Project Studio Build

Looking great bro!
Thanks :grin:
You must be tired and stoked at the same time, all the time :)
Haha that's exactly what it feels like. Add "occasionally overwhelmed by the amount of work yet to come" and it's dead on.
Sometimes after a day of work I can't even move and the next day I have sore muscles everywhere :yell: :lol:
But I am super stoked for the final acoustics and look.

I always thought the cloth-work will be easy and quick. It's the oppsosite, and takes super long.
If you don't give 100% for a few seconds, the whole front is not tight but saggy. Super annoying.
We took all day putting the fabric on seven goddamn clouds :eek:
I prepared the holes for the LED lights in the clouds today. Cut out the fabric star-shaped and stapled the wedges on the back.
I'm not shure yet if I can simply lay the glasswool panels inside the clouds or if it's better to build some support at the ends of the cloud.
Will see tomorrow.
We decided to use this special Hemp because of its neraly pefect acoustiucal properties for our kind of use.
It has a much lower flow resisitivity against typical insulation which are about 5 kPas/m², since we used very deep Cornertraps for a good amount of broadband basstrapping for this room.


Hi I am quite interested in (novice) acoustics and I did not quite follow what you were explaining . I am wondering what the density of the hemp is per cubic m ? I was under the impression that the greater the density the greater the bass absorption qualities of the material . If choosing a material with low absorption (as I think you suggest ) what advantages does this have in this situation ? It seems counter intuitive . It's good to have an acoustic guy on this forum to ask questions of , thanks in advance .
you can staple some cords, or wires across the frame, so you have good support for the insulation. It`s a quick, cheap, and esay solution, so let`s do it .

Ah, I thought of that but wasn't sure if it would be too much weight.
Thank you Mika. Still got lots of cord left, so in fact I'm gonna start right now :)
Have fun eating a lot of other strange animals - I guess cockroaches are next? :lol:
Hi I am quite interested in (novice) acoustics and I did not quite follow what you were explaining . I am wondering what the density of the hemp is per cubic m ? I was under the impression that the greater the density the greater the bass absorption qualities of the material . If choosing a material with low absorption (as I think you suggest ) what advantages does this have in this situation ? It seems counter intuitive . It's good to have an acoustic guy on this forum to ask questions of , thanks in advance .

absoprtion is not related to the destiny of a material, it is related to it`s flow resistivity.

It is important to have a optimal flow resistivity related to the absorber depth.
When you use some insulation with high length specific flow resistivity and make the absorber to deep, the soundwaves will be reflected, and don`t flow through the whole deepth of the absorber. When the absorber is thin, and you use insulation with a to low length specific flow resistivity, there is not enough resistivity to transform the sound energy into heat.

Remember, we talk about porous absorbers only.

The location of the absorber is as important as it`s porperties.

The destiny of rockwool, for example is nearly twice the destiniy of glasswool, with the same length specific flow resistivity. :goggly:
The reason is it`s different porosity.

Interesting information, thanks for that!

Would you say there are widespread misconceptions regarding DIY room treatment and what some of them are? I'm talking about roughly the kind of treatment people do after they give Ethan's forum as well as studiotips and a few others a look, not the complete amateurs that think slapping some foam here and there is treatment.
Thanks for your reply Mika , I could ask more questions but I don't want to hijack this post . Maybe we could get a dedicated acoustic post going
some other time .
Cheers Nick
I can't speak for Mika of course, but we used different materials for the studio (hemp, isover tp1, isover dp3 and rockwool sonorock (<-yet to come)).
So I guess it depends on the specific use of the absorber really (what kind of asborber, what purpose, tuned frequency (if any), position and depth etc)
Pretty sure there is no "best" material for porous absorbers.
There is no product which i prefer. each has it`s own properties also beside the acousticals.
There are more parameters to watch, like surface impedance, destiniy, and position of the porous absorber.
I use the one, which has the right properties for the best price avalible in the area of the studio.

One cloud is up :) Lots of work, even more than expected (as usual), and one major fuckup made possible by yours truly :lol:
I wrote a huge fucking text on the process on a german board but I'm WAY too tired to write it in english. Gonna head straight to bed now, I'll explain some things tomorrow. (I will be able to cover the mistake up, though)
If one of you sees the mistake I'll kill myself!

Just kidding, I will only kill the first person to mention it. :)





Oh and yeah it seems very low, but we will hang it higher soon. It's easy because of the chains we used.
It will be practically right underneath the ceiling (15cm higher than now).
Is it that the top-most board in picture 4 isn't as wide as the ones below it? In that you used 2x them long-wise for the width, but that wasn't equal to one of them turned sideways?

As in... | was longer than _ _ once you connected them and flipped the direction?
Is it that one is not as wide as the others? Looking really good man, seriously doing a good job from the looks of it.
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoy the pictures :)
Is it that the top-most board in picture 4 isn't as wide as the ones below it? In that you used 2x them long-wise for the width, but that wasn't equal to one of them turned sideways?

As in... | was longer than _ _ once you connected them and flipped the direction?
Is it that one is not as wide as the others? Looking really good man, seriously doing a good job from the looks of it.
Exactly :waah:

Do you guys think I should cover it up by covering a piece of wood (with the missing length on both sides) in fabric and somehow glue / jam it into the gap?
2 poeple already said they thought it was supposed to be like this :lol:
Personally, the gaps annoy the shit out of me.

I got up today and didn't even eat anything yet, but I *had* to wire the lights and install them ASAP :lol: ->


