Be still, O wand'rer!
Originally posted by Dreamlord
No, I didn't ignore Stormbringer. I ignored someone else.
Go on then - tell us who dammnit! It was that Belgian guy right?

*sitting on edge of seat*
Originally posted by Dreamlord
No, I didn't ignore Stormbringer. I ignored someone else.
Originally posted by Dreamlord
Cool, did it. Thanks
Originally posted by Stormbringer
and now tell me who killed JFK, it's driving us europeans mad![]()
Originally posted by Dreamlord
Now you Europeans need to tell the truth about Loch Ness. C'mon, out with it.
Originally posted by JayKeeley
Go on then - tell us who dammnit! It was that Belgian guy right?
*sitting on edge of seat*
Originally posted by JayKeeley
Oh, it's gone all quiet again in this thread....let's start bashing on the Welsh. Hooray!
There's nothing quite like racist Welsh heavy metal where they discriminate against sheep.
Originally posted by lord667
Of course Welsh people have that bigoted old attitude towards sheep...in Welsh society, a sheep is expected to be a lawnmower in the field, a whore in the bedroom, and a joint of mutton in the kitchen...OK, so even in the supposedly liberated world, there's often a "glass ceiling" preventing sheep's advancement. They can't easily run a business, and we are yet to see lamb-burgers in ANY fast-food restaurant...but at least, unlike the Welsh, we are bred with a respect for a sheep's basic rights...the right to say "No!"
I am not Anne Robinson.
Originally posted by Stormbringer
sorry for being colloquial. and thank you for such comfortable discussion culture. will you bomb my country next for daring to oppose you in different political opinions?
see, i can be as polemic as you are, just for the record.
just a few things to add:
if 50% of the population does not vote, it is their own fault. by not voting they agree to accept ANY government that will evolve and by not voting, they lose every right to complain about the government. they were given the chance to vote another government but refused to.
i read about the US presidential election system, where different states count more or less towards the presidential election, and not the net amount of the total votes in the US per candidate.
so we can agree that the US presidental election is quite unlogic and screwed up. i further know that this system was only imposed to 'protect the white men in the north' (i would like to know how many americans know that, and i'm even from another country).
thus so much for understanding in democracy.
Originally posted by NovembersDirge
They killed Martin Luther King Jr. because he was stirring up "problems" with the current system.
Originally posted by Stormbringer
i have read (i think it was on these 100 facts pages) that martin luthers file was closed and cant be opened until 20xx (for 50 years, cant remember when he died). his widow got that through by court cos his file is full of prostitution, drugs and some other shit....