R2r and CC > STYE

"R2r and CC > STYE"


R2R, the first experimental album, wasn't that far from Clayman style-wise. It just suffers from shitty sound/production. I bet more people would've liked it if it had been produced in Fredman Studios. The lead in the beginning of Dismiss The Cynics is comparable to the leads in Embody and Jotun, IMO. I'm not saying it's as great, just that it's comparable to them.

STYE, on the other hand, feels just like a simplified, watered down version of Reroute. Fails to interest me much.

CC has been described as "a mix of new and old" but I wouldn't say that's the case, necessarily. I think CC was something new again. It definitely doesn't sound like the old albums, but it definitely doesn't sound like STYE, either. The album has a great replay value for me, I've listened to it A LOT and haven't got tired of it yet. (I always skip "Scream", though. Hah, and I thought they couldn't write anything worse than "Touch of Red" even if they tried...)

As for new IF vs. old IF... it's like apples and oranges. I like both. Whoracle's still the best album, tho. :)
Transparent, Touch Of Red, and Scream are def. the three worst Inflames songs ever. Transparent makes me cry how bad it is. Worst Inflames song ever.
I pretty much agree with the OP. Reroute To Remain is up there with all the previous albums imo, I honestly consider it as one of the older In Flames albums... before the emo phase truely began with STYE. And Come Clarity was a decent comeback after STYE, still emo but with improved clean vocals & the melodic guitars back in the mix. That's where the "mix of old & new" applies, & overall I think it's a good album. Not pre-STYE good, but face it, those days are long gone now & they'll never make metal that way again.
Transparent, Touch Of Red, and Scream are def. the three worst Inflames songs ever. Transparent makes me cry how bad it is. Worst Inflames song ever.

I agree with your first statement, but I actually prefer Transparent to the other two songs. It has a nice solo, plus it isn't "a hit", so I don't run the risk of having to listen to it when I go see In Flames live. :lol:
Theres also alot worse songs on soundtrack then Touch of Red......but i do agree scream, Transparent and touch of red are pretty bland. Scream is the only song on CC i actually wanna skip sometimes while listening.
Transparent makes no sense to me as it does have one if not best solos on R2R but it in my absolutely most hated Inflames song. His vocals in that song make me hurt all over. My penis actually goes inverted and is purely for show when I hear that song.
Transparent makes no sense to me as it does have one if not best solos on R2R but it in my absolutely most hated Inflames song. His vocals in that song make me hurt all over. My penis actually goes inverted and is purely for show when I hear that song.
Ah, someone finally clarifies as to why they hate Transparent so much. Yeah now that I think about it there is an unusual vocal approach on that song, but it doesn't bother me at all. Musically it's a great song & I've always loved it.

But you're all fools for hating Scream just for the "you scream I scream" lyrics. Surely it's not that bad to listen to when it's being screamed so quickly with alternate vocal styles, & the verses & bridge are undeniably awesome. Thcrew you guyth I love this song too.

The REAL worst three In Flames songs have to be Like You Better Dead, Bottled & Discover Me Like Emptiness. All total snorefests, & it's no coincidence they're all on the same album.
I think you had a typo it shoudlve been Tansparent, Scream, and Touch Of red. :goggly: Transparent just features horrible vocals and thats what makes the song so bad. Scream has good verse riffs , but the chorus ruins the whole song and thats why its one of the three worst. It sets you up with this killer verse riff thrashing about madly and then straight into the ground using the hopping method of song writing. When I first heard it I felt totally decieved , mislead, and confused like the song had been spliced together with another on accident. Total disillusion. I felt betrayed.
Here's my take-

-Come Clarity was balls. Blech. Didn't like it.
-Reroute was largely decent. Some tracks made me want to die just a little bit.
-Soundtrack was probably worse than Come Clarity- in fact, yeah, it was, every single track sucked... except My Sweet Shadow. MSS didn't sound like In Flames at all, but I still think it's a damn cool song. I will fight you if you disagree. Grr.

And that's why C.C. isn't on my IPod, but STYE still is, despite being the worse album: there isn't a single song I'd want to listen to on CC, whereas there's *one* song I like to listen to on STYE.

Oh, and for the record, Colony and Clayman kick the shit out of all of the new stuff. The Jester Race and Whoracle are also cool, but for some reason I'm just never really in the mood for 'em. Not my kind of insturmental craziness, and the vocals are subpar. I respect people who dig that shit, though, as it is surely quality.
For me:
1. Clayman
2. Colony
3. The Jester Race
4. Whoracle
5. Come Clarity
6. Reroute to Remain

STYE is shite. CC is good. R2R has some good songs but I like almost all of CC(What can I say, its good.).
Reroute has System,Drifter, Trigger, Egonomic, and CLoud Connected, thats what I listen to off that album.

STYE has Dead ALone, Sweet Shadow, In Search For I , I really like Dead Alone for some reason and everyone hates that song.

COme CLarity I dig Take This Life, Reflect THe Storm, and Vacuum. Vacuum gives me the sense of urgency that Food For The Gods and Morphing Into Primal first gave me. IM NOT SAYING ITS ANYWHERE ARE CLOSE but similar.

Colony I can play that whole album and never skip a song but coerced Coexistence is probably my fav.

Clayman I have to be in the mood for but Pinball Map, Suburban Me, Swim, Only For THe Weak, Clayman, and ANother Day in Quicksand are my favs.

Jesterrace is killer all the way through.

Whoracle I always go straight to Foods For THe GOds and then start the album over.

Lunar Strain/SUb I always just let it play through.