Project Studio Build

Were those gobo kits or did you build them yourself? Those look bad ass!!
Hehe, thank you :rock: I love how they look.. somehow professional :lol:

Those are no kits, I bought the needed wood in the DIY store just the day before we built them. I had a sketchup from the studio designer, though (in a different size, and a few details like those wedges to screw the backplate on were our idea).
I made one annoying "mistake": The bottom board is where the casters should be mounted, but it's too thin and the screws for the casters would pierce the surface of the board.. I'm not yet shure how to do this, perhaps I'll just make additional small quadratic boards so it's thicker (it is 19mm right now). Smaller screws are no option because they wouldn't be powerful enough to hold the whole gobo on it.
Hehe, thank you :rock: I love how they look.. somehow professional :lol:

Those are no kits, I bought the needed wood in the DIY store just the day before we built them. I had a sketchup from the studio designer, though (in a different size, and a few details like those wedges to screw the backplate on were our idea).
I made one annoying "mistake": The bottom board is where the casters should be mounted, but it's too thin and the screws for the casters would pierce the surface of the board.. I'm not yet shure how to do this, perhaps I'll just make additional small quadratic boards so it's thicker (it is 19mm right now). Smaller screws are no option because they wouldn't be powerful enough to hold the whole gobo on it.

Hm... have you ever thought about simply leaving the casters off? Those things aren´t that heavy right? If you mount two handles left and right, you should be able to get them anywhere you want. You could mount some rubber feet on the bottom to avoid scratching your floor.
Yeah, good point actually! I found really cool rubber feet when building the monitor stands, with them I can very easily push even heavy things around (without scratching the floor). Gonna think about it, thanks
You could just screw another piece of MDF of the same size to the bottom piece, and then screw the casters in ;) Wood glue is your friend, but I'm sure you've figured that out by now :lol:
Yeah, thanks for the ideas guys. I also thought about just an additional bottom piece.. not sure yet which what option I'll go.
I got the plans for the recording room today, and they're fucking amazing.
The QRD Diffusor will probably be visible, unlike in the last sketch, but that would be A LOT more expensive because I can't use cheap particle board but "real" wood, or painted MDF.


hey dude, looking sick

Do you have any plans of the mobile gobos? Was planning on making some myself fo my home studio.
hey dude, looking sick

Do you have any plans of the mobile gobos? Was planning on making some myself fo my home studio.
Hey, sorry - not trying to be a dick - but I can't post / send the plans. They're the studio designer's and he makes a living out of it.. so I think it would be unfair to give away his ideas for free. You can ask him for the plans, though:"mika [at] hanauradau (dot) de"
This is his website: But it's under construction atm.

Or you could just try to figure out the construction from the pictures I posted, there's really no magic behind it.
really like it! mika rockt... ;)
Yes indeed, he's done great work and helped me with numerous questions.. at a _great_ price, I might add.
Ugh... just finished five out of ten elements for the clouds (= 5 pieces the framing of one cloud).
After 150 screws, lots of particle boards and multiple squares my hands really fucking hurt. As does my back :lol:
Gonna buy the particle boards and shit for the other 5 frames tomorrow and hopefully be able to build them..
Also, a friend will come and help me build another two gobos, but this time they will be diffusing gobos for the rec room.


The fabric arrived. I'd like to start immediately with the frames and covering them with the fabric, but they'll probably get dirty as hell that way. Also I'm not yet shure how to handle a few things (the parts with the diffusors in the wall, and some transitions).. I put the white sheet there so you can see the colour, it's called "raw natural white" and I think it looks nice.

And I finished the 10th and last frame for the clouds.
Didn't buy the halogen lights yet because I'm stupid so they've got to wait until the lights arrive :/

I hate the situation because there are more bands then ever lined up to record their EPs/albums etc but the build will take at least another few months..
and I fear some of them might look for another studio.
Wow, super frustrated right now... A few things are WAY more complicated than it seemed, partly because I fucked up some (at that time) minor things, partly because the DIY store carried other sizes for the roof battens I used for the framing than the designer has made his sketchups with.
I need a few meters of timbers with a certain size (18x56mm) and it's not available so I'm gonna have to cut it myself. But that's simply impossible when you're on your own and my friends can't help me within the next three days. DAMN.
Wow, super frustrated right now... A few things are WAY more complicated than it seemed, partly because I fucked up some (at that time) minor things, partly because the DIY store carried other sizes for the roof battens I used for the framing than the designer has made his sketchups with.
I need a few meters of timbers with a certain size (18x56mm) and it's not available so I'm gonna have to cut it myself. But that's simply impossible when you're on your own and my friends can't help me within the next three days. DAMN.

Yeah I know the feeling... I have to put some foil and particle board on the walls right now, and it´s impossible if you have no one who holds that shit so you can properly staple / screw. And nobody shows up :waah: