you have something rather extensive to offer then you should be supported. The market shall determine :heh:


Dim Book

{Your content goes here.pdf}
Wow, ok....So let me see if I got this straight.......

When you need help and answers, it should be free.

But for you to help others, we should pay you?

dude wtf

that is not what i said at all

if someone (anyone) asks someone (anyone) a question (any question)
and that someone (anyone) gives the other someone (anyone) the answer, then obviously the answer was free

if someone (anyone) asks someone (anyone) a question (any question) and that someone (anyone) requires payment for the answer, then obviously that answer was not free

that is what i said, in my post

furthermore, if you go out and seek knowledge, you can gain it in different ways

1. go to a library, sit there for hours and read books for free
2. go online, search for the information, for free
3. buy a book


once again, let me clarify this again...

You Spend Money When You Seek Knowledge Unless You Find A Free Source For That Knowledge...

Do any of you people make money or have jobs? You'd think you could barely feed your mouths with how you reacted to me wanting to charge $19.95 for a book that teaches you money making skills.
I would do the cymbal stuff for cash and the how do....drums for free.
If you just write about how to put cymbals back and forward people buying that would be idiots.

Everybody with some time can use different velocities....

just my 2 cents
we've been over this in this thread already
there's way more to it than changing the velocity of each note
You should do an e-book and include some presetz


Besides the music production, I'm also an internet marketer and sell/promote various products with my partner. We tried knocking together a metal guitar tutorial a few years back, just to dip our toes in and see how the net reacts. Made a shit ton off of it at first then it just went downhill and now it just sits there because the niche has been totally raped.

If you're gonna do it, do it now before the niche gets saturated and some other pricks steal your idea and make it really commercial and shitty. I know it's not all about the money, but some people sit back and rake in a full wage from e-books, fuckin do it man. I can always give you a push in the right direction in terms of promotion n what not