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I loved Bioshock 1 and 2. The first one is better because it has that "what the hell is this place?" feeling, but the second is good too. Great graphics, gameplay, soundtrack, engine works well, plasmids are easier to trigger and amazing story (had to read on the internet, though). The next Bioshock (Bioshock Infinite) is going to be on Columbia, a flying city.
I don't know if you'd like the rest, but predicting that a game will go without any major changes and then refusing to play further (in other words, avoiding parts of reality that contradict your expectations) is not exactly a good habit.


You're right, but let me put it this way instead: I found the game utterly generic and boring to the point I played it, and I didn't think it was worth my free time. I'm pretty sure Bioshock is all about the athmosphere, which didn't grab me.

Although, back when Fallout 2 and Deus Ex were new I thought they were boring until I actually picked them up and started properly playing them, how utterly wrong I was.
Bioshock wasn't exactly mind-blowing, but it didn't stay the same throughout. I don't mind if Bioshock isn't universally praised as one of the best things to happen to humanity since blowjobs, but I do hate comments like 'I assumed that it would stay the same and didn't bother confirming this suspicion before blabbing away about how, after ignoring the parts of the game that contradicted my assumption, I seem to have predicted the future'.

Deus Ex is still a great game, and lately most of what I've listened to would work well in the background of another play through that game. (Riverside's newest album is definitely music to play Deus Ex to.)

Actually Bioshock does seem to be pretty universally appraised. I think it's actually the highest ranked game ever for Xbox on Metacritic
LittleBigPlanet - Just getting back into this game , haven't played since '08 ! once you start creating levels this game is THE SHIT
Ryū ga Gotoku 3 - 8.5/10
I have the Japanese imported version of Yakuza 3. About halfway through it , definitely a cool game. Reminds me of Shenmue a bit but with more action. In case anyone is wondering Ryū ga Gotoku translates to "Like A Dragon"
Scott Pilgrim Vs The World , the Game - 9/10
Awesome old school beat em up with 8 bit flavor. Reminds me or Final Fight , River City Ransom etc

got this game last night, fucking rules!
i thought the same a mix of river city ransom/double dragon.

Need more 8bit games like this
got this game last night, fucking rules!
i thought the same a mix of river city ransom/double dragon.

Need more 8bit games like this

Definitely ! Here's a few tips: make sure you "grind" Scott through the first few levels over and over until he's at about level 16 before you fight the final boss. Even then he is HARD AS HELL and when you think you beat him you have to play a WHOLE OTHER STAGE and then fight the FINAL boss. Even at lvl 16 with mad power ups I barely beat him on my last life. So yeah , grind the first levels for money and exp. Also on the first level , near the end (when it goes into a tunnel with the bikers and cars or whatev coming at you) you will see a star on the wall , its a secret door. Inside you will find really high priced items , when you have enough money come back and buy all the stuff , I would say get the Bionic Arm and Speed of Porcupine first , you will be able to finally tackle the higher levels.
Mass Effect 2: 9.5/10

So improved over the first it's ridiculous, and without a doubt the most creative, diverse, well-written and well-acted cast of characters I've ever encountered in any game; truly a masterpiece (a pity the overall main story was kind of a letdown IMO, but the strength of the characters and their respective missions was really where it shone, and made up the majority of the storytelling anyway) The detail and variety of the environments was spectacular too, and the Overlord DLC was amazing (can't wait to play through it again to run through Lair of the Shadow Broker)

And the gameplay was great, certainly much better than the first; I still wouldn't say it was quite as streamlined and viscerally fun as Gears of War or Modern Warfare, but to be perfectly honest, in a game like Mass Effect, for me the gameplay just has to not get in the way of the storytelling, so it's not even really how I judge it