rasism - what should i do?

Faelivrin said:
i don't wanna talk about it anymore....
yer too late for that girl.
go watch some documentaries or films based on certain periods in the past... read some books and talk to people.
go live some place on the other side of the world where you totally feel out of harmony with the ppl or the customs surrounding you. be born under a non-christian religious banner or try having ancestors that have been subject of slavery or genocide throughout the centuries.
then come back and tell everyone that you still support the words you numbly copied, words based on fear. words lacking any kind of factual or constructive substance. its just empty.
Achernar said:
There are bad people in every skin color. Except blue maybe.
That may be true... but where i live (Coimbra) most of the assaults are done by my pals, so I tend not to like them very much.

In other hand, I like black girls (oh yeah! they really know how to fuck :grin: )

I'm confused... :confused:

Am I a racist?
Achernar said:
There are bad people in every skin color. Except blue maybe.

Sorry to prove you wrong Marco :


Nazi smurfs fuck off !
Soulless said:
That may be true... but where i live (Coimbra) most of the assaults are done by my pals, so I tend not to like them very much.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I studied in Lisbon for quite some time and the only few times me and me mates' lives were threatened t'was by color people. Also, this happened to me in every single school I studied in, but I can't just throw them all into the same circle. I've met some pretty cool people with different colors than mine and I've also met some pretty stupid white people too.
In every single attack of those I thought "they're all like this!" but then again, some black guys I know are just great and act respectfully towards everyone so fuck skin labels.
But believe me, I can see what you mean when you say you tend not to like them very much, I was assaulted by some black guys 3 consecutive days when I first entered basic school and a good friend of mine was raped by some black guys too, but when you reckon not all of them are shit and some people in your own race are shit too, you'll get to respect them.
I never thought there were many black guys in CBR. :grin:
racism is just pathetic. hating people because just because of their color or origin or whatever is the lowest thing on the planet. sick.

:lol: @ arno
Faelivrin said:
i don't wanna!!!!!!!! maybe i want to find my place in the world but i'm sure my place isn't near people who thinks everybode is equal.
You may be right about one thing: Not everyone's equal - racists are the lowest creatures that I can imagine...
How many people of different origin, different colour of skin, different culture do you know personally? Probably none. Otherwise you would think and talk differently.
Achernar said:
Yeah, I know what you mean. I studied in Lisbon for quite some time and the only few times me and me mates' lives were threatened t'was by color people. Also, this happened to me in every single school I studied in, but I can't just throw them all into the same circle. I've met some pretty cool people with different colors than mine and I've also met some pretty stupid white people too. In every single attack of those I thought "they're all like this!" but then again, some black guys I know are just great and act respectfully towards everyone so fuck skin labels. But believe me, I can see what you mean when you say you tend not to like them very much, I was assaulted by some black guys 3 consecutive days when I first entered basic school and a good friend of mine was raped by some black guys too, but when you reckon not all of them are shit and some people in your own race are shit too, you'll get to respect them.I never thought there was many black people in CBR.
yeah, but why is this the case? i mean here its the same thing with albanians. everybody claims their evil, thieves and potential murderers, and everybody treats them like shit. if someone is treated like that what do you expect from them? to kiss your hand? no they wont, they'll hate you back.
in the us all most of the death row inmates are of spanish or black origin. of course they'll be criminals when most of the whites think their low lifes and treat them like that. muslims today as seen as terrorists, boys and girls are afraid to go to school because white kids threaten them. why shouldn't they hate them back?