*rant* No longer in a band *rant*


Bass Behemoth
Jun 13, 2004
Manchester, UK
So, due to "personal differences" between me and the drummer, I have been kicked out of my band....:zombie:

Taking into account that it was myself and the guitarist who formed the band (and the fact that it's been the source of all my efforts for 6mths now) the drummer seems to have decided it's now his baby and has kicked me and the singer out. I'm sure a few of you guys have been through the same thing, if not been on both sides (I'll admit that I was part of the decision to get rid of the singer).

Anyone got any bad/funny experiences of a similar situation to share that might stop me from wanting to kick a wall in?
I was in a punk band once (I guess it was like the Exploited) and I was kicked out for putting double bass drum parts in the songs and overall just being too metal for a punk band
In 1998 I got kicked out of my band where I was:

- songwriter
- engineer/producer
- booker
- graphic artist
- manager

The band got a replacement guitarist and stopped existing 2 months later, after they figured out that I did all of the above ... :D
If the drummer was the only one that a problem with you then start another band with everyone except the drummer. :heh:
He'll probably quit or get kicked out eventually anyway.
He won't be kicked out I'm afraid, he owns the rehearsal space and has a reputation as a good drummer (not 100% true, he is tight but is very sloppy on his feet when it comes to speed).

He's also best buds with the 2nd guitarist, who I have had problems with since before he joined the band.

It's a lost cause, I'm much easier replaced than the drummer so that's how it's going down.

Being a bass player in London with nice gear will mean I won't be out of a band for long. I've already spoke to a friend about joining his new power-prog band, could be fun.
Been there and decided that the real problem is that I can't handle working with rock/metal musicians in a project where they think that they are anything more than my toadies. 3 years ago I had a meltdown over the stupid and childish antics of the band and was fired even though:

I founded the band
Composed all the music
produced and co-engineered the CD
did the managing/booking
did all the promotion
did the photography and art direction
did all the road tech work for including drum tech

After I left the band never left the rehearsal space and eventually dissolved. There are loads of players out there but comparatively few creative engines. So go be the engine of YOUR project and let them founder.
Never been kicked, but had to do the kicking a few times. Email seems pretty impersonal but would have made my life easier I guess.
One time I got kicked out of a band for not being "happy enough." LMAO.

I think it's safe to say that won't be a problem in Daylight Dies. Actually it's pretty awesome how somber DD music is, yet doesn't make me want to kill my self. God damn Daylight Dies is kick ass. Definitely in my top 5 of all time.

Wow, very off topic but true none the less.
So, due to "personal differences" between me and the drummer, I have been kicked out of my band....:zombie:

Taking into account that it was myself and the guitarist who formed the band (and the fact that it's been the source of all my efforts for 6mths now) the drummer seems to have decided it's now his baby and has kicked me and the singer out. I'm sure a few of you guys have been through the same thing, if not been on both sides (I'll admit that I was part of the decision to get rid of the singer).

Anyone got any bad/funny experiences of a similar situation to share that might stop me from wanting to kick a wall in?

That might *stop* you wanting to kick a wall in? Nope. Similar drummer troubles. A music junkie that's learning cool shit all the time, except the difference between he and I was he was a drummer that thought himself an all round musician, when he wasn't and thought he knew better than the rest of us, the kinda person that understood cool concepts and ideas but didn't have the ear to pull it off convincingly. I was happy in that band sans-creative clash but I knew it'd be a pain kicking him out so I left. Now I'm trying to get a job to buy me some ferking VSTis - my favourite kind of musicians. :D
My story is something like that: I used to play in the german hardcore band Tackleberry, they're kinda famous in the scene here. We came together in 2004. Was my hole life, I did all the song writing and stuff (not the lyrics). We played a lot shows in just 2 years of beeing it was allready more than a 150 and we fast became one of the most active hardcore-bands in germany (more the oldschool stuff and posistyle). We played a tour through russia (I met my fiance there), a few times germany and france. In this february my mother died at the age of 52 because her kidneys stopped working. it took about 2 weeks for her and then it was over. Since a few month, a 2 weeks tour was planed with a russian band to make some kind of benefit tour for the antifa in russia (they got a HUGE nazi problem, on guy was killed on his way to our last show in moscow). It was just one week after she died.

It was like that: everyone would understand if I would say "no way" but I did it anyway because I knew what it ment to all the others. I thought it could help myself, too. So I did the tour with all this shit in my head (my father allready died 4 years ago). Just to not let them down. One before the last concert a wash basin felt down on my foot and cut off one of my fingers. damn. anyway, I got into hospital, they fixed it. next day I was on stage again, playing in a chair.

we came back, they went to the next shows just 3 days later and said I shall stay at home and recover a bit. on this tour, they decided to kicked me out.
actually it was more or less a problem between me and the bassplayer. he said is not able to play with me in a band anymore because of personal problems. when he had me in his arms just when my mother died he just said "everything going to be ok with us, we'll do that together".

since he told me, I never heard a word. few weeks ago I sended an email to them with a big fuck you to all of them. did the job for me now. they let me down in the worst moment of my live and I called these persons some kind of friend. whatever.

now I got my new band and this great forums just helps me a WHOLE fuckin lot to make it possible to record it very soon.

much of detail, but actually I'm not talking about this a lot and right now it just felt damn good.

sorry for mistakes in spelling and stuff.

thx for listening.

oh yeah:


they even got me in the "former members" list. thanks guys!
My story is something like that: I used to play in the german hardcore band Tackleberry, they're kinda famous in the scene here. We came together in 2004. Was my hole life, I did all the song writing and stuff (not the lyrics). We played a lot shows in just 2 years of beeing it was allready more than a 150 and we fast became one of the most active hardcore-bands in germany (more the oldschool stuff and posistyle). We played a tour through russia (I met my fiance there), a few times germany and france. In this february my mother died at the age of 52 because her kidneys stopped working. it took about 2 weeks for her and then it was over. Since a few month, a 2 weeks tour was planed with a russian band to make some kind of benefit tour for the antifa in russia (they got a HUGE nazi problem, on guy was killed on his way to our last show in moscow). It was just one week after she died.

It was like that: everyone would understand if I would say "no way" but I did it anyway because I knew what it ment to all the others. I thought it could help myself, too. So I did the tour with all this shit in my head (my father allready died 4 years ago). Just to not let them down. One before the last concert a wash basin felt down on my foot and cut off one of my fingers. damn. anyway, I got into hospital, they fixed it. next day I was on stage again, playing in a chair.

we came back, they went to the next shows just 3 days later and said I shall stay at home and recover a bit. on this tour, they decided to kicked me out.
actually it was more or less a problem between me and the bassplayer. he said is not able to play with me in a band anymore because of personal problems. when he had me in his arms just when my mother died he just said "everything going to be ok with us, we'll do that together".

since he told me, I never heard a word. few weeks ago I sended an email to them with a big fuck you to all of them. did the job for me now. they let me down in the worst moment of my live and I called these persons some kind of friend. whatever.

now I got my new band and this great forums just helps me a WHOLE fuckin lot to make it possible to record it very soon.

much of detail, but actually I'm not talking about this a lot and right now it just felt damn good.

sorry for mistakes in spelling and stuff.

thx for listening.

oh yeah:


they even got me in the "former members" list. thanks guys!

Dude thats fukked up!