Rate Last Videogame you played , write a one sentence review.

Just beat Kane & Lynch 2 in one go. It´s a very short game, but I loved every second of it. It has a repetitive gameplay mechanics (basically shoot people and cover) so it is actually a good thing that the game doesn´t go on forever. The graphics/art direction is amazing. I mean, REALLY amazing. Super realistic scenarios, you even forget that you´re playing a videogame on a fake map. It´s so real, natural and believable, I think I´ve never seen that level of realism. It´s dirt, grit, dark, raw, rude. Very unique feel. I´m not sure if it worths full price (unless you dig into the multyplayer game), but if you see it cheap or has a hacked xbox like I do, go for it.

The screenshots doesn´t make justice to the level of awesomeness of the graphics. Neither do the videos on YouTube, you have to actually play it to feel. The sound is also incredible.
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Bought the new Medal of Honor game , 9/10 from me. I don't know why it's getting kinda shitty scores , I think it's fuckin awesome. The graphics and sound design are both really great
Finally got Red Dead Redemption (sale on Black Friday), really loving this game so far ! Also got Left 4 Dead 2 on Steam (for $5 on black friday!), fun game to play with some friends
Alan Wake: 9/10

Still havent finished, I'm exactly in the last bit, really really in the end. So in terms of writing and story it's one of the best I've ever played, gameplay is cool too, isn't THAT scary, it's more about the story and atmosphere
Alan Wake: 9/10

Still havent finished, I'm exactly in the last bit, really really in the end. So in terms of writing and story it's one of the best I've ever played, gameplay is cool too, isn't THAT scary, it's more about the story and atmosphere

Finished it some weeks ago.
It's fucking awesome!
Too bad I ain't got a decent internet connection at home, I must get the downloadable content for sure!!!
I just loved the game a lot, I need something more!
9/10 for me as well
Halo Reach: 10 (multiplayer) 7.0 (single player)

Multiplayer IMO is simply the best FPS suited for gamepads ever. Perfect pacing, controls, frame rate, graphics, game modes, split-screen coop, theater mode... everything is rock solid.

The single player is pretty decent. Not as epic as Halo 3, because of the scale of events you´re doing. I mean, you´re not saving the fucking universe on giant ancient alien instalations with the Predator as your sidekick, but it´s a pretty cool "team war story". The guns are feeling more brutal on this game.

Yes read dead is really a funny game ! Lotsa fun
I love roaming everywhere, too bad if you just want to be bad, you really can't, you're shot on sight!

Just use the "bandana" item and your actions won´t interfere with your fame. : )
Your gonna laugh and my response should really tell you that I'm not a gamer at all anymore - I mean it - I have not owned a console gaming system since the original Sega system, I did however play computer games most of my life, but not any since about 2006 so for the answer to the question at hand my last video game was:

Everquest - I was probably an addict - I loved it, I'd still play if it had not gotten a little destructive for me as far as play times and commitments go - it's tough being in a full time west coast raiding guild when you live on the east coast and you are gaming (running up to 5 characters at once) every day of the week from 8:00 pm est to 6:00 am est the following morning then you have to go to work.

It's a long sentence and less of a review than commentary - but in short - I loved it, but.....
ive played pretty much nothing aside from demons souls the past couple of months
cant see that changing much unless i cave in and start playing WoW again cos of this new expansion

seriously though, demons souls is my pick for best game of this console generations, absolutely stunning in every way.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

Good fun hack and slash action, has nothing to do with the Castlevania story at large but does not disappoint in terms of epic combat, cutscenes and amazing environments. Some overt linearity, control quibbles and static camera are minor let downs.


I suck at sports games, probably will be more fun after I get into it more. Definitely not a pick up and play game.

Madden 11

See above.


Blood. Limbs. Wow. Very basic hack and slash but very satisfying to rip demons apart and be awash in blood. Strangely, makes me thirsty. Good old fashioned straightforward fun, you can also unlock the original Splatterhouse trilogy so win retro times there.

Black Ops

Treyarch, make this game less like World At War or fuck off. SMGs are not, in any universe, more powerful and accurate than assault rifles.
cant see that changing much unless i cave in and start playing WoW again cos of this new expansion

Do it, I think I'm about to....
I logged in yesterday, and fucking hell, Orgrimmar has completely changed!

Also, any UK guys see that panorama episode last night? :lol: