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Spent the last week of my life addicted to StarCraft 2.
Excellent presentation, a genre bending campaign, addictive as fuck
9/10 so far

Started STALKER: Call of Pripyat
Couldn't get past the gameplay mechanics enough to really delve into it, ran around a swamp for an hour or so talking to some random Russian dudes, getting scared shitless by weird ambient synth music.
Gonna go back to Shadow of Chernobyl and leave this one for a later date, don't really have a rating as of yet, but the atmosphere is palpable.
Yakuza 3 , fucking love that game. Currently playing through the Japanese import version , imported the UK special edition as well, should be here soon
Fifa 11: 8/10

Another solid FIFA title. Very much the same as FIFA 10, except this time the next-gen version is actually on PC, which is a huge bonus. It finally runs at decent framerates with anti-aliasing. My need for consoles is once again gone, and I'm very thankful.

Civilization 5: 9/10

Good evolution of the Civ series. They have trimmed the fat and optimized the game where necessary, and the new hex-based system just lends itself much better to the game than square tiles.
tetris 10/10

*most addictive game i have ever played... (one of the only games that actually brainwashes the player).
Spent the last week of my life addicted to StarCraft 2.
Excellent presentation, a genre bending campaign, addictive as fuck
9/10 so far

Awesome, now discover that SC2's multiplayer is one of the most challenging and competitive e-sports and hit me up for some 1v1/2v2/3v3/whatever.
nick and character code: Shadowwalker.255
Finally beat MGS: Peace Walker for PSP last night. That game was fucking amazing ! I really hope they do a PS3 remake of Metal Gear 1 (the MSX one) after this. It would be great to see them explain more about Outer Heaven and see Snake finally fight Big Boss.
didn't much like 1 , but this one looks pretty awesome. It has online multiplayer right? What about split screen?

yeah the online thing is pretty cool, whatever you earn online you can use in the game to buy stuff...If you didnt like the first one, dunno if you like this one..its much of the same, just enhanced..more weapons, things to do etc..still timed missions and fighting bosses..
Mirror's Edge - 9/10

...Again. Didn't remember all the puzzles this time, but I still finished it in a very short time, having grasped the overall nature of the puzzles in the game and learnt how to move faster.

Nevertheless, It's still a fantastic game. So original and full of this athmospheric feel of its own, it's such a great experience. The soundtrack also fits the game perfectly. I'm usually not so much into the electronic ambient-type, but I definitely am into this.

There's no doubt I'll buy Mirror's Edge 2 if/when it comes out.

I give it a 10/10 is so fresh modern and stylish ;)
Yes I love the style of the graphics, seems like the ikea of videogames!
Too short IMHO but neverthless it was awesome!
I really liked the idea about jumping and doing crazy shit all around ;)
They're developing the sequel, I hope a 2011 release at least!
World of warcraft - 8/10
Fuck my stupid light addiction for MMOs and how for some reason I always end up playing this game no matter what alternative I try.

To be played.
Finish Bioshock 2
Finish God of war 2
Get going with Darksiders !
Just finished bioshock 2.

8/10 - Was just more of the same from bioshock. The ending was meh, was missing some kind of peak instead of just suddenly you were done.
That's cos Bioshock 2 was a shameless cash-in and Bioshock Infinite is gonna be the real deal. ^_^
I mean I'm sure Bioshock 2 is pretty good and all, but everyone seems to say the same thing, decent but lacking that special something, and that special something would be a soul. :p

Anyway, I just lost 4 hours of my life to Empire: Total War. Addictive stuff! "Just one more turn" syndrome got the better of me.
True, but luckily I was enough of a fan boy to don't mind having to play more of the same ;).
Looking forward to Bioshock Infinite (wonder if its actual have any connections to bioshock, and if it does then hopefull it wont be something like its an old comrade of Ryan that decided to split course he rather wanted to go to skies instead of the deep water :p)

Oh btw speaking of 2K games, Xcom is gonna be fucking awesome (hopefull) ! :D
What Bioshock Infinite needs (and quite clearly has) is a story that encompasses the same kind of ideologies and concepts expressed in the first Bioshock, or variations on the themes.
Bioshock is about philosophy and the effect which these philosophies (and the ideologies which they spawn) have on the people, Bioshock 2, from what I've seen and heard, doesn't really live up to that.

And yeah, X-Com could be cool. I'm not sure though. I like the idea of the re-interpretation, but it needs to be done right and have depth to it. Basically depends whether that guy (his name eludes me) whose brainchild was Bioshock is involved in the creative process or not.
What Bioshock Infinite needs (and quite clearly has) is a story that encompasses the same kind of ideologies and concepts expressed in the first Bioshock, or variations on the themes.
Bioshock is about philosophy and the effect which these philosophies (and the ideologies which they spawn) have on the people, Bioshock 2, from what I've seen and heard, doesn't really live up to that.

Actually it does, the history of Bioshock 2 is VERY good, but not in the game. I actually kind of dig this style of storytelling. They write a great story on paper but you only play a small role of it on the viodegame. They give your character some kind of amnesia so you can grow and relate with it, and mantain the "WTF factor" while you go on.

The story of Bioshock isn´t really about a man killing a leader (Bioshock 1) or a Big Daddy retrieving his Little Sister (Bioshock 2). The real story of Bioshock is about how an ideology (neoliberalism) can crumble into itself when applied by the book. Although the whole thing is a pure phantasy, the reasons behind the characters are very human and believable. Andrew Ryan's creed, Atlas reasons, the way the people act when in fear, how the laissez-faire free market can create monstrous needs, etc. Everything makes sense.

I know that it sucks having to read a fucking book to complete understand the story of a videogame, but I think that if they explained everything while you play it would be very boring and "just putted together".

If you have the time, try reading the storyline here:

It also leads to other branches of interesting stories, like the ARG about the dude investigating the Big Sisters.
Half Life 2 - Episode One - Episode Two: 8.0
Very unique game. I hated the car/vehicle sequences but the gravity gun puzzles are great and entertaining. I loved how the entire game is connected like a single looooong map. I would love to see it all in fast foward hehe. I think I liked Episode One better, although Alyx is a pain in the ass.
I got PCSX 2 - Playstation 2 emulator working on my PC , so I broke out all my old PS2 games that have been collecting dust since I bought a Slim Ps3 (doesn't play PS2 games).
Some games run like shit , others pretty well... only thing that sucks is it doesn't take advantage of a quad core. It's funny that my PC can run Crysis flawlessly but has trouble running MGS2, lol.