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Are the old ones not the four gods of Chaos? like I said, I haven't really been into it for a while....

I definitely would prefer it to be more gritty looking, a la the illustrations in the codex's, but still looking forward to it

edit: just looked it up, I originally thought you meant that the Reapers were kind of like the gods of Chaos

Nah, the Reapers in MassEffect equate to the Necron in 40K. the Old Ones in 40K are basically an old, advanced civilization that the Necron hunted to extinction long before the events of 40K happen.

in many ways the Geth are very like the Necron too.

EDIT: its not a bad thing really, the story makes sense in the Mass Effect world, but it gives the impression that the Devs picked up the Necron codex and said to themselves "You know what lads, this would be pretty cool in our new game..."
Finished Arcania - A Gothic Tale some weeks ago. I mean i love the Gothic series but this game was mainly crap. Now I started Fallout New Vegas and it's so great to play an RPG in which you're actually able to discover something by walking off the path again. Arcania was a waste of time.

Ahh, that really sucks to hear. I'm a big Gothic fan from the old days too. It was always a bug-ridden affair, but at its core they were generally playable games... Risen included.
I never really minded the bugs (sometimes they were even useful :D ). And that's one point I really hated about Arcania - you have no freedom! I really wandered to any point on the worldmap, hoping to discover some hidden caves or simply something that's not part of the main plot (the sidequests were ridiculous, because it was always something like "bring me ten craploads of shit" or "kill this douche and bring me blabla") but there was nothing. The world itself was beautiful and even this levelkind design wasn't too bad, because the single areas were quite big. But it was all empty. Nothing suprising. But that's what made Gothic so fascinating for me, the freedom to do anything you want, kill civilians to get good loot and stuff like that. Simply disappointing.
Mass Effect 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mass Effect IMO, and I still loved the original :D You guys are in for a treat! And I won't spoil it, but let's just say the Geth get a very interesting twist to their backstory that honestly was one of the highlights of the game/story for me
I got Mass Effect 2 from my brother for Christmas. I also got about 60 other games which I will never get a chance to play lol. Looking forward to playing Assassin's Creed Brotherhood ,Splinter Cell Conviction ,and 007 Blood Stone is cool from what I've played so far.

Also: games are too damn long these days. I've been trying to beat Final Fantasy 13 since fucking March lol, I'm about .003 % through Red Dead Redemption , and .004% through GTA4
i got the goldeneye remake too, and i have to admit, im really feeling it too.
to the point where i literally cant find anything to complain about. once i got used to the (awkward as hell) controls, it was smooth sailing.

got super mario all stars too, they changed super mario bros. some snes version i think, nicer graphics. the thought's nice and all, but why change it? what needed changing? if i wanna play the very first mario, i wanna play the PROPER VERSION >:{
dunno what mario bros 2 originally looked like but mario bros 3 is perfectly intact, which is what matters cos thats the best one anyway

got new vegas and assassins creed brotherhood waiting, havent played either of them yet.

also loving the WoW: Cataclysm zones now I'm at 80+ levels. Did hyjal, done most of Vash'jir, been busy the last few days though so haven't played much. Went down to deepholm for a look, mind blown.
I just played about 2 hours of AC Brotherhood , awesome game so far ! I like that you actually get to play as the Assassin in the present this time around.
Red Dead Redemption: 9/10; such a well-made game, controls can be finnicky once in a while, but not enough to mess up this masterful game. Ending was ridiculous!
Ahh, that really sucks to hear. I'm a big Gothic fan from the old days too. It was always a bug-ridden affair, but at its core they were generally playable games... Risen included.
People from countries beside Germany actually know "Gothic"?
Fucking awesome, I got the feeling no-one outside of let's say the EU knew about this series.
Gothic II (especially with the Addon) is still one of the best, if not THE best game ever to me. :kickass:

Playing "The Witcher" atm, and I fucking love it. It's somehow similar to the old Gothic stuff (1+2), yet different in many ways. Can't wait for part II.
Very cool RPG, emphasizing characters, wit, dialogues. Cool sword fights, too - pretty brutal and bloody :lol:
And you get to nail about 20 bitches. lol.
People from countries beside Germany actually know "Gothic"?
Fucking awesome, I got the feeling no-one outside of let's say the EU knew about this series.
Gothic II (especially with the Addon) is still one of the best, if not THE best game ever to me. :kickass:

Playing "The Witcher" atm, and I fucking love it. It's somehow similar to the old Gothic stuff (1+2), yet different in many ways. Can't wait for part II.
Very cool RPG, emphasizing characters, wit, dialogues. Cool sword fights, too - pretty brutal and bloody :lol:
And you get to nail about 20 bitches. lol.

You definitely don't find too many people that know it here, that's for sure. I think there's a cool 'underground' charm to the Gothic series. It has the right 'feeling' for an RPG, if that makes any sense. #2 was really fun, for sure.

I tried to start up The Witcher a few times, but was never really enthralled by it. The combat system and the somewhat annoying fetch/accumulation quests got fairly boring quick to me.

The new one looks promising though.
People from countries beside Germany actually know "Gothic"?
Fucking awesome, I got the feeling no-one outside of let's say the EU knew about this series.
Gothic II (especially with the Addon) is still one of the best, if not THE best game ever to me. :kickass:

You're kidding right?????
Gothic is really really really really really really really famous among pc gamers all around the world!!!
As well as risen!
You definitely don't find too many people that know it here, that's for sure. I think there's a cool 'underground' charm to the Gothic series. It has the right 'feeling' for an RPG, if that makes any sense. #2 was really fun, for sure.

I tried to start up The Witcher a few times, but was never really enthralled by it. The combat system and the somewhat annoying fetch/accumulation quests got fairly boring quick to me.

The new one looks promising though.
I felt similar when playing the first chapter of the Witcher.. after about 1 hour the game gets a lot more intense and cool. I nearly quit after the first few quests because it seemed pretty boring. Maybe you should give it another chance :D
I bought so many games on steam in the past 2 months for under $5 , steam is so cool!
Bought the Star Wars: Jedi Knight Collection and Star Wars KOTOR for 4,47€ each, lol.
And I bought GTA IV Complete Edition today, for roughly 9€.
You're kidding right?????
Gothic is really really really really really really really famous among pc gamers all around the world!!!
As well as risen!
Is that so? If it's known in Italy, it seems believable to me, but I know that the publishing and advertisement in the US were a disaster (for Gothic I+II). They fucked up big times, because it simply wasn't advertised AT ALL (plus it got released one year late) and it was only in 2005 (3 years after the initial release) it became a bit more popular in non-european countries. And it was never the big hit, the developer nearly went bankrupt two times - and sold the "Gothic" rights, in the end. We all know what happened then :(

I had tons of discussions in gaming forums and when it came to RPGs, everybody knew The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Neverwinter Nights.. but hardly anyone even knew Gothic by name.
I know of Gothic by name, never played it.

Here's one for ya, Buck Bumble? Ringing any bells for anyone? :D

Edit: Also another bit of news regarding Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
Brand new engine this time around rather than a version of gamebryo with modifications.
So I figure that translates to Gamebryo with so many modifications it's no longer really identifiable as Gamebryo, but hey, as long as they fix the ramrod stiff NPC conversations I'll be happy.
I felt similar when playing the first chapter of the Witcher.. after about 1 hour the game gets a lot more intense and cool. I nearly quit after the first few quests because it seemed pretty boring. Maybe you should give it another chance :D

Bought the Star Wars: Jedi Knight Collection and Star Wars KOTOR for 4,47€ each, lol.
And I bought GTA IV Complete Edition today, for roughly 9€.

Is that so? If it's known in Italy, it seems believable to me, but I know that the publishing and advertisement in the US were a disaster (for Gothic I+II). They fucked up big times, because it simply wasn't advertised AT ALL (plus it got released one year late) and it was only in 2005 (3 years after the initial release) it became a bit more popular in non-european countries. And it was never the big hit, the developer nearly went bankrupt two times - and sold the "Gothic" rights, in the end. We all know what happened then :(

I had tons of discussions in gaming forums and when it came to RPGs, everybody knew The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Neverwinter Nights.. but hardly anyone even knew Gothic by name.

haha yeah i bought all the half life expansions for like 1.00 each , left for dead 2 for 4.99 , team fortress 2 for 4.99 , shatter for 2.50, plants vs zombies for 4.00 , flight control hd for like 1.50 etc
Fable 3

Seriously.. its the worst game ever.
Its a prime examples of developers not having enough time finishing a game, so instead they just repeat the first 15 minutes OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!!

IF you decide to work for money(Which you dont need as your dog will find a fuckton of gold to dig up in no-time.), you will notice that no matter if you are baking a pie, forging iron or playing the lute, it all works in the same repetitive way, and it takes at least 15 minutes of pressing buttons when you are supposed just to afford a health potion.
(Yes, it was similar in Fable 2, but at least you got some sort of variation for it there.)

Early in the game you need to sneak in to a mercenary camp, to do this you need a special "mercenary suit" acquired from a passed out merc named Jimmy at the local bar.
Not much later in the game there is a side-quest where you are supposed to retrieve a haunted book, which you get sucked in to and is forced to act out these horrible plays(Bad attempt from Lionhead to be funny.).. the last of these plays involves "a legendary mercenary named Titus", and his special costume: The exact same custom Jimmy wore.
It would have been one thing if they commented Jimmy's resemblance to Titus, but no..

Oh yeah!
And the combat system sucks even more then the other Fable games, because now the magic is so overpowered its insane.. the first spell you get could easily get you through the entire game without using potions even once, while swords/hammers are useless against even the easiest enemies.

Peter Molyneux is an aids infected asshole who stole my money!