Question about Nazis


Bill Ward's Red Pants
Oct 21, 2003
The Southland
I know we've discussed this before, but I'm still interested. Who exactly do these people discriminate against? I know Jews and Black folk obviously, but is it everyone they don't consider to be of "pure blood", and what exactly would "pure blood" be? Is it a certain nationality and ancestry, color of skin or what? We've already proven that Aryan has nothing to do with the common image that has been born from the Nazis. So, someone explain what's going on, because it all sounds like a hypocritical mess to me. What do they think about those of Middle-Eastern descent, Asians, Native Americans, etc? Can anyone of any race or descent technically be a national socialist and how much of the ideology springs from a pride in country and your own race instead of simply being "white?"

"TEMNOZOR' music is for our Racial comrades worldwide only. Every submen buying
or distributign this record does contribute to his future annihilation 14/88"

I was intrigued by this this comment and I'd find it interesting to know what exactly these russians mean by "submen"? Interesting stuff.

Insert JayKeeley's awesome comment about how we're all just my pals at the end of the day. :tickled:
Opeth17 said:
Who exactly do these people discriminate against?

"Hitler was obsessed with racial purity - with the idea that nature had created a superior Aryan race, an elite with the quickest minds and most able bodies. Therefore, by the laws of nature, anyone judged ‘inferior’ or 'weak' should be eradicated to protect the 'purity' of the gene pool. Into this category came Jews, gypsies, black people, gay people - plus deaf and disabled people.

In July 1933, the Nazi regime introduced a controversial new law to prevent the 'unfit' from having children. They enforced the sterilisation of certain defined groups including: blind, manically depressed, physically malformed, promiscuous women and deaf people. Those thought to have hereditory deafness had to attend a medical examination to decide whether they should be sterilised. [...]

It’s estimated that some 17,000 deaf people were sterilised between 1933 and 1945 - the youngest was only 9 years old. [...]

In 1935, doctors were given the legal right to terminate pregnancies by force if an inherited genetic condition, such as deafness, was suspected. Abortions were carried out as late as six months into the pregnancy. [...]

In 1939, the Nazi policy towards deaf and disabled people took an even more sinister and horrific turn. Hitler decided that Germany should be rid of 'useless eaters' and that deaf and disabled children should be killed. Newborn babies with physical 'defects' were removed from their mothers and killed. Children who were judged to have mental or physical disabilities were taken to special children's wards and killed by lethal injection or starvation. The parents were often informed that their children had died of natural causes. It is estimated that nearly 2000 deaf children were killed in this way. [...]

Also in 1939, Hitler agreed to the creation of the T4 Program, which targeted disabled and deaf adults living in institutional care homes. A questionnaire was filled out for each resident to indicate who should be removed to the hospital killing centres in Germany and Austria. The residents were never examined by a qualified doctor – the questionnaire was, in effect, the person's death warrant. [...]"
OK prepare to laugh at me, but a few years ago, I saw an experiment on the Oprah Winfrey show. Nevertheless, it was interesting - the show was on racism and the audience were participating in a test, but they weren't aware they were being tested.

The premise of the show was that brown haired people are 'better' that blonde haired people. By 'better' I mean more intelligent, improved social skills, masterful athletes etc. They even split the audience where brown hairs were on the left, and blondes on the right.

Oprah brought out a 'race expert' to lecture the audience on the differences between the two groups. Of course, the blondes were immediately insulted, but the brown haired folk started to take pride in being who they were. This became apparent in a matter of minutes, and some brown haired folks even started to cite examples of how they know blondes that are crap at everything etc.

Of course, at the end of the show, they explained the whole thing was a test. But the proof was that you can easily manipulate people into discriminating against that is 'different'. Of course, the more different, the easier to discriminate.

The interesting part is that this is human nature. Even in a nazi world, if you only had white people left, sooner or later there would be OTHER things to discrimate against. Age, weight, intelligence, etc etc.

I don't think you could ever find a group of people that are EXACTLY equal in every single aspect, and over time, this would continue to pose a problem.

Just live and let live, and get on with your day, that's what I say.
JayKeeley said:
The interesting part is that this is human nature. Even in a nazi world, if you only had white people left, sooner or later there would be OTHER things to discrimate against. Age, weight, intelligence, etc etc.
Dr. Suess made this clear with his classic, The Sneetches.

JayKeeley said:
Just live and let live, and get on with your day, that's what I say.
I don't think you could ever find a group of people that are EXACTLY equal in every single aspect, and over time, this would continue to pose a problem.

Just live and let live, and get on with your day, that's what I say.

right on.

me and my friends always have this argument as one of my firends is very pushy and always tries to make us do things that we don't like.

anyway my theory is that if everyone were so similar to one another, be it by race or personality or physical appearance ... it would be a very boring world.
I mean ... I would not want to hang out with someone that is just like me.

Embrace the difference and quirkiness of others ... unless they are Agalloch fans :loco:
Hey whatever happened to that broad that cloned her cat? You know, she was all butthurt because Kitty died (hey I understand, I prefer pets to people a lot of the time), but then she found some kitty-DNA in a hairball or some shitz and had the little fucker duplicated because she couldn't move on an accept the fact that animals died?

She sucked.
I bet those scientists bought a similar $2 kitten from somewhere, gave it to her (who obviously couldn't tell teh difference,) and then spent all the money on drugs and beer