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Agreed on the loot comparing being one of the most hated (yet strangely compulsive) parts of ME1.

Also saw the Uncharted 3 teaser, pretty shitty. One line and a camera pan over some pieces of paper? I know it's only a teaser, but that's sloppy.
However, I am none the less STOKED for Uncharted 3. UC2 is one of my favourite modern games.
Action Movie surface, intricate, full of symbols and subtext underneath. Love it!
Probably my fave game of all time. I wish they would add fucking trophies already ! I went to gamestop the other day and saw that they (mistakenly?) put "Trophies" as a feature on the Greatest Hits version's box...

Aye, hopefully it will happen soon. Time will tell though :lol:

Honestly I think the first Metal Gear Solid is my favorite game of all time. Even though the graphics are outdated, and the controls aren't nearly as flexible, I think the story is just fantastic. This might just be the nostalgia talking though.

But MGS4 is definitely an excellent game. I haven't played it all the way through yet, but it's definitely been an enjoyable (and cinematic) game.

Oh dude, you HAVE to finish it... Honestly part of the reason it's such an awesome game is because it grabs onto that nostalgia and absolutely WRENCHES at it, and it is a very sad game, which not many seem to have the balls to do.

Of course, though, it wouldn't be nearly the game it is if the other games weren't so absolutely incredible too. The first one is most certainly amazing.
I got Mass Effect 2 as a gift some time ago and gave it a try. It looked well made but it didn't do anything for me.
For a long time, gaming was more of an underground hobby. Back in "the day," (read: before I was born) you had to work just to get the game to boot, nowadays, pretty much every 13 year old in the world has the new Call of Duty, and they're the ones who call the shots.
Industries bend to the whims of said industry's consumers, otherwise said industry goes under, right? Right.

I still remember doing something like this to my config.sys under Dos 6.0
(I took it off a webpage cause I couldn't remember how I did it, it was a long time ago: first 90's)

DEVICE=C:\dos\emm386.exe RAM AUTO HIGHSCAN I=B000-B7FF
DEVICEHIGH=c:\oakcdrom.sys /d:mscd000

You had to optimize you rpc to get shit working, it was fun and frustation at the same time really.
Aye, hopefully it will happen soon. Time will tell though :lol:

Oh dude, you HAVE to finish it... Honestly part of the reason it's such an awesome game is because it grabs onto that nostalgia and absolutely WRENCHES at it, and it is a very sad game, which not many seem to have the balls to do.

Of course, though, it wouldn't be nearly the game it is if the other games weren't so absolutely incredible too. The first one is most certainly amazing.

Return to Shadow Moses FTW !:kickass:
I played for a couple of hours total spread over 2-3 days. The story didn't seem at all original or at least wasn't captivating for me. The shooting part isn't entertaining for me. I've enjoyed a good deal of Half-Life and CS multiplayer when I was a kid of course, but singleplayer shooting is just... meh. I generally love the RPG elements in all games but in this one I didn't feel the need to explore them since the rest of the gameplay was boring for me.
I think your comment earlier Nik speaks volumes. "games have to evolve to meet the demands of a progressively dumber and louder audience base, there's no point fighting it anymore"

For a long time, gaming was more of an underground hobby. Back in "the day," (read: before I was born) you had to work just to get the game to boot, nowadays, pretty much every 13 year old in the world has the new Call of Duty, and they're the ones who call the shots.
Industries bend to the whims of said industry's consumers, otherwise said industry goes under, right? Right.

As an industry grows, the consumer base is going to become less of a minority, and more of a majority, and that's where we are now. EVERYONE plays video games. Even my Mum plays Bejeweled, even if never did manage to get her into Ocarina of Time. Pretty much everyone in existence, with the exception of perhaps little old ladies who can't even wrap their heads around Peggle.
The majority rarely if ever want depth or originality or innovation; Beyonce CD's sell more than Gojira CD's, for example.

This age of gaming right here, is the age of Beyonce CD's.
I've given up following the mainstream, and Fallout: New Vegas pretty much falls under that umbrella.
If you want to find me, I shall be in the Kingdom of Boletaria, trying to slay me some DEMONS so that I may get their SOULS, if you get me. >;D

I'm hanging out to get my hands on the 2 "The Witcher" games, they look really awesome and definitely have that under the radar charm. Have you ever played either of them?

Also in regards to games costing too much, I remember Shadowman 64 being $120 here from launch until about the time they stopped manufacturing 64 hardware. It was a hilariously bad game for what was stacks of money then. Nowadays, every new title is at least $100, $120 if it's a blockbuster.

But I've bought my last 5 games from a UK ebay store that sells PAL games, they are literally half the price of say EB even with shipping included. You have to wait a couple of weeks but I pretty much have everything good that came out this year besides Alan Wake and Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (I might get Fable III when it goes cheap after xmas) and it's cost bugger all.
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood stinks of Bioshock 2 syndrome to me.
Do not know if want

And yeah, The Witcher is pretty cool, if a bit MMO-y. The Witcher 2 looks like it's gonna kick ass though
fond memories of running into the womens bathroom as quick as possible to catch meryl while she's changing

ah, to be 9 years old again
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood stinks of Bioshock 2 syndrome to me.
Do not know if want

And yeah, The Witcher is pretty cool, if a bit MMO-y. The Witcher 2 looks like it's gonna kick ass though

I absolutely will not pay big-title-at-EB price for it but I was really enamoured by AC2, I doubt the story will be as in depth as AC2 for reasons that I won't go into very much to reduce spoilers. The gameplay of AC2 is way more refined than the first one, so I'm hoping that they have worked out more of the kinks in the engine being that the drive behind it will be a gameplay experience as the greater narrative has moved on.

Early looks report great gameplay but nothing too specific, in particular the tendency for Ezio to take a flying leap to the left when you were holding forward. My brother bought a 360 recently and I got him the first AC game to get him started on the series and watching him play it and seeing how inconsistent the movement mechanics are compared to the second game really got me thinking about the progress they made in those areas for AC2. AC2 is much smoother and consistent to play than 1, I'm just hoping that same progress was made between AC2 and brotherhood and they haven't just left everything the same but given him 2 new moves. Basically that it's been developed as a stand-alone game and not just a whole bunch of DLC content rolled into a single package.
The whole hold the button and then just run off the edge thing is never really going to reach perfection though, the system's too simplified and open to the GAME'S interpretation of where you want to go.
AC and 2 both this problem in equal measures from my personal experience. I enjoyed both equally though.

I mainly am not sure if I want to buy Brotherhood as it seems just.. A bit cheap? They have the engine in place and thus they thought "let's crank out more content that doesn't really differentiate from AC2 that much" for the purposes of making a bit more money.
If they really cared about the integrity of the series they would've waited at least 2 years between installments and really innovated with each new game. The refinement between AC1 and 2 was staggering. The refinement between AC2 and AC:B? A couple of meta-games.
I'm not entirely sure that's something I want to be supporting, as much as I do really love the gameplay of Assassin's Creed and find myself getting lost in it for hours at a time, it just seems cheap. Like Bioshock 1 -> Bioshock 2. Bioshock 1's real sequel is Bioshock Infinite, it's not hard to see that. Bioshock 2? Little more than a couple of new coats of paint and a few minor gameplay enhancements.

I suppose I am going to have to play Brotherhood though if I want to see the full story, as it's considered canon, of course. I would much rather skip it and wait for a proper sequel on principle, but eh, it's not going to happen.

Two games per franchise per console generation really is more than enough. There's been 6 Call of Duty games this console generation, totally un-needed. The only ones that have advanced the formula of the series? 2 and 4.
I see no reason any series should have any more than two games per console generation aside from greed. There's only so much money any one person or anyone business needs. Do you really NEED millions and millions of dollars? Once you've bought a mansion, a tennis court and your own private jet, what else could you possibly spend your money on? I certainly don't see Bobby Kotick of Activision putting any of that (completely un-needed) extra cash towards charities and such, and I don't see the money getting put back into really helping franchises to truly grow and develop.

Not sure if I posted this, or just wanted to: Gran Turismo 5.
Just bought with my first PS3. Love it!

Congratulations on your purchase :) The PS3 is a really wonderful piece of kit. How have you enjoyed your experiences with it thus far and did you get any other games for it aside from Gran Turismo 5?
Thanks lads!
Only GT5 for the moment, Gareth. The experience has been good overall, but I was annoyed when I set it up in the lounge room, put the GT5 disk in and was told I had to connect to the internet to instal updates before playing. The net connection was in another room, so I had to take the PS3 and a tv into that room and set up all over again.
Also, I decided to install the GT5 files onto the HD since it kept asking me if I wanted to. It froze at 3 seconds remaining. I'll try that again tomorrow.
I'd agree with the consensus on AC:B, would be great as a £10-15 DLC stand alone, but a fully priced game? fuck that.
Also I feel sorry for Australians, you guys seem to have some of the strictest import regulations in the western world, and massive tax to boot
Nebulous, from my experience that 3 seconds remaining takes fucking ages too. Mine ceased at 1 second remaining for like 5 minutes. Installation times are crazy for that game; the inaccurate indicator of how much time is left is even more frustrating.