Question for Mikael...


Neverending dreamer...
Apr 11, 2002
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I'm aware of your busy schedule but If you pass by I would be very happy to have an answer.

It may sound very stupid but it's concerning the cover of your next albums...are you planning to take Travis Smith as your artist for the cover? I mean, Travis Smith is my favorite artist and it would be just awsome if he could work with my favorite band (Opeth) again.

I sincerely believe that his artistic expression suit yours perfectly
thanks for taking your time...
hehehe i think we scred him off on the last "questions for mikael" thread....I ask a few q's he answers next thing u know people bombarded him with q's lol i think we officially scraed him off. =)
I think he's a busy man lately.

What the hell. Hey Mikael, what that going on in Karma around 7:10-7:25 or so. Sounds like a voice behind the growls.
When lesbians are involved, are 2 or 3 lesbians better? I mean, you have more focus with 2, but 3 is more lesbians.
Yes, I don't know how someone can do so many good things like that. Like all my favorite recent covers are his.
Originally posted by opeth9999
Mikael has all ready said that Travis is doing the next to album cover art's and that he plans on haveing one of the CD's have a darker looking color and another with a brighter cover like Black and White. Yeah I am really looking foward to see what Travis does. Read interview here:

Didn't he already do that with Still Life and Blackwater Park? :)