Question and Answer Thread

Wheezer said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

A: RJD's "Don't Talk to Strangers"

Q: Same because it's too good a question with a ton of possibilities.

I couldn't agree more. "Don't Talk to Strangers" is my all-time favorite DIo song and may be my all-time fave song performed by Ronnie. Great song. Urban..... sing that one dude !!

dargormudshark said:
A: Someting's calling me back it's a Light in the black!

Q: How sharp are the thorns of crimson death?

A: As sharp as my mind is to think of a creative answer (meaning they are dul, :lol: sorry for those of you that it annoys when people explain their cheesy and lame jokes ;) )

Q: I'm still turning in my sleep, oh what wrong have I done?
dargormudshark said:
A:try sleeping with a barbed wire comforter

Q: How metal do you feel right now...and what do you think of my new sig :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

A: I'm feeling very metal. I'm listening to Misha Calvin's "Strangers" (Though I satill can't find the CD) and Tony Martin was a freaking GOD !! Pretty cool sig.

Q: Why don't metal bands find a way to use a little more acoustic guitar. Acoustic rips when used sparingly.

Bryant said:
A: I'm feeling very metal. I'm listening to Misha Calvin's "Strangers" (Though I satill can't find the CD) and Tony Martin was a freaking GOD !! Pretty cool sig.

Q: Why don't metal bands find a way to use a little more acoustic guitar. Acoustic rips when used sparingly.


A: Because they might not feel it fits....but I am going to write something with some acoustic now that you mention it

Q: Favorite Key
lady_space said:
A: My housekey--it's red and black and has the Falcons logo on it.

Q: Would it be rude to buy a ceiling fan and ask a houseguest to install it for me, if said houseguest will also be benefitting from coolness of said fan?

A: :lol: your letting him use your house, he better be installing that god damned fan!

Q: Has there ever been a band you were real into and listened to all the time, then discovered new bands, and when you came back you found yourself not really liking them anymore?

(and bryant, i too wonder why metal bands dont use as many acoustic guitars. iron maiden's journeyman blew me the fuck away!)