Played some Fallout: New Vegas tonight.
Everything that was shit about Fallout 3 in a different town.
I could forgive the random crashes (these can be patched), dull, repetitive quests/puzzles (there hasn't been an original quest in a game for like 15 years, games have to evolve to meet the demands of a progressively dumber and louder audience base, there's no point fighting it anymore) and uninteresting characters/plot developments (I come from the school of thought where you are supposed to give a shit about how your actions affect the world around you and the characters in it because they leave some lasting impression, not where you click through their dialogue because they used that one guy's voice for a third of the world's population and you're sick of hearing it) if the combat weren't such a fucking chore.
You can choose between the free aiming system which leaves you any combination of ammo-less and dead every time because the weapon physics are worse than that awful console port of Counter Strike, or the V.A.T.S which makes everything menu driven and takes the "action" right out of "Action RPG", not to mention dragging out combat that is already as bland as retirement home chilli.
It baffles me that ANYONE likes this game, let alone it being one of the big Christmas lineup. I wish Borderlands had been more popular, then a studio might get inspired to make a genre bender that is actually good, instead of dumping another inbred STALKER-Oblivion offspring on our doorstep and stealing the catalytic converter from our car to hock the platinum inside for crack money.