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Mass Effect 2: 9.5/10

So improved over the first it's ridiculous, and without a doubt the most creative, diverse, well-written and well-acted cast of characters I've ever encountered in any game; truly a masterpiece (a pity the overall main story was kind of a letdown IMO, but the strength of the characters and their respective missions was really where it shone, and made up the majority of the storytelling anyway) The detail and variety of the environments was spectacular too, and the Overlord DLC was amazing (can't wait to play through it again to run through Lair of the Shadow Broker)

And the gameplay was great, certainly much better than the first; I still wouldn't say it was quite as streamlined and viscerally fun as Gears of War or Modern Warfare, but to be perfectly honest, in a game like Mass Effect, for me the gameplay just has to not get in the way of the storytelling, so it's not even really how I judge it

I just heard this is coming to PS3 , but I was pissed cause the first isn't. Do I need to know the story of the first to play number 2?
Mass Effect (Soooo late to the game).


My only complaint is that it takes a while to get some decent weapons happening.

I'm waiting 'til the xmas break to start Mass Effect 2, I don't want any pesky interruptions (assignments).

Also started playing through Borderlands again, best fps/rpg hybrid to date. Fallout 3 and STALKER can suck my smelly nuts.

This week I'm going to recant on my "FPS games on consoles suck" axiom and buy Modern Warfare 2 on 360. I already have it on PC but all my uni buddies have it on xbox and I want to play with them, also we're having a big ass 360 LAN party at their house at the end of semester, and that will be the feature game. Can't wait!
This week I'm going to recant on my "FPS games on consoles suck" axiom and buy Modern Warfare 2 on 360. I already have it on PC but all my uni buddies have it on xbox and I want to play with them, also we're having a big ass 360 LAN party at their house at the end of semester, and that will be the feature game. Can't wait!

You might want to hold on a bit and get Call Of Duty Black Ops that comes out in November. Or get Halo Reach, as it is probably the game that people will play for a looong time (as Bungie won´t make Halo games anymore, and I really doubt Microsoft is going to use to franchise so soon).
You might want to hold on a bit and get Call Of Duty Black Ops that comes out in November. Or get Halo Reach, as it is probably the game that people will play for a looong time (as Bungie won´t make Halo games anymore, and I really doubt Microsoft is going to use to franchise so soon).

I'm really only interested in it because my buddies play it. I might get Black Ops for xmas.
Mirror's Edge - 9/10

...Again. Didn't remember all the puzzles this time, but I still finished it in a very short time, having grasped the overall nature of the puzzles in the game and learnt how to move faster.

Nevertheless, It's still a fantastic game. So original and full of this athmospheric feel of its own, it's such a great experience. The soundtrack also fits the game perfectly. I'm usually not so much into the electronic ambient-type, but I definitely am into this.

There's no doubt I'll buy Mirror's Edge 2 if/when it comes out.
Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic - 9/10

I couldn't even remember not finishing this before, lost interest before I suppose. Picked it up again some time ago and finished it. Probably the 3rd or 4th best RPG I've ever played.

I picked KotOR 2 up, I've never played that one, completely missed it when it came out. I hear it's not as good, but I'm willing to believe it will still be great.

Speaking of these; I'm dying to get to play the Mass Effects! Too bad my bro is going to snatch his 360 back from me so I'm going to have to buy my own Xbox 360 before getting into those or playing online.
Mirror's Edge - 9/10

...Again. Didn't remember all the puzzles this time, but I still finished it in a very short time, having grasped the overall nature of the puzzles in the game and learnt how to move faster.

Nevertheless, It's still a fantastic game. So original and full of this athmospheric feel of its own, it's such a great experience. The soundtrack also fits the game perfectly. I'm usually not so much into the electronic ambient-type, but I definitely am into this.

There's no doubt I'll buy Mirror's Edge 2 if/when it comes out.

It is a cool game , but I know I got stuck like halfway through and couldn't figure out where the fuck to go
It is a cool game , but I know I got stuck like halfway through and couldn't figure out where the fuck to go

Did you use the hint function that turns your head to the direction you're supposed to go?

If it's a room, you usually have to climb as high up as you possibly could :lol: . there's usually a vent somewhere.

I must admit though, during the first playthrough I had to relay on an youtube walkthrough a couple of times because I sometimes underestimated what the main character can do.
Did you use the hint function that turns your head to the direction you're supposed to go?

If it's a room, you usually have to climb as high up as you possibly could :lol: . there's usually a vent somewhere.

I must admit though, during the first playthrough I had to relay on an youtube walkthrough a couple of times because I sometimes underestimated what the main character can do.
Yeah I had to also but I couldn't find a vid for where I was. I haven't played in like a year but if I remember right , I was down at street level, and cops were everywhere shooting at me and I had to run very fast without getting shot . I went up a ladder through a vent and then could not figure out where to go, and I just ended up getting shot to death.

Also, how do you turn on hint function? Is it in options? Maybe I will pick it up again later
Also just had to say , I fucking HATE GAMES WHERE THE SAVE FILE IS COPY PROTECTED ON PS3. Just the other day I went back to platinum Assassin's Creed 2 , I was at 90+% Complete. Now all my save data from AC2 is mysteriously missing . I back up all my save files that allow it to USB, however this one does not. So now I have to start the whole fucking 40+ hours again. Thanks Ubisoft appreciate it