Question and Answer Thread

dargormudshark said:
A: it all depends on the band, and if it is needed or all that stuff.

Q: same

A: I agree... it depends on the band. I was upset that Lance left Balance of Power, until I found out why, and I was happy with their choice of John K. But, now he's left, so I dunno what to think (until I find out who the next new guy is). :)

Fortunately, we know that Shaye's not gonna go Yoko on us... :)

Q: Same.
Wishmaster said:
A: I agree... it depends on the band. I was upset that Lance left Balance of Power, until I found out why, and I was happy with their choice of John K. But, now he's left, so I dunno what to think (until I find out who the next new guy is). :)

Fortunately, we know that Shaye's not gonna go Yoko on us... :)

Q: Same.

Not much I can add. I also think it depends on the band and situation. Sometimes it's for the better, sometimes for the worse.

Q: same (I'd be a little more creative but I'm sleepy)

Bryant said:
Not much I can add. I also think it depends on the band and situation. Sometimes it's for the better, sometimes for the worse.

Q: same (I'd be a little more creative but I'm sleepy)


A: well again it all depends on the band and their situation, but even more on who is replacing them. for example, even though IE's new vocalist is good, hes no match to barlow and i dont think he brings out the essence of the song like barlow could do.

Q: same....(im too lazy, someone else come up with a new question)
I feel member changes are always risky but can turn out to be better than the original line up, depending on who you get. And I don't mean who is the most famous either, I mean how well the members interact with the new guy, lol.

Q: Favorite one liner?

No-Mercy said:
I'll add a question for bryant

Q: how do you feel about member changes?
WIntersReflection said:
I feel member changes are always risky but can turn out to be better than the original line up, depending on who you get. And I don't mean who is the most famous either, I mean how well the members interact with the new guy, lol.

Q: Favorite one liner?

A: the 2 lines from songs that always come to my mind first without any thought are
"In the past we had no joice, to hear or to be the voice" -dragonforce
"Take not thy thunder from us, take away our pride" -iron maiden

Q: same (i dont know if i answered this right)
A: My favorite one-liner...? Probably anything Chandler from 'Friends' said ;) Like this one:

Monica: "It's not a's just two people going out and not having sex!"
Chandler: "Sounds like a date to me..."

Q: Last show you visited of a band you don't really like...and why? (my answer on this is great, just ask Kittybeast ;))
Coma777 said:
A: My favorite one-liner...? Probably anything Chandler from 'Friends' said ;) Like this one:

Monica: "It's not a's just two people going out and not having sex!"
Chandler: "Sounds like a date to me..."

Q: Last show you visited of a band you don't really like...and why? (my answer on this is great, just ask Kittybeast ;))

A: Behemoth, Black Dahlia Murder, Nile, King Diamond

Q: same
No-Mercy said:
A: i dont know if this counts, but i saw Maiden and arch enemy opened so i saw them to, but dont like AE, and same for ozzfest last year when i say slayer and sabbath......other than that nope.

Hmm...not really, cause about 50% of all opening acts suck. I find myself looking on my watch a lot during opening acts.
No-Mercy said:
A: i dont know if this counts, but i saw Maiden and arch enemy opened so i saw them to, but dont like AE, and same for ozzfest last year when i say slayer and sabbath......other than that nope.

Q: same

A: I'm pretty picky about the shows I choose to spend money on an go to, so it's been a while since I've seen something truly awful. The only example I can come up with is a show I saw at a local club a few years back. I was out to see my favorite local rock band, the Young Antiques, and decided to stay to see the "headliner." (if these guys don't headline the show, I usually stay to check out the other bands, in case one turns out to be cool) I should have known what I was in for when I learnd that the headlining band's name was Ill Mic. To make a long, and painful story short, I'll just say that I'm glad that the show only cost me $7. :)

Q: Same.

A: Superjoint Ritual at Ozzfest last year -- went to see Sabbath and Priest and got stuck with that mess too. :yuk:

Q: How many lawyers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: Concerts I'm looking forward to are OverKill's, Metal Church's and Nuclear Assault's. As far as CDs go...Darkane's 'Layers Of Lies', Nuclear Assault's '3rd World Genocide', the re-release of Vio-Lence's 'Eternal Nightmare' and Dark Angel's new album. Although I doubt if that last one will come this year.

Q: Which musical genre do you hate most?
Coma777 said:
A: Concerts I'm looking forward to are OverKill's, Metal Church's and Nuclear Assault's. As far as CDs go...Darkane's 'Layers Of Lies', Nuclear Assault's '3rd World Genocide', the re-release of Vio-Lence's 'Eternal Nightmare' and Dark Angel's new album. Although I doubt if that last one will come this year.

Q: Which musical genre do you hate most?

shit defenetly rap...oh wait, that shit doesnt even count as music. so i guess ill say that pop and jazz i can handle.