Sick and Tired:

I made a thread about this awhile back before the old boards got torn up... And I agree with you completely.

It seems that all the In Flames " fans " can do anymore is complain about R2R and how " Terrible " it is. I think it's complete bullshit that they can knock a band that has so much musical talent.

Honestly, I'm starting not to care anymore about the idiots... I know it's good, and I think that's good enough for me.
stefan86 said:
I totally agree.
It pisses me off that every kind of criticism towards In Flames is called 'bashing'.
Anyway IMO Reroute is a very weak release, In Flames is a parody band now.
It's my opinion, not bashing.
@commandante: Cheers! :)
Freddy Krueger said:
I made a thread about this awhile back before the old boards got torn up... And I agree with you completely.

It seems that all the In Flames " fans " can do anymore is complain about R2R and how " Terrible " it is. I think it's complete bullshit that they can knock a band that has so much musical talent.

Honestly, I'm starting not to care anymore about the idiots... I know it's good, and I think that's good enough for me.

I totally agree with this connected guy, I'm tired about all the shit that has been said about In flames doing this or doing that, if you don't like the album then don't listen to it, is as simple as that. But it seems that some people can't understand that, you can criticize an album or a band, but most critics about R2R & IF are just senseless bashing from poeople that felt "disapointed" about reroute, and a personal attack to some band members (especially Anders).
just let them make music in peace, in the end is all about the music, isn't it???, every comment talking about clothes , appearence, etc, is just stupid
I fully agree. There are just too many people who are complaining about In Flames just because that's what everyone else is doing. People always seem to need something to look down upon. I can totally understand that most people don't like the new album as much some of their older work, but the band's definitely getting a lot more negative comments than they deserve.
im also sick of this. i can understand how people can not like R2R but why mention it in every thread? if i started a thread on stamp collecting or something someone would probably say something like "if in flames makes an R2R stamp theyre so sellouts" its an unjustified comment and no relevance to the thread. and im sick of people claiming the new soilwork and in flames albums are "numetal"
@NovemberFrost: Exactly. The phrase "sucking shit" is far an objective statement.

What has really been amazing to me is that people that so heavily dislike R2R have such a difficult time saying something as simple as, I don't like the CD. What is so hard about saying that? Instead they have to say stuff like, they are sellouts, they're pieces of shit, their music is garbage, etc. It's almost as if you think you can read their minds about why they made that album the way they did. In Flames just wrote an album of which they like the sound of, and if people don't like it, they don't care. They aren't out to please people. And what makes a band a "sellout" in my view is a band that writes music to please OTHER PEOPLE, and doesn't write for themselves. Like I said before though, if you don't like the album, no one has a problem with that, and I can see why you don't like it. It does have a sound that isn't usually associated with In Flames. But just because one person doesn't like it, doesn't mean it is crap by definition. It's all in the eye of the beholder, no matter what band we are criticizing.
I don't care when people bash In Flames. I like them because I like them, not because someone else has told me to. I could care less about the clothes, "softness" of music, and Anders' dreads, although his other hair was much more headbang-able! :p

Constructive criticism is good. I don't care. People that try to bash other people and the bands, I cannot stand /coughSiCcough.

These kind of threads are also getting old too... Sorry C_S! No hard feelings, but I've seen this done way too many times.
I don't care if you say your opinion, but when people start to insult other people and their opinions. If people don't like something, disagree reasonably or don't post. It's one thing to disagree. It's another to flame people for having an opinion.

Connected_Systems, Thanks for posting this. I just today was on the Dark tranquility Forum where there was a post all about the IF forum, and where did it go, and how could they do this, blah blah blah. First of all, THEY (meaning the band) do not owe you or me or anyone else a reason for their decision to take THEIR forum away. I was around on the ORIGINAL IF forum when Fredrik took it away for idiotic behavior, and he explicitely stated when it came back that it would only remain if people treated it with respect. I am so sick of people whining and crying over all the ways that IF fails us all. I agree with the statement, if you dont like them, dont listen and get the FUCK off their forums. I wish I could find that post now to post here for you all to see but I seem to have lost it, but people on there proceeded to call the guys of IF everything from 'disrespectful' to 'losers' because they didnt give the Forum reason for its closing. It seems to me that if everyone had paid attention to what Fredrik said in the first place about a last chance to respect the forum, there is no real reason for him to repeat himself. And it seems to me that most likely all the people crying and throwing fits on the floor about the 'lack of explanation' were probably the same asswipes that caused it to be closed in the first place. On the post I read, people there made every accusation and insult they could think of to the band, and all I was thinking was how they should be ashamed to even CALL themselves IF fans. Saying they were throwing 'temper tantrums' and acting like 'rockstars'. Let me tell you something, I have hung out with the band at times, I am close with Anders to the point where we talk on Email and IM when we both have the time, and they are one of the nicest, down-to-earth, hospitable bunch of guys I have ever had the priviledge of meeting. The comment about them being able to take criticism has nothing to do with the situation the band seems to be in now, with a large group of 'fans' that seem to think its ok to lie about them, impersonate them, and ridicule them. Its cool to give input on whether you like something about their music,etc or not, but the shit that happened every day on that forum was absolutely ridiculous. Someone on that post (christ I wish I could find it) said they are trying to be 'divas' and their fans are not important to them because they took the forum away, but what they fail to consider is that these guys DID NOT take the website away, they simply took the forum section away after numerous warnings about infantile behavior. And nothing for nothing but as someone there since the first forum, I would say probably 80% of the posts were becoming nothing at all to do with IF at all..unless it was of course giving false information or pretending to be them, or fighting with other forum members. These people that were 'oh so upset' about the forum dissapearing are really pissed not for IF related stuff, because the site is still FULL of info on the band, but for the fact that they have no-where else to waste their pitiful time insulting and ridiculing people any longer. There were soooo many comments about IF having attitudes and not wanting to react with their fans..etc etc etc, but what people dont seem to think about is these guys are human, like all of us, and they of course in turn will have days where their attitude may not be all shiny happy. They are away from home, away from their families, they are tired, and they DONT deserve, I agree Connected_System, the bashing that they get. The thing is this, IF is a very talented, great bunch of guys, and if you like them, fuckin A! If you dont, it wasnt for you in the first place. Whew, I feel better :)
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The band shouldnt be bashed for one album. Because all the albums before it are amazing, and even RTR has a place in most people's hearts still :) Negitive comments are alright yes, but not whole heart bashing. Its stupid.

Let the band wear what they want, who are you to dictate ?
Let the band have their fame.
I'm getting sick of this In Flames board... I'm not coming to this forum as much, since it's just shit, not much intelligent posting... I try to make threads to push down the bad ones, but it doesn't work unless I flood the board...

You know, the "stop bashing In Flames" posts are just as annoying as the "In Flames suck" posts. I can't be bothered with either of them. As much as I advocate the "don't like it, don't read it" thing, there's just so much of this that it's hard to avoid! YES, I think people like stefan go out of their way to criticise the album. But fuck it, if that's how he wants to spend his time then hooray for him. As much as I can't be bothered to read it, I can't be bothered to read people bitching about it either. And let's face it, nobody can be bothered reading my posts bitching about how other people bitch about other posts. I think everyone should turn off their computer and go back to sleep. You just got up? I don't care. Go back to sleep. NOW!
InFlamesGoddess said:
And it seems to me that most likely all the people crying and throwing fits on the floor about the 'lack of explanation' were probably the same asswipes that caused it to be closed in the first place. These people that were 'oh so upset' about the forum dissapearing are really pissed not for IF related stuff, because the site is still FULL of info on the band, but for the fact that they have no-where else to waste their pitiful time insulting and ridiculing people any longer.
I was a frequent poster at the "official" IF forum and I was upset that the forum was taken away. However, I was not one of the "asswipes" who "threw fits on the floor" and "wasted her pitiful time insulting and ridiculing people." I was a fan who wanted to share my enthusiasm for one of the greatest bands on the planet with anyone else who felt the same way. I met some wonderful people & I made some good friends at that forum & to have it taken away without any warning in my opinion was unfair. Many of the forum members (including myself) had not been around initially when Fredrik pulled the forum the first time. I think had there been a firm statement saying "Cut the shit or lose the forum" some of the newer folks may have changed their attitudes (or maybe not). What the forum lacked most was respect. Some people found it difficult to respect what people were saying when the views expressed did not reflect their own. Myself, along with other forum members never personally attacked anybody for sharing their thoughts (positive or negative) & we most certainly did not attack In Flames. I feel it wasn't right that everyone was punished for the behavior of some of the "infantile" forum members but obviously what I think is just AN OPINION that hopefully can BE RESPECTED!!
I've been listening to In Flames since Jester Race was released, and in all honesty, I think Reroute is their best CD. Maybe it's because I'm partial to catchy music and it's a very catchy, sing-a-long kind of album. I dunno. Unchain My Heart! from Gorgoroth is still THE catchiest song of all time though.

On a side note, I think Whoracle and Clayman are tied as their weakest albums. Shoot me, I guess.