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Originally posted by Lina
Do you view the worldwide spread of English as yet another annoying example of the U.S. exporting its culture (even though we obviously aren't the only country that speaks English)?
Or do you view it more objectively -- as in, one global language will be necessary as our borders are brought down by technology and business? And English was chosen simply because U.S. businesses dominate the global market?
Does it make you angry to have to learn English? Or is it so commonplace that it's not even questioned anymore?
The worldwide spread of English is a good thing. It makes it easier to
understand eachother. People tell me that in France they refuse to
speak english to you even if you go there as a tourist...?
If I don't know French I won't understand a damn thing! I think
that's just stupid!! And that's why I don't want to go to France >

I have to know I can be understood wherever I go.
I need communication!
In the future I see one world, with one language (maybe English) and
many accents. We'll all be able to understand eachother. This is both
a good and a bad thing. The languages are something special to me.
It's a big part of who you are, it's a big part of history.
I would hate to lose languages because of this world becoming one!
"And English was chosen simply because U.S. businesses dominate
the global market?" Huh? No? English was "chosen" because of what
happened when ENGLAND had collonies all over the world...?
I have always loved learning English, from the first time I learned what
"cat" meant!

I don't like the sound of American or Australian.
And yes, British sounds funny >