Sick and Tired:


Formerally Dark_Flames
Jul 14, 2002
Somewhere in Ontario,Canada
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Please Agree or Disagree with my statement... hopefully there are some that actually agree with me.. but anywho...

I'm just wondering if there are any other In Flames fans sick and tired of hearing the same thing over and over... What Im referring to is the bashing of In Flames...

Some of you... you know who you are... bash In Flames for the music they make AND even for what they wear... I know everyone is entitled to their own opinions... but too much is too much... there should be one thread where you can bash in flames all you want... its just like what happened to the old IF forum... there was way too much bashing and one person pretending to be a person from In Flames...

Complain about R2R all you want... there's a thread for it... go for it... bash all you want... so what if its not like the other albums like colony, or whorcle, or the jester race... thats what makes it unique... In Flames would be boring if they make 10 albums exactly like (for example) Whorcle... If bands didn't evolve... it would all be the same sh*t... but in different piles... if you didnt like R2R thats fine... you dont have to listen to it... you can listen to other bands or listen to the older albums of In Flames...

Now about what they wear... I dont know why a bunch of you have problems with what they wear... like c'mon... they wear what they like to wear... not what you tell them to wear... and about Anders bread and dreads... now seriously... leave the poor guy alone... next thing you know some of you will be tellin them what to eat, when to take showers(lol just a joke, i hope it doesnt come down to tellin them when to shower:p) anyways some of you keep blaming him for R2R... It was the WHOLE groups decision to make R2R the way it is... NOT just Anders... Everyone! You stick the blame on him... leave him alone... Because if they didnt like what they created, they wouldnt have put out the album...

So... just let In Flames do their stuff, let them make their own decisions, if you like it you like it if you dont you dont, but just give things a chance and if you still dont like it then make a lil "in flames bashing new album" thread... just enjoy the music because its different from everything else...

Also... to some this may offend ya... so sorry, i just had to get this off my chest... hopefully there are a couple of people that would agree with a few things of what i said... maybe not all of it... maybe just one or two things... IN FLAMES have been very tolerant with all the critism from the fans and I respect them... I just hope you guys also respect their musical talents whether it was the older stuff or the stuff to come but they've came along way, creating some of the best metal ever...

I really hope that this new song on the EP will lead to a great new LP that could possibly put them back on top of everyones mind and show the world what a great bunch of guys with lots of musical talent can do
while I think you overexxagerate a bit, I agree whole heartedly that people bash In Flames entirely too much. Sure they have gone a little soft but so has just about everyone else. I dont see them getting bash.
Bands try new things. Just because they stray from their normal style doesnt make it bad just different. So give them a break and enjoy!

I loved them live on the R2R tour. They can still rock the house with the rest of them
It was an interesting read. Personally, I don't believe in dropping a band just for making one bad album. But that's just me. I'm not gonna stop listening to Colony and Whoracle just because I'm not satisfied with R2R.
Yes, I am also sick and tired of the bashing.

I haven't heard any In Flames basher making better music than In Flames.
I most defitinitely DISAGREE! I don´t know what the fuck I´m disagreeing to, but since yettiboy is agreeing, the only right and moral thing to do is to disagree to whatever has been said.
you know what I am sick and tired of? a bunch of fanboys whining, because some other people try to show them that IF are no gods.
I for one didn't see any IF bashing since a very very long time, but I see it is flavor-of-the-month to open threads like this one.
p.s.:they don't wear what they want. they have a clothing sponsor and they wear what koppartrans wants. dont take it as bashing and dont start to cry. I for one like their clothing and style, what makes me sick is the music.
This is a very good thread. I dont fucking care what they wear. I dont fucking care what your "omg fku inflames lolz reroote sux monkey balls" opinion is. keep the flaming outside champs
Incendiare said:
Clothing shouldn't matter regardless of the band anyway.


And I also agree with connected when he says they bash them too much

I like In Flames, I like R2R, But I don't really care about what they wear, or how is Anders hair, what decision they've made, or will make in the future...
If They release an album that I personally don't like, I will not listen to it, and that's all, I will not keep bashing them all the time.

Well that's only my opinion.....
commandante said:
you know what I am sick and tired of? a bunch of fanboys whining, because some other people try to show them that IF are no gods.
I for one didn't see any IF bashing since a very very long time, but I see it is flavor-of-the-month to open threads like this one.
p.s.:they don't wear what they want. they have a clothing sponsor and they wear what koppartrans wants. dont take it as bashing and dont start to cry. I for one like their clothing and style, what makes me sick is the music.

I totally agree.
It pisses me off that every kind of criticism towards In Flames is called 'bashing'.
Anyway IMO Reroute is a very weak release, In Flames is a parody band now.
It's my opinion, not bashing.
I agree with Commandante...Im sick of reading this same stupid topic about how "IF YOU DONT LIKE IN FLAMES GET DUH HELLZ oUT! YOU NEED PrOgReSS wit DEM!"

I've read it so many fucking times...get used to it that some people like it and some people dont. Everyone has an opinion and its a public forum so people are free to express it...

P.S: I didnt even bother reading past paragraph 2...I think ill go skim it now...
one of the reasons they get bashed so much is because they're such a good band....does that make sense? it's like, people loved their music SO much, that when they try something different and it's not standard In Flames they get PISSED. I dont know if that makes sense. It would be like if Michael Jordan was in his prime and wanted to play for the Knicks instead of the Bulls and went to NY. People would bash him to pieces for doing something different because they want him to be their player, like people want(ed) In Flames to be their band...

I probably sound like a moron, but it makes sense to me. Even the MJ analogy. :)
Devy_Metal said:
one of the reasons they get bashed so much is because they're such a good band....does that make sense? it's like, people loved their music SO much, that when they try something different and it's not standard In Flames they get PISSED.

It hasn't got to with whether it's different or not.
It has do to with whether it sucks shit or not.