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Yeah, my only complaint with the PS3 is the constant updates and long installation times, but eh, I don't really mind. I can deal, you just gotta go smoke a bong or a cigarette or a pipe or make a cup of coffee, take a piss and come back and it's done.
The rest of my experience with the console has more than made up for that complaint.

Dan, no wireless router? The PS3 is wireless enabled without having to buy a seperate adapter.
The leap from AC2 to Brotherhood definitely isn't as large as from AC1 to AC2, but Brotherhood still has further refinements and improvements, a full story continuing where AC2 leaves off, and a pretty fun multiplayer component. Many people are saying it's without a doubt the best game in the series. I haven't played the whole game, but I have seen my friend play the hour or so, and I've played the multiplayer... and I'd say it's definitely more than just an expansion. Yeah, it's similar to AC2 in some ways, but honestly AC2 was very refined already... It was a great game. So, if you liked AC2, chances are you're going to like Brotherhood also...
I'm sure it's great, just as AC2 was great, but they could've waited an extra year and made it EVEN GREATER, but it's not about the quality of it, it's about the money they could make, and that's why I have a problem with it.
Yeah, my only complaint with the PS3 is the constant updates and long installation times, but eh, I don't really mind. I can deal, you just gotta go smoke a bong or a cigarette or a pipe or make a cup of coffee, take a piss and come back and it's done.
The rest of my experience with the console has more than made up for that complaint.

Dan, no wireless router? The PS3 is wireless enabled without having to buy a seperate adapter.

Yeah I'll try again today and leave it for longer. Try being the operative word. I can't wait to get back to it, but the folks are too annoying when I'm playing and they're home. Have to wait till they leave later.

Not wireless at home yet, but hope to be when I move out which should make the updates easier.
Bought Amnesia: The Dark Descent from Steam. Fucking hell this game is eerie. Really fucks with your mind. Sound design is superb and the atmosphere it creates has got me pretty :cry:. For a game, that's saying something. Any one of you guys played this? I suggest you give the demo a try.
Been playing LOTS of Bad Company 2 the last few days (and rocking :headbang: ) and now I'm really looking forward to BC2:Vietnam..
I hope I can get it on time because friends pre-ordered it for me and I've got to pick it up in another town.. ah well.
Been playing a lot of the first mass effect game. and holy shit does that game rule!!!! I have mass effect 2 as well to start playing after i beat the first one. But it is the first game to really suck me in and keep my attention like it does in a really long time.

10/10 so far :) i dig the gameplay a lot and also the voice acting and story line is intense. i love all the side mission's.
Just finished Mass Effect, waiting for the second installment to download from Steam so here's my impressions:

-overall, a well made game
-interesting storyline, even if it is ripped off directly from Warhammer 40,000.
-the inventory system kinda sucked, made the equipment pretty hard to understand.
-the fictional universe was awesome, and it was great fun just reading the codex entries and picking up miscellaneous details.
-the wheeled vehicle sucked ass, very difficult to drive when the damn thing bounces like a rubber ball at every little bump in the terrain.
Cool points you make about mass effect
I'm not as familiar with the 40k story as I haven't collected/played for a good few years, but I can definitely see where you're coming from with the realm of chaos. I think people who aren't familiar with it might not recognise just how many games have been influenced by it.....cough....gearsofwar.....
Also I think the interface is different on the pc version
The vehicle is basically a rip off of the controls for the warthog from halo, but works great on a pad, probably sucks on a keyboard though......

Also speaking of Warhammer......anyone exited about this? i sure as fuck am

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The Warhammer parallel is in the backstory of the Necron vs the backstory of the Reapers and Geth.
and the analogy extends boyond that, the Mass Effect "Protheans" are basically the "Old Ones" from Warhammer 40k.

the big problem with the vehicle is that even the smallest bump in the terrain sends the thing flying through the air. I'd rather drive a Honda Civic around an alien planet than use the vehicle from Mass Effect.

and yeah, that trailer is pretty rad, even though im not too fond of the vaguley "cartoon-ish" visuals that GW seem to be using in all their video-game tie-ins.
Are the old ones not the four gods of Chaos? like I said, I haven't really been into it for a while....

I definitely would prefer it to be more gritty looking, a la the illustrations in the codex's, but still looking forward to it

edit: just looked it up, I originally thought you meant that the Reapers were kind of like the gods of Chaos
Cool points you make about mass effect
I'm not as familiar with the 40k story as I haven't collected/played for a good few years, but I can definitely see where you're coming from with the realm of chaos. I think people who aren't familiar with it might not recognise just how many games have been influenced by it.....cough....gearsofwar.....
Also I think the interface is different on the pc version
The vehicle is basically a rip off of the controls for the warthog from halo, but works great on a pad, probably sucks on a keyboard though......

Also speaking of Warhammer......anyone exited about this? i sure as fuck am


That had want to be better than Fire Warrior. Though I probably won't pick it up because I have an extreme aversion to the Ultramarines, so unless you can play as Blood Angels or Space Wolves it can eat my balls.

I personally loved the MAKO in Mass Effect. I loved driving it up the top of a mountain and launching off with the jump jets going "Yeaaayeaahhhh!!!" in my best Hetfield voice as it came crashing to the ground flipping and rolling around and not sustaining anything more than some mild wheel damage. :lol:
Finished Arcania - A Gothic Tale some weeks ago. I mean i love the Gothic series but this game was mainly crap. Now I started Fallout New Vegas and it's so great to play an RPG in which you're actually able to discover something by walking off the path again. Arcania was a waste of time.