Project Studio Build

The wood trick would work, but so would raising one panel a bit higher/lower than the others, assuming that still had the same acoustic effects?

You could also just tell people it was designed so if the unit swung a bit from the house being shook that they wouldn't swing as one giant unit and would be less likely to fall down. :lol:

*edit* looking at it again, I'd definitely raise that piece that's "not wide enough" about 2-3 inches above the other panels, and maybe drop the two on the sides another inch or two, just for a broken-up look.
The gaps look fine,
from where I'm sitting they help to break up the surface nicely.
The wood trick would work, but so would raising one panel a bit higher/lower than the others, assuming that still had the same acoustic effects?

You could also just tell people it was designed so if the unit swung a bit from the house being shook that they wouldn't swing as one giant unit and would be less likely to fall down. :lol:

*edit* looking at it again, I'd definitely raise that piece that's "not wide enough" about 2-3 inches above the other panels, and maybe drop the two on the sides another inch or two, just for a broken-up look.
Yeah, I can imagine it would look really cool - good idea! Unfortunately, all (5) single elements are connected with each other, so I can't raise or lower one (or several) of them - only the whole cloud. I'll try the earthquake protection thing on the next band :lol:
I'll let it be for now because there are lots of other things left to do, and see how I see it on a few weeks. If it still bugs me, I will cover the gap.
Looks awesome man! :)

The spacing between the clouds is really good for acoustics of the room, right? :D
Damn right. Everyone who says otherwise has no idea of studio acoustics :heh:
Yeah, it's up to you ultimately if you want to do something about the gaps of course, but to me it's not really that big of a deal.
Wow, I'm very happy right now. Two friends of mine stayed here for 2 days and we did a shitload of work:
- finished all four cornertraps
- filled both (to-be)-slat absorbers right next to the front corners
- cut out all the needed white cloth for the controlroom
- also built the last cloud and mounted it a few hours ago

So, that pretty much means the controlroom is ready acoustic-wise. Well, not really. The slat absorbers are only normal porous absobers right now (we will fit the size of the slats and thus the tuning of the absorber according to the measurements), and the absorber on the lower back of the room is also a porous absorber, but will probably become a tuned absorber, too.
But other than that, all cornertraps and clouds are finished, as are all porous absorbers and diffusors. Only the frames for the fabric left to build.. hell yeah.

And you're right the dark fabric in the pictures isn't really tight, but it doesn't matter because the white fabric will be above it.
You will perhaps notice, the new cloud is a bit leaning. True, but it is supposed to be angled (the "front" is at about 30cms from the ceiling). We will still hang the other cloud and the back of the "front"-cloud higher if all the wiring etc is done.
Sorry for the shitty cellphone pictures.









Clouds look fine to me..

If it bugs you, or someone asks, just say that they are designed that way for some nonsensical acoustic reason like "frequency breakup" or "surface diffusion" or something... no one would know the difference... well most wouldn't know the difference

Yeah, looks like I'm gonna stick with the gap for now :grin:
I did the cablework and installed the LEDs today. I also took a few more pics, the iPhone camera is horrible at night so I wanted them to be at least a bit better :lol:






Really nice work so far :grin: where did you get the building skills ?
Haha thanks! Think I wrote it earlier in the thread, I was absolutely no do-it-yourself guy before this. Never did any woodwork or other construction/building work before.. I barely knew how to change a damn bulb :lol:
The first things I tried went horribly wrong, and I'm partly running across those mistakes now that the controlroom is pretty much finished, haha.. Also I had a lot of help from my dad who's pretty good at those things. But I had to do most of the work alone or with (equally unskilled) friends because he works 12h/day, and even on the weekends. I guess if you just try to do something, it will eventually work out, and the more work you do the more experienced you get.
Especially judging if something will work the way you plan it gets easier.

By the way, I just placed my desk+speakers roughly where they will be in the end, and cleaned up the room a bit. The sound is seriously amazing.. last time I listened (and measured) was before the 4 cornertraps and slat-absorbers were filled with mineralwool, and before both clouds were hanging. It sounded great in comparison to my old room and the empty room, but still had some issues with the bass. Now these problems are gone and I can truly appreciate my monitors (adam s3a). The room has the most detailled and balanced sound I've ever witnessed - I love it. :popcorn:

Before I build the clouds and cornertraps:




:tickled: Keep in mind that the three tuned absorbers are still missing!
Wow, definitely evening it out in there, what freq's will the tuned absorbers be at?
I'm hoping 60hz and 100hz. :lol:
There is no riniging at 100hz. The 100hz dip for example may be caused by wrong speaker placement, since they are placed in the null of the floor cellig mode, or it is a typical SBIR effect
placing the speaker higher for example will fill that dip, and also the 60hz dip.
More testing is needed to solve this.
But the overall freqency plot looks very good, also the reverbation time is top.
I am waiting for the measurment files to be able to find the reasons for this dips, which are not that bad at all.
We are trying to get +-6db all over, but a flat rsponse is not important for a good listening room, there are much more important parameters.
I bet the room sounds killer :Smokin:

Completely off Topic, but what program are you guys using to make these studio diagram things? I see them everywhere, and I want
Judging from the graphs it should sound pretty tight, congrats!
Yeah honestly, it has the best sound I've ever witnessed. Seriously :lol:
The coolest thing is, it doesn't really matter that much where you stand, the sound just won't change (even in the corners or at the very end). Also the sweet-spot is really big, I can lean to my far left and right without leaving the sweet spot (the panorama changes of course, but not the sound). I fucking love the room.

I compared my A7 and S3A monitors once, and did it again yesterday and the difference blew my mind.. The S3As sound a lot more detailled and the stereo image is super exact.. the S3As in the untreated and later "half-treated" room weren't such a big difference to the A7s, more powerful bass aside.
Completely off Topic, but what program are you guys using to make these studio diagram things? I see them everywhere, and I want
Hey, the graphs I posted are made with Audionet Carma:

I also used (but not posted) "REW":
(You have to register at if you want to download it)

They're both available for Mac and PC (allthough Carma didn't work with my Macs, luckily I have windows installed)