Rate Last Videogame you played , write a one sentence review.

Metal Gear Solid 4 - 10/10. Most amazing culmination of over 20 years of history and story I've ever seen. Fucking awesome gameplay too :D

Probably my fave game of all time. I wish they would add fucking trophies already ! I went to gamestop the other day and saw that they (mistakenly?) put "Trophies" as a feature on the Greatest Hits version's box...
Probably my fave game of all time. I wish they would add fucking trophies already ! I went to gamestop the other day and saw that they (mistakenly?) put "Trophies" as a feature on the Greatest Hits version's box...

Honestly I think the first Metal Gear Solid is my favorite game of all time. Even though the graphics are outdated, and the controls aren't nearly as flexible, I think the story is just fantastic. This might just be the nostalgia talking though.

But MGS4 is definitely an excellent game. I haven't played it all the way through yet, but it's definitely been an enjoyable (and cinematic) game.
Honestly I think the first Metal Gear Solid is my favorite game of all time. Even though the graphics are outdated, and the controls aren't nearly as flexible, I think the story is just fantastic. This might just be the nostalgia talking though.

But MGS4 is definitely an excellent game. I haven't played it all the way through yet, but it's definitely been an enjoyable (and cinematic) game.

Trust me I love the first MGS too , I played it through many times as a kid. In my opinion MGS4 just takes the formula and (almost) perfects it.
Played some Fallout: New Vegas tonight.

Everything that was shit about Fallout 3 in a different town.

I could forgive the random crashes (these can be patched), dull, repetitive quests/puzzles (there hasn't been an original quest in a game for like 15 years, games have to evolve to meet the demands of a progressively dumber and louder audience base, there's no point fighting it anymore) and uninteresting characters/plot developments (I come from the school of thought where you are supposed to give a shit about how your actions affect the world around you and the characters in it because they leave some lasting impression, not where you click through their dialogue because they used that one guy's voice for a third of the world's population and you're sick of hearing it) if the combat weren't such a fucking chore.

You can choose between the free aiming system which leaves you any combination of ammo-less and dead every time because the weapon physics are worse than that awful console port of Counter Strike, or the V.A.T.S which makes everything menu driven and takes the "action" right out of "Action RPG", not to mention dragging out combat that is already as bland as retirement home chilli.

It baffles me that ANYONE likes this game, let alone it being one of the big Christmas lineup. I wish Borderlands had been more popular, then a studio might get inspired to make a genre bender that is actually good, instead of dumping another inbred STALKER-Oblivion offspring on our doorstep and stealing the catalytic converter from our car to hock the platinum inside for crack money.
Played some Fallout: New Vegas tonight.

Everything that was shit about Fallout 3 in a different town.

I could forgive the random crashes (these can be patched), dull, repetitive quests/puzzles (there hasn't been an original quest in a game for like 15 years, games have to evolve to meet the demands of a progressively dumber and louder audience base, there's no point fighting it anymore) and uninteresting characters/plot developments (I come from the school of thought where you are supposed to give a shit about how your actions affect the world around you and the characters in it because they leave some lasting impression, not where you click through their dialogue because they used that one guy's voice for a third of the world's population and you're sick of hearing it) if the combat weren't such a fucking chore.

You can choose between the free aiming system which leaves you any combination of ammo-less and dead every time because the weapon physics are worse than that awful console port of Counter Strike, or the V.A.T.S which makes everything menu driven and takes the "action" right out of "Action RPG", not to mention dragging out combat that is already as bland as retirement home chilli.

It baffles me that ANYONE likes this game, let alone it being one of the big Christmas lineup. I wish Borderlands had been more popular, then a studio might get inspired to make a genre bender that is actually good, instead of dumping another inbred STALKER-Oblivion offspring on our doorstep and stealing the catalytic converter from our car to hock the platinum inside for crack money.

I play many different types of FPS.
None of them are perfect.
To enjoy them - i have to use my imagination and accept small things that i don't like.

F3/FNV have their pluses and minuses.
The most important thing is to get your Guns skill to near 100 as soon as possible and to get a nice unique ubergun (in FNV for me it is Gobi Campaign Sniper Rifle) as soon as possible.

If you do that, you will drown in ammo even in Hardcore Mode.

FPS action or VATS are just 2 options which i can use, but i don't have to - i can say to myself "you will never use VATS on this avatar".

Boring story ? It is good enough for a game...
For me it is irrelevant, if i want a good story i prefer to read a book.
What i like in Fallout games is the feel and mood of the post apocalyptic world.

Fallout New Vegas: 9/10
Just finished Black Ops: 8/10

I thought the campaign was intense, pretty dramatic, but very very short. Multiplayer wins here.

Going to finish GTA IV since I had that game for like 2 years and never finished it as well as Red Dead Redemption, which I like it... but gets too fucking boring
Fallout New Vegas: 9/10

Agreed, although yesterday I suffered a crash that corrupted my save game and started me over, luckily I've played all the other Bethesda games so I know to backup saves like a motherfucker. I just try to actually roleplay the game, not power up like mad so I can has uberweapon/armour and THEN be bored since nothing poses a challenge. No fast travel on hardcore mode is about as LARP-y as one could get without having a foam sword and a self-made loincloth hahaha. lol...logged about 40 hours in the past two weeks according to the Steam.
I play many different types of FPS.
None of them are perfect.
To enjoy them - i have to use my imagination and accept small things that i don't like.

F3/FNV have their pluses and minuses.
The most important thing is to get your Guns skill to near 100 as soon as possible and to get a nice unique ubergun (in FNV for me it is Gobi Campaign Sniper Rifle) as soon as possible.

If you do that, you will drown in ammo even in Hardcore Mode.

FPS action or VATS are just 2 options which i can use, but i don't have to - i can say to myself "you will never use VATS on this avatar".

Boring story ? It is good enough for a game...
For me it is irrelevant, if i want a good story i prefer to read a book.
What i like in Fallout games is the feel and mood of the post apocalyptic world.

Fallout New Vegas: 9/10

I totally agree with you about the story, I'm loving the shit out of Splatterhouse right now and it has about the same depth of plot as a Goosebumps book. But that's fine because the focal point is the gameplay.

With an RPG, I raise my standards. A game that goes for that long needs to be engaging and very much have the same qualities that make a good book a page turner. You want to keep playing to see what happens. It doesn't necessarily need to be quite as in depth, being that there is a symbiotic relationship between story and gameplay and a balance between times where story drives gameplay and where gameplay drives story. But it certainly needs to captivate.

Take Red Dead Redemption for example, it's GTA with cowboys. But it avoids the pointless busywork feeling GTA games become by nailing the balance between gameplay and plot. You want to see what happens to John Marston next, and you don't regard sidequests with the same frustrated tolerance as you would a nagging old lady because the pure gameplay elements are fun as shit.

I get that it's an RPG and it's supposed to be about building skills and whatnot but even when you get your guns skill to 100 and get a decent gun it's still thoroughly tedious to play. I really wanted to like this game but there's just nothing I enjoy about it.

Luckily, I have plenty of awesome games to play so it's not anything I'm going to lose sleep over, even though my long rants here might suggest the contrary, I just believe in being complete in my opinions. :lol:
I think your comment earlier Nik speaks volumes. "games have to evolve to meet the demands of a progressively dumber and louder audience base, there's no point fighting it anymore"

For a long time, gaming was more of an underground hobby. Back in "the day," (read: before I was born) you had to work just to get the game to boot, nowadays, pretty much every 13 year old in the world has the new Call of Duty, and they're the ones who call the shots.
Industries bend to the whims of said industry's consumers, otherwise said industry goes under, right? Right.

As an industry grows, the consumer base is going to become less of a minority, and more of a majority, and that's where we are now. EVERYONE plays video games. Even my Mum plays Bejeweled, even if never did manage to get her into Ocarina of Time. Pretty much everyone in existence, with the exception of perhaps little old ladies who can't even wrap their heads around Peggle.
The majority rarely if ever want depth or originality or innovation; Beyonce CD's sell more than Gojira CD's, for example.

This age of gaming right here, is the age of Beyonce CD's.
I've given up following the mainstream, and Fallout: New Vegas pretty much falls under that umbrella.
If you want to find me, I shall be in the Kingdom of Boletaria, trying to slay me some DEMONS so that I may get their SOULS, if you get me. >;D
Yeah, even like 5 years ago, I was considered a geek because I played video games.
Now, I'm still a geek, but everyone buys these blockbusters.......
fuck them

Also, remember when game didn't cost like 40 quid new?
Not really.
Games have actually gotten cheaper when you consider the adjustment for inflation.
I remember certain N64 games being like 60 quid though. Donkey Kong 64 anyone? Crazyyyyy. 'Least that game kicked ASS.
Games have become cheaper?
Either things are considerably different all 300 miles down your way
Or one of us has awful memory.....
nonono I get you but APPARENTLY, once you adjust for inflation, they're technically cheaper while just LOOKING more expensive.

emphasis on apparently, though.