Question for the Guys!!!

1) which do you notice first....a smile or her boobs??

2) does a girl have to have the same taste in music as you do?

3) would you let a girl paint your toe nails?

1) I guess the smile, but boobs are good too! :p

2) hell no.

3) yes, actually I have been through that. it was funny! :lol:
Originally posted by Silver Raven
I still dont see the harm in letting a girl paint your toes nails :grin: A million to one youd let her paint your finger nails so what is the difference;)

I'd actually let a girl do my toe nails before my finger nails. At least I could hide my painted (tainted?) toes from public almost permanently.
Originally posted by Silver Raven
Ok all you guys out's a few questions for truthful!

1) which do you notice first....a smile or her boobs??

2) does a girl have to have the same taste in music as you do?

3) would you let a girl paint your toe nails?

:p :grin:

1) Smile, or lack there of. I like to see if girls i'm checking out are depressed or not before getting into them, thus I try to see A) Smile (or lack of), B) Wrists and any other place for scars... then my eyes proceed to ass and etc.

2) Simply no.

3) No, that'd be geigh.
Originally posted by ProphesizedDoom
1) Smile, or lack there of. I like to see if girls i'm checking out are depressed or not before getting into them, thus I try to see A) Smile (or lack of), B) Wrists and any other place for scars... then my eyes proceed to ass and etc.

2) Simply no.

3) No, that'd be geigh.

Now that is something I have never thought of doing with anyone Im checking out...I think for now on Ill be checking wrist after I dont see a smile :grin:
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
I'd actually let a girl do my toe nails before my finger nails. At least I could hide my painted (tainted?) toes from public almost permanently.

See thats what I tell some of my guys friends...No one sees their toes so why not :D
Originally posted by Silver Raven
Now that is something I have never thought of doing with anyone Im checking out...I think for now on Ill be checking wrist after I dont see a smile :grin:

Trust me, it helps alot, it keeps you away from those really depressed chicks.

Also if you see minor scratches AVOID, most likely a drama-queen.

And you want to know what? this form of checking out has NEVER been wrong for me... I've thought it might be wrong sometimes but it's only been proved right everytime afterwards.....
How so? I mean when you check someone out you know in the back of your head you are thinking "I wonder if they are fucked up or not" so he does have a good logic :)
no, that's not logic. logic is: if i want to go out with someone, i talk with him (in my case) a bit before, and i think i can understand better how they are by talking with them, rather than from checking the wrists.
I'm with Val, here.

Well, for a start, a lack of scar on the wrist is very little in the way of guaranteeing you're not going to be dating a psycho. I don't think all people with mental problems cut their wrists. And not all people with scars on their wrists have mental problems.
Secondly, the fact that it hasn't proved wrong so far doesn't prove it's a good method. Ever heard of verification and falsification?
For example, I might say that "I smash an egg on the floor before leaving my house to stop me getting knocked down by a car" and then say "well, I haven't been knocked down by a car yet, so it must be working."
Thirdly, I don't take a lack of a smile from a girl (a guy, in females' cases) I like to be a sign that I should suspect them of mental instability. I'd firstly assume it's a sign they don't wanna smile at me, before trying to check them for scars.
@silver raven: could you argumentate that, please?

edit: oh shit, i understand it now. you don't have to explain. (still, i don't find a bit of sense in that)
Ok guys Im just playing around :) And yes Ive dated a guy with scars on his wrist, hes not the pyscho. I guess what I was really trying to say that, when you check someone out you always wonder after you see the smile, or the eyes or even the ass, what are they really like!