Reroute has System,Drifter, Trigger, Egonomic, and CLoud Connected, thats what I listen to off that album.
STYE has Dead ALone, Sweet Shadow, In Search For I , I really like Dead Alone for some reason and everyone hates that song.
COme CLarity I dig Take This Life, Reflect THe Storm, and Vacuum. Vacuum gives me the sense of urgency that Food For The Gods and Morphing Into Primal first gave me. IM NOT SAYING ITS ANYWHERE ARE CLOSE but similar.
Colony I can play that whole album and never skip a song but coerced Coexistence is probably my fav.
Clayman I have to be in the mood for but Pinball Map, Suburban Me, Swim, Only For THe Weak, Clayman, and ANother Day in Quicksand are my favs.
Jesterrace is killer all the way through.
Whoracle I always go straight to Foods For THe GOds and then start the album over.
Lunar Strain/SUb I always just let it play through.