Programmed Drums for People Who Hate Programmed Drums

Thats the kicker right there. Sneap actually records real shit and knows how to record a REAL amp, real drumkits, etc. so why wouldn't ANY of us want a book that Sneap wrote? Putting someone who doesn't even use real amps and programs drums in the same boat as Sneap is a longshot by far, which is why I think most people here can't take these attempts at a business venture seriously.

Your an idiot and a fool.
Exactly everyone hates against his shit just to hate it seems like ..Really what is , is just plain JEALOUSY...And if you were all smart you would shut up , listen, and read. are you guys related, or what?

Anyway, I'm not taking any sides here really, but I think the main problem here is that a product has been promised and people are being doubtful about it. A book about programming drums? Just exactly how much information does that skill require? Enough to compile it into a book? Will it be well enough written to hold interest?

As this is a product, it's fucking useless to either defend or attack its maker before it really is there...

I've got one tip for the book though... It MUST be titled "How do program drums? ¯\(°_o)/¯ "
No i'm not related to joey.....Although my mother's maiden name was STURGIS......weird..But whatever .....if you are not interested or whatever move on........I think there is quite a bit to programming drums maybe not 300 pages but there is plenty to be said on the subject matter....And i would think Joey is one of the top programmers. So i think alot of people would benefit........
Dude I have a homebrew book that has like a beginner section that tells you how to do the basics in like 8 pages, then the rest of the book is like 300 pages of in-depth science and math and recipies and all kinds of crazy technical theory shit. If you did something like that I think it would be awesome and I'd probably buy it. Get down to the mechanics of drumming, the physics of what a drummer is doing and feeling while they're playing a specific beat. I think you could easily fill a few hundred pages if you wanted to. (With pictures of course.)

Ha, "How to Brew". Awesome book and very well written for the beginner and the seasoned expert.
Haha, yea I actually only read the first page when I posted that :)

But I did eventually continue on and read most of the rest. I was about to post something about how half the people on the forum are a bunch a whiny bitches. I actually started typing and then decided I just didn't give a shit. Here's how it started, feel free to make up the rest...

And seriously, some of you dudes are some silly motherfuckers. Joey asked a question on a forum. If you don't feel like giving him your all important opinion on the subject, don't reply. As someone said earlier, you're not writing him a book.
Thats the kicker right there. Sneap actually records real shit and knows how to record a REAL amp, real drumkits, etc. so why wouldn't ANY of us want a book that Sneap wrote? Putting someone who doesn't even use real amps and programs drums in the same boat as Sneap is a longshot by far, which is why I think most people here can't take these attempts at a business venture seriously.

The amp stuff has literally NOTHING to do with this. It's FUCK ALL to do with recording amps, and is about PROGRAMMING DRUMS. So your argument just amounts to pissy fanboi-ism.
If it means that I have to spend less time around drummers, how could I *not* be interested?

The only thing that I've needed to do, though, is randomize velocities and timing. (Pseudorandomize if you have to be anal about it, but... that's not important here.) Since that can be done with a Python script, the only concern I'd have is with the prospect of filling ~100 pages on something that takes a few dozen lines in Python...

The amp stuff has literally NOTHING to do with this. It's FUCK ALL to do with recording amps, and is about PROGRAMMING DRUMS. So your argument just amounts to pissy fanboi-ism.

COMPLETELY missed the point brah. I can't even understand what you even said, and the word fanboi-ism is the dumbest thing ive seen in a while dude, thanks.

I wasn't even arguing with anyone either...Did you even read what I said..?

I just wondered why 006 came off as if someone would be a hypocrite because they would rather buy:

"Micing Real Drums by Andy Sneap"

Instead Of:

"Making Fake Drums Sound Real by Joey Sturgis"

Not even trying to bash the book idea and im not trying to trash Joey in the least bit, it just doesn't seem to me like it will yield any kind of profit just because theres such a low percentage of AE's who actually use programmed drums on final album mixes.

Sell the books, don't sell the books, but honestly I think Joey would be better off waiting for something a lot more viable to a wider range of customers instead of devoting a chunk of time into this not knowing how well financial wise it will do. Use the Drum Programming book you were going to write and add 4 other same-length style complete mixing book package that costs more obviously, but the percentage of potential buyers grows exponentially if you added things like part 1: mixing guitars bla bla, part 2: drum programming, part 3, etc.
COMPLETELY missed the point brah. I can't even understand what you even said, and the word fanboi-ism is the dumbest thing ive seen in a while dude, thanks.

I wasn't even arguing with anyone either...Did you even read what I said..?

I just wondered why 006 came off as if someone would be a hypocrite because they would rather buy:

"Micing Real Drums by Andy Sneap"

Instead Of:

"Making Fake Drums Sound Real by Joey Sturgis"

Not even trying to bash the book idea and im not trying to trash Joey in the least bit, it just doesn't seem to me like it will yield any kind of profit just because theres such a low percentage of AE's who actually use programmed drums on final album mixes.

Sell the books, don't sell the books, but honestly I think Joey would be better off waiting for something a lot more viable to a wider range of customers instead of devoting a chunk of time into this not knowing how well financial wise it will do. Use the Drum Programming book you were going to write and add 4 other same-length style complete mixing book package that costs more obviously, but the percentage of potential buyers grows exponentially if you added things like part 1: mixing guitars bla bla, part 2: drum programming, part 3, etc.

are you kidding?

there's probably more people who own ez drummer than there are people who own a set of drum microphones