Quotes from the weekend:

Bill from Cellador on Friday, wasted and slurring his words badly -
"It is true, I am the shit. I am the greatest thing on the planet. Do I know you? I like you...come sit here with me."

That same evening, we were hanging with Bill, Kristy and Linda in one of the alcoves upstairs for like 20-30 minutes, chatting it up. Later, down in the Vinyl, Linda is still hanging with Bill and I walk up. He introduces himself to me.
me: I know, we were just talking upstairs for like 20 minutes.
Bill: Did you catch our set?
me: we *just* had this conversation upstairs
Bill looks embarrassed, then like 10 seconds later
Bill: So, did you like our set?
Linda and I were cracking up.
me: Bill, we just had this exact conversation like 20 minutes ago

Then Bill opens his arms, walking towards me to give me a hug and says
Nice to see you again! Cause we talked before.
That same evening, we were hanging with Bill, Kristy and Linda in one of the alcoves upstairs for like 20-30 minutes, chatting it up. Later, down in the Vinyl, Linda is still hanging with Bill and I walk up. He introduces himself to me.
me: I know, we were just talking upstairs for like 20 minutes.
Bill: Did you catch our set?
me: we *just* had this conversation upstairs
Bill looks embarrassed, then like 10 seconds later
Bill: So, did you like our set?
Linda and I were cracking up.
me: Bill, we just had this exact conversation like 20 minutes ago

Then Bill opens his arms, walking towards me to give me a hug and says
Nice to see you again! Cause we talked before.

I think he introduced himself to me 3 times... and got mad at me for calling him "Nebraska" each and every time. :lol:
That same evening, we were hanging with Bill, Kristy and Linda in one of the alcoves upstairs for like 20-30 minutes, chatting it up. Later, down in the Vinyl, Linda is still hanging with Bill and I walk up. He introduces himself to me.
me: I know, we were just talking upstairs for like 20 minutes.
Bill: Did you catch our set?
me: we *just* had this conversation upstairs
Bill looks embarrassed, then like 10 seconds later
Bill: So, did you like our set?
Linda and I were cracking up.
me: Bill, we just had this exact conversation like 20 minutes ago

Then Bill opens his arms, walking towards me to give me a hug and says
Nice to see you again! Cause we talked before.

Bill is a doll. He's a funny drunk, albeit totally helpless. I can't recount all the times over the weekend he said something hilarious while being totally wiped out! :lol::lol:
At breakfast:

Random hungover fest guy: "Why does Michael Jackson like 28 year olds? Because there are 20 of them."

Old Lady serving booze at the Peachtree's Happy Hour: "Do you want 50/50 for your drink or stronger?"

Guy: "Can we take a picture with you?"
Me: "I'm not Portnoy"
Guy: "Thats ok my friends wont know"



- R
Here's to the guy in Vinyl who needs a new pick up line:
"Hey, are you their (Tess & Annie's) mother? "No, well I know with women YOUR age getting all that surgery done you can never tell."

"No, they're my sisters."
"Well then, do you have any hot sisters that WILL talk to me?"
"No, get lost...."

How 'bout Zilla's woman getting him too: "Are those real?" and then bringing his friends back and pointing at said area with the line "look at those. They are REAL double d's".

Does this guy every think he'll get a woman????
Norman: "Hey, she's a GILF!"
Now that made me laugh!
overheard in the ladies restroom after FIREWIND played

"oh my I think my panties are wet"
stall 1 "mine too"
stall 2 "mine too"
stall 3 "mine too"
stall 4 "mine too"
Oh yeah a couple more:

At the Granada when the cops were called and we were all getting into the Elevator: MOOOOOOOOO!

And I have to hand it to Patrick (The ProgPower Prisioner Pet) who left me totally speachless:
Patrick (with his arm over my shoulder): So, what are we doing tonight, dear?
Me: *totally blank horrified look*
Patrick: No, I mean where are we headed now?

Seriously messed with my head for a minute... :)

Patrick rules.

Here's to the guy in Vinyl who needs a new pick up line:
"Hey, are you their (Tess & Annie's) mother? "No, well I know with women YOUR age getting all that surgery done you can never tell."

"No, they're my sisters."
"Well then, do you have any hot sisters that WILL talk to me?"
"No, get lost...."

How 'bout Zilla's woman getting him too: "Are those real?" and then bringing his friends back and pointing at said area with the line "look at those. They are REAL double d's".

Does this guy every think he'll get a woman????
Norman: "Hey, she's a GILF!"
Now that made me laugh!

That guy was awwwwwwesome! He was the creep of all creeps. Seriously was still around being creepy into the early Sunday morning hours! :zombie:
Luca from Raintime putting me in my place

Me "I flew all the way from Califonria to be here"
Luca "I flew all the way from Italy to be here"
Me "Damn...."
Regarding Firewind's platinum-blonde dancing singer dude:

Christina - "Aroused? Not aroused?"
Me - "Disturbed."
Random person - "Ven I sing about you, I touch myself."
Me - "Now is da time on Dieter's Dance Party ven we dance!"
While listening/watching metal karaoke with Lucinda and Greg to my left. Song being peformed - "Aqualung" by Jethro Tull.
Reading the screen and listening to the lyrics of "Sitting on a park bench, eyeing little girls with bad intent. Snot running down his nose, greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes [on an on] until the "frilly panties run" line and:

Greg: "Man that song is fucked up"

That just slayed me.... That was hysterical.
While listening/watching metal karaoke with Lucinda and Greg to my left. Song being peformed - "Aqualung" by Jethro Tull.
Reading the screen and listening to the lyrics of "Sitting on a park bench, eyeing little girls with bad intent. Snot running down his nose, greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes [on an on] until the "frilly panties run" line and:

Greg: "Man that song is fucked up"

That just slayed me.... That was hysterical.

Haha, that was my buddy Dan singing that song.

- R