Are the old ones not the four gods of Chaos? like I said, I haven't really been into it for a while....
I definitely would prefer it to be more gritty looking, a la the illustrations in the codex's, but still looking forward to it
edit: just looked it up, I originally thought you meant that the Reapers were kind of like the gods of Chaos
Nah, the Reapers in MassEffect equate to the Necron in 40K. the Old Ones in 40K are basically an old, advanced civilization that the Necron hunted to extinction long before the events of 40K happen.
in many ways the Geth are very like the Necron too.
EDIT: its not a bad thing really, the story makes sense in the Mass Effect world, but it gives the impression that the Devs picked up the Necron codex and said to themselves "You know what lads, this would be pretty cool in our new game..."